Status: Active!!!

Life is Just a Way to Pass Time- The Average Life of a Less than Average Girl

HE Is Waiting For Me at the Corner, Actually

Sammi was eating a slice of egg fatata when her phone beeped.
From: Sam Walk with me to skool? Sammi looked down from her breakfast and read the message, a childish grin spreading across her face.
Sure  Where do you wanna meet? she replied, blushing profusely.
Corner of Elm and Pickett?
Good choice. C ya then
Looking up, she saw her sister’s eyes on her.
“Why are you so happy?” Bella asked, nosy as ever. She leaned over the table and snatched Sammi’s phone.
“Hey! Give it back!” Sammi yelped. Quick as a flash, Bella managed to read over the texts.
“Sam? As in, a boy?” Bella grinned deviously. Sammi grabbed her phone back.
“What’s it to ya?” she retorted. Bella eyes narrowed and she left the dining room.
“Pa! Sammi has a boyfriend!” she called out loudly. Sammi groaned and mentally cursed out her younger sister.
“What?” Vito SanMarino-Sammi’s father- called down from his bedroom. Bella rolled her eyes.
“I said Sammi is walking to school…with a boy!
“Shut up, Bella!” Sammi warned- a little too late. Mr. SanMarino was already standing in the kitchen.
“A boy?” he asked, skeptically, only angering Sammi more.
“Maybe.” She mumbled. Vito stared at his oldest daughter.
“How old are you?” he asked. Sammi rolled her eyes.
“Too young.”
“Pa! Really? We are only walking to school.” She tried to reason.
“I dunno, Papa. You were fifteen once, too.” Butt-in Bella. Sammi glared at her sister. Vito sat down with a sigh.
“C’mon, Papa.” Sammi pleaded. “We’re just friends, anyway.”
“What’s his name?”
“Last name?”
“Pa! I dunno!” Her father grunted.
“Fine?” He nodded.
“Thank you, Papa.” She dropped a kiss on her father’s cheek and ran out the door.
She was walking down her driveway the same time Mark was taking some garbage out to the curb. He glanced over and waved to her. She waved back shyly, then hurried on her way, making it as far as the sidewalk when she heard a clash. Mark had somehow managed to drop the garbage bag, spreading trash all over the drive way and lawn. Stifling a giggle, Sammi thought about going over to help. Mark was now running around collecting garbage like a maniac, but sudden gusts of wind kept blowing the rubbish all over the place. Mark looked like a fool- his sweats were sagging lower and lower, his spiked hair blowing in odd angles, a look of frustrated concentration on his attractive face.
Might as well. Sammi thought, deciding to help the poor kid out.
“Help?” he asked a moment later, scratching his head in a it’s-hopeless gesture. She giggled and walked over, grabbing random pieces of trash off from the ground. Once the deed was done and the last of the scattered trash was gathered, Sammi handed the last piece of garbage to Mark.
“Thanks.” He said, a bit out of breath.
“Anytime.” She replied.
“No, really. You really saved my ass. I have to repay you somehow. “ Sammi looked at him strangely. They hadn’t really talked face-to-face since high school began. Even not face-to-face…the only text was the one or two from when she and Jake were lost. So why was he all of a sudden buddy-buddy?
“Here, lemme give you a ride to school.” He offered, gesturing to his car. Sammi shuffled her feet awkwardly.
“Umm..actually, I am meeting up with someone…” she began.
“Oh, she could come too.” He said, grinning. Sammi blushed profusely.
“HE is waiting for me at the corner, actually” she trailed off. He looked up in surprise.
“…Yeah. Thanks for the offer.”
“No problem…” Sammi nodded her head and walked away, escaping the awkward silence. She could feel Mark’s eyes on her back as she walked off.
Sam was waiting for her when she got to the corner, smiling and waving excitedly. She giggled and waved back. He kept waving like a five-year old.
“I get it, Sam!” she called out to him. He gave her a crooked smile, one that made Sammi’s heart race and stopped waving.
“Hi, Saveria!” he called out. Instead of cringing, like she usually does when someone said her full name, she smiled. When he said it, it sounded just right. He held out his arm and she looped hers though it.
“Shall we?” he asked, taking a step.
“We shall.” She said happily. They began their way to the school, and Sammi couldn’t help but feel like the happiest person alive. Could anyone blame her? She was walking to school with a boy! Wow, that sounds a little desperate… she thought to herself. But she shrugged it off and listened to Sam’s story about his family.
“I have 3 sisters. Brea, Anette, and Maria. They’re all younger than me, but Maria is the baby of the family. She’s six, and she won’t let us forget it. What about you?”
“Well, I’m the oldest, too. My sisters are Bella and Sabrina and I have two younger brothers. Little Vito and Salvatore, a.k.a Sammy. Bella’s tweleve, and annoying as all get out. Brina is 10 and a sweetheart…unless you get on her bad side, and the twins are five and…well, trouble.”
Sam looked at her and smiled. Sammi felt herself blush.
“Everyone calls you Sammi, and your brother is Sammy? That could get confusing.”
“I guess, but my parents call me Saveria and usually I can tell the difference. What about you? I mean, what’s your full name?”
“Nothing near as cute as Saveria.”
“Try me.”
“See, that’s a nice name.”
“Oh, I know, but it’s nowhere near as exotic as your name.”
“Exotic?” sammi scoffed. “Try tranditional.”
“Same difference.” Sam chuckled.
Sammi opened her mouth to retort when a camero playing too-loud music rolled beside her and Sam. Mark rolled down his windows, not noticing that Sammi was with Sam and grinned, opening his mouth to say something. Sam coughed and stepped out behind Saveria-Mark looked at him and narrowed his eyes. He looked back at Sammi and rolled up his window, speeding away.
“Uhm..what was that?” she asked Sam.
“Nothing, nothing.” He said, clearly not open to talk about it.
“So, anyway…” The two continued on their way to school, and, ten minutes later, when they had reached the school, they were met by a pissed off Savanna and a bruised looking Jake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm...something is definitely going on between Mark and Sam...
I have no clue why, i just don't like Sam very much...
Sorry for not updating! I have had a severe case of the flue, and even worse, a HUGE case of writer's block! :( I'm almost better now, but a bit of writer's block still lingers (and a cough from the flu). So, commenters, get your thinking caps on and leave me a few suggestions for the story. Who knows, i could end up using some, and then I'll give you a comment awards. Speaking of which, Imperfektion wins as the commenter of the week, not that she had much competition : /
Joke of the Day :D
Q. What is the one thing that all men at singles bars have in common?
A. They're married.
Q. What do you call a woman who knows where her husband is every night?
A. A widow.
Q. Why is it difficult to find men who are sensitive, caring and good-looking?
A. They already have boyfriends.
Q. How many honest, intelligent, caring men in the world does it take to do the dishes?
A. Both of them.
Q. Why did the man cross the road?
A. He heard the chicken was a slut.
Q. Why don't women blink during foreplay?
A. They don't have time.
Q. Why does it take 1 million sperm to fertilize one egg?
A. They don't stop and ask for directions.
Q. What do men and sperm have in common?
A. They both have a one-in-a-million chance of becoming a human being.
Q. How does a man show that he is planning for the future?
A. He buys two cases of beer.
Q. What is the difference between men and government bonds?
A. The bonds mature.
Q. Why are blonde jokes so short?
A. So men can remember them.
Q. How many men does it take to change a roll of toilet paper?
A. We don't know; it has never happened.
Q. What do they call a woman who works as hard as a man?
A. Lazy