The Best of Us Can Find Happiness in Misery

Title: The Best Of Us Can Find Happiness in Misery (or the fic where Pete thinks too much & Mikey helps)
Pairing: Mikey Way/Pete Wentz
Rating: R
POV: 3rd, Mikey-centric.
Warning: Swearing, handy jay, kind of palming.
Summary: Based on the infamous Pete Wentz dick picture
Disclaimer: Not true. Don’t own.
A/N: I’m in the mood to write Pete, as a total not jerk (well, not total, but. You know), don’t have a conniption.
I read somewhere when I first learned about Pete’s, uh, faux pas, that he and Mikey were hanging a lot afterwards and Mikey was being, you know, supportive, as Mikeyway is. So I wrote a fic about it. Oh, and I did the research. Mikey Way has Lasik surgery in May 2006, Pete’s dick was first on the web in March 2006, ergo Mikey had glasses at this time. So. One thing in here is true.
Word Count: 1,695
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