Status: Active!!!

Life is Just a Way to Pass Time- The Average Life of a Less than Average Girl

Late for French

Sammi was on her way to 3rd Block, French II when Tony Calamazzi ran into her head-on.
Oof! Suddenly, Sammi was knocked onto the floor and her books went sprawling across the hallway.
"I'm so sorry!" blushed Sammi, who had fallen on her butt.
"Uh, sorry." apologized Tony, not paying much attention, his green eyes looking past the fallen girl. Without stopping to help, Tony rushed off to join some of his friends. Sammi sat where she was for a second before getting on her hands and knees to gather her strewn books.
"Omigosh! JERK!" Savanna Hart rushed to help Sammi up, having seen the whole thing.
"Thanks," Sammi said quietly. Savanna just shook her head.
"You really ought to stand up for yourself, you know?" she scolded, her blonde hair falling across her eyes.
"And you should really brush your hair." retorted Sammi, rolling her eyes. Savanna laughed and brushed back her bangs with the back of her hand.
"Oh, Sammi, what would i do without you?" she half-jokingly sighed. Sammi bit back a smile and shrugged.
"I dunno, but c'mon, I don't want to be late for French."
"Oh, my! Sammi SanMarino be late for class once in her life! The world is going to end!" yelled Savanna, earning a few stares from passer byes.
"Shut up!" Sammi punched her shoulder lightly. "People are looking."
Savanna shrugged. "So? Let them look." She then proceeded to do the chicken dance, much to Sammi's horror. Sammi grabbed Savanna by the hand and pulled her down the hall.
"You know, even though you don't care what people think, it means a whole lot to me. So could you please act normal, for once?" she snapped, annoyed.
"Uh-oh, do i feel a cat-fight coming on?" a voice asked from behind the two girls. Sammi jumped.
"Jesus, Jake, a little warning next time?" scolded Savanna. Jake laughed and wrapped his arms around the two girls waists.
"I'll keep that in mind."
Sammi quickly twisted out of his grasp.

"Can we get to class, please?" she asked grumpily. Jake's smile faded.
"What? Am I that lame?" he asked earnestly. Sammi failed at keeping back a smile.
"No, but i have to get to the other side of this freakin' school in one and a half minuets."
Jake gave her a lopsided grin.
"Well, if it stops you from being late, then go ahead. Leave your best friend."
Savanna slapped him.
"What do you mean, best friend? What am i? Chopped Li-"
"Liver? Yes." Jake chuckled. Sammi sighed and glared at her friends.
"Vous êtes tous très immature."
Her friends just smiled.
"Aller à la classe. Vous allez être en retard." replied Savanna.
"je m'appelle Jake." Jake said stupidly. Sammi laughed, unable to stay mad at her friends.
"Okay, I am going to class now." She said finally, and walked away from her two best friends. She walked down the hallway and disappeared in the sea of students flooding the hallway, becoming an unknown, almost invisible person once again.
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Well.....Keep it or delete it? You decide.