Status: Active :)

All Your Hate

Thirty three.

Max's pov:
Lunch with Drey passed faster than I would have wanted, but it was fun non the less. We walked on the way back holding hands because it was mainly an uphill walk back. 
The rest of the day seemed to fly by after that. 

I'm currently sitting in the living room hanging upside down on the couch waiting for Logan so we can go the the amusement park. Today is the opening day, don't ask me why they chose to open on a Thursday, they just did. I closed my eyes and started humming a song that was currently stuck in my head, Touchin' on My by, 3oh!3. Suddenly something slammed down on my stomach. 

"Ooff," i said as all the air rushed out of my lungs. I glanced up and saw Logan sitting on my stomach half ready. 

"Why hello, fancy seeing you here... Hanging off the couch," he said bouncing making it almost impossible to respond back. 

"Logan *bounce* get off *bounce* me now *bounce* and go finish *bounce, bounce*  getting ready," he stopped bouncing so I could finish. "You don't even have a shirt on!" I tabbed his wrists and pulled him off the couch and he landed in from of me on the floor. 

"Fine... Shirt time!" Logan yelled and he ran upstairs to finish getting ready. I continued laying on the couch, after a while I took my iPod out and went to my songs, then I turned on Oh Ho (It's a Pirate's Life For Me) by, Blood on the Dance Floor. I started singing along and I jumped off the couch and walked upstairs. I was already ready, still dressed in my clothes from school, but apparently Logan has to change. 

I walked up the stairs and turned right and then right again into the bathroom. There Logan was staring in front of the mirror... Still without a shirt, messing with his hair. 

"Come on!" I yelled, I walked into his room and grabbed a random band band tee out of his closet and I flung it at him. 

"Put that on NOW!" he put it on and I grabbed his hand and dragged him down the stairs and shoved him into the garage. 

"Okay, okay, let's go," he got onto his bike and I climbed on after him. 

-At the entrance-  

We payed and walked in, I thought we were meeting up with everybody, but apparently they were coming in a few hours... So it was just me and Logan, fanfreakintastic. 

"I wanna go on that first," Logan said in awe, pointing at the biggest roller coaster. He grabbed my hand and took off dragging me across the park, through groups of people and up stairs. 

"Slow down!" I said gasping for air, you see I'm quiet lazy if you haven't noticed so I'm dying right now. Immediately he stopped and I bent over and put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath, and do you know what he did? He threw me over his shoulder. Right there in the middle of an amusement park for crying out loud! As soon as he had a hold off me he took of running again. 

Within a few minutes we got to the rides entrance with a very excited Logan and a VERY pissed of me. I stood their trying to calm myself down, when he grabbed my hand once again and yanked me past the entrance and into the line. The line was surprisingly short, soon enough we were sitting side by side going up the first hill.  

After we got off the roller coaster I dragged Logan to the games, I liked playing them but I usually lost. 

"Oh!" I yelled jumping up and down pointing to a game. "I have to play that one! It has a Gir stuffed animal!" I grabbed his arm and yanked, ten I started running over to the booth. 

"Hello miss would you like to play?" the man in the booth asked. 
"Yes, how does it work?" I asked while taking out a dollar. 

"You get 3 balls and you have to get them in the hoops on the wall," that sounds easy enough. I handed him the dollar and he set the balls on the counter. Then he flipped a switch and the hoops started moving. 

"Here!" I said dumping the balls in Logan's arms and pushing him forward. 

"Whaa- no, no, no," he said trying to put the balls back in my arms. 

"Please! I can't do that," I said pouting. 

"Alright," he threw one ball and it missed, he threw the second ball and it went straight threw the hoop, as well as the third one. YAY! Hell yes, I get Gir! I pointed to it and the guy handed it to me. 

"Holy shit thanks man!" I said grinning, Logan just laughed and walked off making me run to catch up. Curse you short legs and you're disability to allow me to walk as fast as a normal person. 

We rode a few more rides and then on the way to an indoor ride thing my phone started ringing. 

"Sup bitch," I said when I saw Tia's name on the screen. 

"We're not coming," was all she said before she hung up. What the hell even. 

"They aren't coming," I said as I walked up to Logan. 

"Yeah I know, Grey just text me. Apparently they're too tired and now they're all watching movies." 

"What assholes," I said with a frown on my face. Logan was also frowning, but he continue moving up in the line. 

"Let's ride this last one then go home, it's getting late."

"Sounds good to me," I said just remembering that I had an assignment for creative writing due tomorrow. 

The ride we rode was called the Tornado Valley, basically it spun up in circles and on its sides making noises. All the lights were off, but they had black lights going. Let me tell you, it was freakin awesome. 

After it sadly ended we climbed onto his bike and drove home in silence. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Sorry its been sooo long I have ha the worst writers block.. With all of my stories really, I've actually been writing a new one but I'm not sure if I'm ready to post it yet.. But I hope you like this chapter, there's more to come!