Ordinary Life

Family Reunion


"Really?" Wow I felt really stupid by saying that. Bri/Mayhem nodded. I sighed and she frowned. "Are you upset that I told you?" She asked me.

I shook my head. It's was just so much to take all in at once. I didn't know how to react. I just stood there like a motionless, speechless idiot. Bri, her eyes glistening with tears, nearly walked past me, but I snapped out of my trance quick enough to grab her arm and pull her close to me.

"You hate me," Bri softly said to me and I just shook my head. She wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face into my shirt. I rested my chin on the top of her head and we just slowly rocked back and forth.

"Why do you think I hate you?" I mumbled. She just cried a little harder and I squeezed tighter.

"Bri, I don't hate you. I'm glad you told me. It's going to make touring so much easier knowing my girlfriend is always right next to me. I no longer have to worry about what you are doing when I'm gone. I'm happy when I'm with you, and this isn't going to change that. I love you, Bri," I told her reassuringly. That was the first time I told her that I loved her. Sure, I think she knew that I loved her all along, but this was the first time those three words escaped my lips.

My girlfriend looked at me with the brightest eyes. She smiled and kissed my cheek. I smiled and she giggled. I knew exactly what she was giggling about too. Whenever I smile, she giggles thanks to the dipples on my face.

"You mean that?" She managed to say and I nodded. She got the biggest grin on her face and she rested her head on my chest. And we just kind of stood there, holding each other for about five minutes.

And those minutes together were the best of my life.



"Where's Bri and Matt?" I giggled and Zacky just squeezed my hand tighter, trying to hold his own laughter in. "They're around here somewhere. Now shh! Be quiet! We don't want to ruin the surprise!" Zacky whispered cheerfully. I nodded and we began sneaking around in the crowd again.

I honestly didn't know why we were sneaking around. There was so many people here that you could be stomping around the place, and no one would notice you. But Zacky said it was a lot more fun to sneak around like we're spies. And to tell the truth, it kind of was.

But, damn, was there a lot of people who looked like Matt were here! Once and awhile I thought I saw Matt and Bri, but usually some random dude and his chick that I had no idea who he or she was.

Finally, we spotted Matt and Bri, and we ducked behind some group of people. Bri was in her Mayhem costume and Matt was all dressed up in a tux. They were holding hand and talking to some old dude.

"Okay on three, we run and attack the two from behind, got it?" Zacky quickly and quietly asked me as he finally let go of my hand. I nodded with a grin on my face, and then he immediately got a sinister smile on his face. We both stared at our targets.




Zacky shouted outloud and we both screamed like crazy people and ran towards Matt and Bri. Everybody turned to look at the two morons running, except for Matt and Bri, and watched confused or wierded-out as we jumped Matt and Bri from behind.

I jumped onto Bri's back and Zacky did to the same to Matt. Bri screamed loudly and Matt gave a quick "Ah!" and both him and Zacky fell to the ground. I jumped down from my sister's back and she stared at me with wide eyes. "Ryan! What the hell was that for?!"

I laughed my ass off, and so did Zacky. Matt slowly got off the ground and he stood up next to Bri again. They looked as us as we were crazy as me and my boyfriend rolled around the ground, laughing.

"What are you guys doing here?" Matt finally asked when we calmed down. "We wanted to simply surprise you and your family. Did it work?" Zacky asked as he helped me get off the ground. Bri nodded with wide eyes and we all chucked.

By now the party had resumed and everybody forgot about mine and Zacky's stunt. Bri seemed to calmed down from her heart attack and I finally had to ask the couple a simple question.

"Rumor has it that you two are going to sing a song together tonight. Is it true?" I smirked and I waited for my sister and her boyfriend to answer.

So far, no answer.
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