Ordinary Life

The Beach



We got to the beach, and it was unsettling arriving and seeing a bunch of preps and skanks at the beach already. Bri and I looked at each other one last time and we each sighed at the same time. Jimmy already had jumped out of the car and ran toward the shoreline. Bri smirked when we saw Jimmy splashing in the waves. I just shook my head and stepped out of the car.

As soon Bri stepped out, the whispers began. Dear God, do they ever give it a rest?

I looked around to see where Bri was but she completely disappeared. I thought we were going to stick close together because I don't trust her in this crowd of kids and she had to get to a concert tonight. She had her Mayhem clothes right under her normal clothes and her wig was in the car. I let a loud sigh and tried to go and find someone I could talk to.

Just then, giant, muscular arms wrapped around my waist. I instantly thought it was some punk who was either drunk and some person who wanted to beat me. I began to lightly push the arms off of me but then that very same person rested their head on my shoulder and whispered, "Why are you fighting it?" I quit pushing at the sound of his voice and I smiled.

"Hey Zacky," I mumbled backed and I turned my head to kiss his cheek. He smelt like sweat from the game but I didn't care. All that did matter that he was here with me, and that he made me feel better.

Zacky stood up straight but he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers together. I rested my head on Zacky's shoulder. "Did you enjoy the game?" he asked. I nodded silently and he looked down at me and frowned. "What's wrong Ry?"

I sighed. I hate having to share my feelings to people other than Bri but Zacky cares about me and he has a right to know. "Bad day at school. Everybody practically knows Bri's secret," I told him. He let go of my hand and he put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a shoulder hug. Then he kissed the top of my head and gave my shoulder a rub. "Aw don't worry about everybody, I'll make sure nobody will find out about Bri's secret."

That's when I turned my head to his and kissed him. I practically trust my life with this man and he always made me feel like everything was going to be alright.

After I pulled away from Zack's lips, he gave me a tight hug. While we were hugging, I looked down at my watch. "6:20! Oh my gosh, we're going to be late for the concert!" I shouted and Zacky let go of me. I began to dash off to look for my sister, but then I remembered Zacky. I looked back at him to see him standing in the same spot he was before. I gave him apologetic eyes and he just smiled and nodded. I grinned a little and ran off again. Now where did my sister run off to?

I finally found my sister and Brian, making out by a beach table. I tried to fight the crowd in front of me to get to my sister, but I knew it was going to be awhile to get through this crowd. By the time I had gotten through the crowd, Brian and Bri quit kissing and Matt was talking to Bri. Oh crap.

Matt just spoke loud enough so I could hear him from where I was standing. "Hey um, Bri can I talk to you?" he asked her, shyly.

She began to hesitate so I decided to step in. I ran up behind Matt and screamed to Bri, "Bri! We need to go! Something has come up!"

Matt turned towards me with annoyed eyes. Bri looked down at her watch and widden her eyes when she saw the time. "Oh yeah, I really got to go. Bye babe, bye Matt," she quickly said and kissed Brian on the cheek. Then me and her ran away from the two boys and dashed to the Corvette. I got in the driver's side and Bri jumped into the passenger side. I tried to get out of the parking lot as fast as I could but all the freaking cars made it hard.

Bri tried putting on her wig and make up on with rearview mirror. I drove as fast as I could, sometimes breaking the speed limit. Bri's, I mean Mayhem's, concert was in ten minutes and she was nowhere ready. I sighed and pushed on the accelerator. Bri grabbed onto the handle above her head.

I felt like I was in some Need For Speed game. I smirked. Need For Speed is always a fun game to play.

As we got the arena, I pushed down on the brakes as hard as I could and the car skitted to a hault. We were late for the show, but at least Mayhem was here.

We both yanked the car doors open and ran as fast as we could to the arena back doors so Mayhem could get on with her show.
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ZackieVengeance made this chapter. Hope you enjoyed! :)