Status: Active!!!

Life is Just a Way to Pass Time- The Average Life of a Less than Average Girl

New Kid

You know, everyone thinks that the quiet kids are the kids that are really nice. Well, that’s not always true. Sure, quiet kids are…quiet, but they are only human, after all. And what most people don’t know is that quiet kids know the most. We can listen in on conversations without you knowing we are in the room. So, I’ll let you in on a little secret. We know your rumors and lies and stories. Most people just don’t care enough to listen to us.
Sammi pondered over this thought as she walked through the doors of her small high school. It was true. Sammi could list off at least ten secrets no one ever told her. And she would never have to listen in on their conversation. In her “clique”, rumors and stories spread like wildfires. So It came as no surprise when Savanna met her at their lockers.
“There’s a new kid.” Savanna said excitedly. Sammi rolled her eyes.
“Grrrreat.” She said sarcastically. “Have they got a hold of her?” she asked, indicating the populars.
Savanna nodded her head. “I think they are giving Him a test run.”
“Oh, great. I’ll bet he’ll be a jock by lunch.” Sammi said in a monotone voice, turning her locker’s combination.
“I dunno… seems to me that he is a bit more of a nerd….but, like, a hot nerd.” Savanna laughed at the oxymoron. Sammi giggled.
“What’s so funny?” Jaked asked, coming up behind the girls.
“Hot nerds.” The girls cracked up again. Jake pouted jokingly.
“What? I’m not hot?” he struck a melodramatic pose, causing the girls to laugh even more. Jake joined them.
“So… has anyone seen this nerd yet?” Jake asked. Sammi shrugged and pointed to Savanna.
“I overheard the frilly-frou-frou group talking about him. Our grade, brown hair and…” she mocked an annoyingly girly voice, “An ah-mah-zing bod.” Jake cracked up, but Sammi fired off more questions.
“Sounded like 16.”
“From what I heard, both parents, three younger siblings.”
“Soccer for sure.”
Sammi got ready to fire off more questions but Jake covered her mouth.
“Dude, chill. What are you, a journalist?” Sammi blushed then shrugged.
“Just want to stay informed and all, you know?” she said lightly. Jake shrugged.
“Okay…Well, I got to get to lit. before Mr. Muirich has my butt for being late.” Savanna announced, grabbing her stuff. Jake agreed and went along with her, leaving Sammi to walk to math alone. She sighed, wishing her schedule had more classes with her friends.
She walked to the math room, very aware of someone’s eyes on her back. She turned around. A kid was staring at her funny. He didn’t look familiar. But he did look cute.
Must be the new kid… she thought to herself. Of course he would stare. All the new kids did at first. Savanna called it her “exotic looks.” Sammi wasn’t exactly ugly. Her hair had natural black sheen and perfectly wavy. She wasn’t stick thin, but not over-weight, and her skin was a tan-olive. Her eyes were deep, golden brown. So, she was used to guys looking at her. Until they found that she was “anti-social,” and not a slut. Then she just became another face in the hallway. She turned away from the new kid and entered the math room, taking her seat in the back. Time to be invisble again.
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Sorry this chapter sucks... its a filler for sure.