Ordinary Life

And Everything Goes Wrong



I clapped as Zacky finished giving his speech about Matt and Bri. I rubbed the tears away from my face as a smile formed on my face. He gave a toast to my sister and new brother-in-law and then he sat down next to me. I kissed him on the lips as I pulled him close to me. As everybody at the party began to whisper to each other, I whispered into his ear, "Great job sweetie." We both giggled as he kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks Ry."

We both turned to watch as Bri and Matt got up to do their first dance as husband and wife. I grabbed Zacky's hand and squeezed it as "Warmness on the Soul" began to play. The lights went dim and the disco ball dropped from the ceiling. Bri wrapped her arms around Matt's shoulders as they slowly swayed to the music. As I watched them dance together, it made me think of mine and Zacky's relationship.

We've been together for like ever. And I think we're going to be together for the rest of my life. But he hasn't even thought of getting engage to me. Yeah, we are both still in high school, but Bri and Matt only met about a year ago and they're married. It made me think. A frown came to my face but I leaned my head on Zacky's shoulder. His arm rested on my shoulders as he pulled me close. The song began to fade out as Bri pressed her lips to Matt's. A tear formed in the pit of my eyes and a smile broke onto my face. Matt took Bri's hand and lead her off the dance floor. People rushed back onto the dance floor as another fast, up beat song played. Zacky stood up and asked me to dance. I forced a smile as I took his hand. It felt nice to have his hand in mine.

Maybe, just maybe, we can get this relationship farther. Who knows? Only time will tell. Hopefully sooner than later.


"RYAN!" Bri yells as she bursted through the front door of our home. I squealed as I jumped up and ran to her. She ran towards me and met me halfway as we hugged each other. I haven't seen her in over a week, since she was in Hawaii for her honeymoon, and I was glad to have her back.

As I pulled away, I screamed loudly, "You need to tell me everything that happened! What did you do? Was it nice there? Did you and Matt have sex?" All those questions came spilling out at once. Bri seemed to laugh them off as we both sat down on the couch.

Bri told me that it was extremely nice in Hawaii. They got an ocean-side resort room with an amazing view. Matt and her usually spent their time down by the resort's couple's pool or the ocean. The food was seemed to be top-notched. Everything seemed perfect and really romantic. Oh yes, and Matt and Bri did have sex.


"Come back to me, it's almost easy!" Matt screamed into the microphone as the crowd yelled the lyrics right back to him. The other guys were playing their heart out on their instruments. I was leaning against a wall backstage as Bri jumped around next to me. For once she was at a concert where she wasn't singing in. Tonight it was just us girl watching our guys doing what they love the most.

Zacky gave me a quick wink because he got into the guitar with Syn. I smirked as I began to tap my foot to the beat. Yeah, I might seem stuck up now, but I have a "special" plan for Mr. Vengeance tonight if he doesn't tire himself out.

The solo was ending and Matt was going back to singing again, but something went wrong. As the words left Matt's lips, his voice seemed a lot more crackily than normal. It sounded like had something caught in his throat. Soon the words didn't sound like words at all, but more like raspy coughs. His hands went around his throat as he began coughing and hacking heavily. All the guys quit playing as they rushed over to Matt. Even Bri, half scared to death, ran over to her husband.

Frantic, I dashed around looking for something to help Matt. I saw Jason Barry running around backstage, confused about what happened to his best friend.

"Jason! Call 911! Matt can't breath!" I yelled at him. He heard me right away and ran somewhere to call an ambluance. By now, the whole crowd was scared out of their fucking minds. Chicks were screaming at the top of their lungs as the guys in the crowd tried to calm them down. I shook my head as I ran onto the stage and over to Matt. Cops surrounded him as they tried to get Matt to breath. By now, he was near passed out as blood seemed to run from the corner of his mouth. I glanced up to see that Bri looked like she was scared shitless. Tears of fear glisten in her eyes as her own husband lost consciousness. I was going to go over to her comfort her, but I was in too much shock myself to move.

Finally the ambluance came and paramedics rushed to help my brother-in-law. Within ten minutes, Matt was on a stretcher, in an ambluance, going to the hospital. Bri rode in the ambluance with Matt, but I was left with all the other Avenged guys, stunned and confused...and scared.

One thing ran through my mind while this whole thing was going down:

What's wrong with Matt? Will he be alright?

Zacky's arms wrapped around my shoulders as the flashing lights of the ambluance disappeared around a street corner.

"Let's get to the hospital," Zacky softly whispered into my ear as he began to lead me to his car. I just walked with him with the same scared expression on my face as before; my mind racing and my heart pounding in my chest.

Oh please God, let Matt be alright. He can't leave us now. He deserves to live.
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