Status: Active!!!

Life is Just a Way to Pass Time- The Average Life of a Less than Average Girl

And i DON'T like pizza

“Sooo, you’ll never guessed to I talked to in math today,” sang Sammi at her place in the lunchroom. Savanna rolled her eyes.
“The new kid.” Jake guessed. Sammi shot him a glance.
“How’d you know?” she asked, confused. It had only been ten minutes!
“The emo kid John heard from the loner Drew who overheard it from Ms. Pretty in Pink herself, Fiona as she was talking to the new kid.”
“Gosh, news really does travel fast. So they gave him a test run?” Sammi asked. Usually, when there was a new kid, the populars gave them a “test run” to see if he would fit in with them. If not, then the kid gets passed on from group to group until he or she finds a matching clique.
“See for yourself.” Savanna nodded towards the direction of the Populars’ table. Sam was sitting next to Mark and Fiona. Sammi sighed.
“So he’s in with them?” she asked, already knowing the answer.
“Obviously.” Savanna stated. Jake was stuffing his face with a slice of pizza.
“Why does it matter?” he asked curiously. Sammi sighed.
“It doesn’t!”
“Mmhm, and I DON’T like pizza” Jake scoffed, taking a bite of his slice.
“And I HATE chocolate.” Savanna mocked, eating a Hershey’s bar. Sammi stuck out her tongue.
“Well, I thought that maybe because he actually made an effort to talk to one of us…”
Jake rolled his eyes and Savanna scoffed.
“Sure, and he is just gonna leave the populars to hang with us,” Savanna teased, looking to Jake for backup. Jake opened his mouth to say something, but looked up and no words came out.
“Speak of the devil!” he whispered. Confused, Savanna looked to where he looked and also froze.
“Guuuyyss, what the hell?” Sammi asked, turning to see what they were so intent on.
The new kid had left the Populars’ table and was approaching Sammi’s,
♠ ♠ ♠
Short chapter, i know.