Status: Active!!!

Life is Just a Way to Pass Time- The Average Life of a Less than Average Girl

She Could Try

The two girls rushed into the school and ran to the French room. Madame C-Jake’s aunt- was handing Jake a tissue for his bloody nose when they came in. She looked over at the girls and nodded, leaving the classroom.
“Jake!” Sammi ran up to her friend and gave him a hug. Jake grimaced.
“Uh, Sammi, that hurts,” he muttered.
“Oh, sorry.” She backed away and took a good look. Jake was pretty banged up. He had 2 black eyes, a bloody nose, a split lip, bruised knuckles, and a nast looking cut above his eyebrow.
“You are so stupid! What were you thinking, getting into a fight! With who-that’s what I want to know.” She threw her hands up in exasperation and waited for an answer. She got none, just Jake looking down at his bruised knuckles in embarrassment.
“Jake, you better tell us now before I hurt you.”
“Ugh, no more hurting, please.” He mocked. Savanna and Sammi glared at him.
“Jake, we’re obviously going to find out as soon as we walk out the door. Tell us.” Jake bit his lip and Sammi could see tears in his eyes. She sat down on the desk next to him and put a head on his shoulder, Savanna did the same to his other shoulder.
“I fought Mark. And I was winning! But then his stupid friends grabbed me and held me back so Mark could get to me-“
“He…punched you when you were held back? Defenseless?” Sammi asked, not believing it. Jake nodded and looked down.
“Jake, you can press charges!” Savanna told him. Jake shook his head.
Just then, Sam came running into the classroom, causing Jake to wipe his tears away quickly and take a deep breath.
“Jake, dude, are you okay? It’s all over the school how you got your ass handed to you! Man, wish I would have been the-“Sammi glared at him to shut up.
“…but are you ok?” he asked again. Jake nodded.
“Come on, guys. Don’t be late for class.” Madame C said, re-entering the classroom. Sammi and Savanna got off the desks and nodded their heads.
“Jake, you can stay in here while I call your mom, if you want.”
“No, I’ll be fine. Come on, guys. Let’s go.” Savanna and Sammi walked beside him and Sam walked next to Sammi. “Time to face the music.”
The hallways were a mad house at Sammi’s first class private high school. Rumors about the fight were tossed carelessly around.
Great fight. Mark looked so hot!
The Faggot lost, of course.
Known for a while about that one.
Lost the fight pretty badly.
Look, there he is.

Jake walked straight through the halls, never replying or even acknowledging the insults. You could only tell how upset he was if you knew him. Savanna and Sammi knew him. He was extremely upset. And so were they, but they knew that saying something would be like salt in a wound. Pointless and painful.
They were almost at his first class when Mark and his followers appeared in sight. Jake stiffened and tensed. Savanna spit at them. Sam looked dangerous. Sammi glared at her once best friend with undisguised disgust. Mark looked at her, then Jake, and then his friends, then Sam, who gave him a hard look, last. His group looked at Mark expectantly. He shook his head and ignored Jake and his friends, save for a last glance at Sammi. She narrowed her eyes…But she couldn’t hate him. She sure could try. He looked down and walked off, letting Jake, Sammi, and Savanna be, for now.
♠ ♠ ♠
Poor Jake got beat up :( Good thing he has friends. But who told his school about his little secret?
I'm BBBACCCKKK! I promise that updates will be more frequent...for the most part.
Joke of the Day:
The Mink Coat
A man walks into a very posh Rodeo Drive furrier with a gorgeous blonde on his arm.

"Show the lady your finest mink!" the fellow exclaims. So the owner of the
shop goes in the back and comes out with an absolutely gorgeous full-length coat.

As the lady tries it on, the furrier sidles up to the guy and discreetly

"Ah, sir, that particular fur goes for

"No problem! I'll write you a check!"

"Very good, sir." says the shop owner.

"Today is Saturday. You may come by on Monday to pick it up, after the check has cleared."

So the man and the woman leave. On Monday, the fellow returns. The store owner is outraged: "How dare you
show your face in here?! There wasn't a single penny in your checking account!!"

"I just had to come by," grinned the guy, "to thank you for the most wonderful weekend of my life!"