Status: Active!!!

Life is Just a Way to Pass Time- The Average Life of a Less than Average Girl

New Addition

“Hey, can I sit here?” the new kid Sam asked, approaching Sammi’s table. Savanna and Jake just stared at him. Could anyone blame them? Everyone in Sammi’s group had once would have killed for a chance to join the Populars’ table, and this new kid just turned them down!
“Sure.” Sammi said, giving her friends a hard look.
“Sam, this is Savanna and Jake.” the new kid Sam stuck his hand out to each and the two lamely shook it. Sammi sighed.
“Jake, scoot down, will ya?” she asked, giving him another If-you-don’t-stop-staring-like-an-idiot-I-will-hurt-you-look. He shot her with a can-you-blame-me look.
“’K.” He moved down, squishing into the Savanna’s seat. Both of them turned their heads to their food and kept quiet. Sammi followed their lead and took a bite of her sandwich, fully aware of the awkward silence.The new kid Sam just sat down and took a swig from a pop bottle.
“So, Jake, Savanna. Nice to meet you.” He began, attempting a conversation.
“Why’d you leave the Populars’ Table? Are you trying to kill your social life?” Jake blurted out. Sammi kicked him under the table, but understood the question. Already she felt bad for the new kid Sam. She could feel the hating glare of Fiona, head of the female popularity group, on her back-could already begin to hear the rumors that she would fire off by the time she finished her barely-a-quarter-full bowl of salad with non-fat, low-cal ranch.
Sam just shrugged. “Not my style, I guess.”
Jake, Sammi and Savanna turned to stare at him in shock.
“Lemme get this straight. You willingly stood up the table of jocks/populars? And don’t fear for your social life?” Jake scoffed. Sammi cringed. Jake was once a semi-popular, on his way to the top, before he was cast-off for being bi. He knew what it felt like to lose social standing. It could never be regained.
“Yep. Didn’t feel like hanging around jockstraps.” Sam said coolly.
“And you decided that we were better off?” Savanna asked curiously. Sammi sighed and looked down again.
“Well, since the only thing you guys have talked about since I sat down is my sitting preference, I guess I made the mistake.” He got up to leave.
“Wait!” Sammi burst, then looked up at him.
“Jake and Savana are sorry. Right, guys?” she kicked both of them again.
“Yeah.” Savanna just nodded.
“See, we are just a bit surprised that you chose us over them. It doesn’t happen very often. Never, actually.” Sammi explained apologetically. Sam smiled crookedly and sat back down.
“Well, maybe I like nice people, you know?” he said. Awkward silence.
“Soooo….Sam, do ya like sports?” Jake asked, tying to begin friendly chit-chat. The two boys set off on a long discussion about a recent football game, leaving Sammi and Savanna to talk about homework, although Sammi was acutely aware of how much lively the table seemed with the new addition.
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Kinda a really long filler chapter...
Uh-oh! Does Sammi have a crush on the new kid? Actually, i have no clue yet, either.
Comment your ideas!