Ordinary Life

Post-Surgery, Shopping, and Commericals



Bri was still asleep from her surgery, and me and Brian were sitting on the other side of the white room, watching her sleep. She was moving and talking a little earlier but she just fell back to sleep. She was doing extremely well after the surgery. Brian couldn't stop smiling after she got out.

Mayhem's tour officially was over. Well, it was over about a week ago for her, but if it wasn't for this surgery, she would have still been on tour. But today was the last scheduled date and there was no way she was going to make the show. And it finally felt good to sit back and relax and not have to worry about making a show date or not....

...At least until next month. Mayhem already had another tour set. I don't know why she keeps pushing these tours but I'm not going to argue with her. It's her life. Well, most of it is her life.

Brian's cell phone started buzzing and it snapped me from my deep thoughts. He answered it without saying a word, and then walked out of the room before saying anything. He closed the door when he left so I couldn't hear a word he was saying. I hope something bad didn't come up.

"Ry Ry?" Bri stirred from her sleep and asked in a tired voice. I turned towards her and smiled. "Bri, hey how ya feeling?"

She still looked like she was half dead. "Ryan, where's Brian? Did he leave?" She asked in a sort of slurred voice. "Ummm no, he just had to answer a phone call. He'll be right back," I told Bri as the door opened up behind me. "Oh hey Brian, Bri's awak-" I began to say but I turned around and realized it wasn't Brian.

"Oh hey Matt, what are you doing here?" I asked in a nervous tone. Where in the world is Brian? Last time Brian, Matt, and Bri where in the same room, Brian got in a huge fight with Matt. I didn't want that to happen again.

"Brian's down in the lobby. Our band's getting signed. He's talking with our manager right now. He'll be up soon..." Matt began to explain. Mine and Bri's eyes brighten. Avenged Sevenfold was getting signed? That's great! They were an amazing band, and they totally deserved being signed.

"What...the-Matt get out of here!" A voice screamed from behind me. Brian's back.

Brian got right up in Matt's face. Aw come on, not right in front of Bri!

Matt pushed Brian and Brian began pushing back. The pushing became shoving and I could tell it was going to get worse any minute. I got right inbetween both of them, trying to push away both of them from each other. But they were both high school football players, so there was no stopping them.

Finally two male nurses saw the guys fighting a kicked them both out of the hospital. Bri was sad to see Brian go but I could care less. Brian as some anger issues to work out and Matt needs to leave Bri alone. Why in the world is he bugging her anyways?

I shook my head and stand down again. Bri looked at me with worried eyes. I just turned my head away from her and stared out the window, watching cars go past on the highway down below.


"Aw that's cute," Val said to Bri as she gave a quick twirl in a new outfit she found. Today, me, Bri, and the rest of the girls were shopping for clothes for Mayhem's new tour in a couple weeks. We just found out that Avenged Sevenfold was going to be on tour with her and we were are all overjoyed to hear that. Finally me and Zacky can be together more often.

"Hey Ry, what do you think?" Bri asked me but I wasn't really paying attention. I was too busy texting Zacky. Then I felt a hand go whip across the back of my head. "Ouch! What the heck Lacey?” I yelled but she just pointed to Bri. “Oh sorry, it looks great!” I quickly said, hoping to get them off my back. They all stared at me with disappointment.

“You’re not enjoying this at all, are you Ryan?” Val asked me. I sighed and rolled my eyes. “Well I’m not the kind of girl who would enjoy looking for outfits. If you haven’t notice, I’m always backstage in jeans and a t-shirt. And I’m completely fine with it being that way,” I blurted out. Bri’s eyes sadden, Val looked ticked, and Lacey just shook her head. I sighed and said, “I’m sorry Bri. I really do like the outfit.” Bri just turned away from me and stared at herself in the mirror. For the rest of the shopping trip, no one asked for my opinion. I just sat there in my own shame.


“Perfect…Great…Yeah keep doing that!” The director of the commercial kept saying to Bri and the Avenged Sevenfold guys. They were standing in front of a green screen, doing random poses for the camera. I kept smiling throughout the shoot because one thing was going through my mind:


“Okay Mayhem, put your arm around Matt’s shoulder,” The director told Bri. Oh no, why did he have to go and say that?

You could practically see steam coming out of Brian’s ears. Zacky and Matt Went had to push Brian out of the room while Matt and Bri did the shoot. Bri was hesitant about the whole thing too but she eventually just put her arm around his shoulders. Soon, they were doing more shots of them together than they need. Bri and Matt looked like they were both having a great time with each other. Thank God Brian wasn’t there, or he would have flipped.

“Alright that’s a wrap!” The director yelled and we all smiled. Zacky snuck up behind me and kissed my cheek, Brian gave Bri a really big hug and a kiss on the lips, and Matt…well Matt just kind of hung back. But I could look into his eyes and know what he was thinking.

Brian better watch out because Matt was looking at stealing Bri away from him.