Status: Alive ^-^ (changed the character pictures XD Check em out)

I'm a Teenage Girl Teaching at an All Boys School for Delinquents

A Little Bit of Help

I collapsed onto my couch. I’ve been teaching for about a week now and things haven’t improved,

“I can see why they lose teachers fast.” I told myself. Surprisingly, in the week I’ve been teaching. 2 teachers have quit due to the gang violence. Fights every day, threats. It’s a hard job. I jumped at a knock at the door.

“Coming in whether you like it or not.” I heard a voice say as the door opened, I smiled at the sight of Joshua, “You’ve got the night off.” I raised my eye-brow,

“Why?” I asked,

“Because Witney’s sleeping over at her friend Miranda’s so now you’ve got time for yourself.” I smiled,

“It’s not really a night off if your going to bug me.” I smirked,

“You know you love it.” I rolled my eyes,

“Keep dreaming.” I sighed, not having enough energy to keep up my happy mood.

“You ok?” Joshua asked, his voice laced with concern. I ran my fingers through my hair,

“Yea, it’s just Sean and Maxi.”

“Those gang leaders? What about them?”

“You just answered your own question. Their gang leaders! Every morning! It’s either Maxi starts a fight or Sean starts a fight! It’s like their natural born enemies! I don’t know how to cope!” Joshua thought about it,

“Why don’t you just hire a teacher’s assistant? It can be one of your friends from your old school.” I thought about it, a smile crept onto my face,

“Joshua. You’re a genius!” I smiled,

“You only just realised?” I nodded,


“Your mean.”

“I know.” I thought about who could possibly control a bunch of teenage criminals, “Ruth.” Joshua looked at me puzzled but didn’t say anything. I grabbed my phone and dialled Ruth’s number,

“Hello?” I smiled,

“Hey, it’s Lexi.”

“Oh hey Lex!” Ruth’s voice instantly cheered up, “What’s going on?” I shrugged,

“Nothing. Hey, I need you to do me a little favour.”

“Anything for you sweetie.” I rolled my eyes,

“If I ring you’re school I can get you out of classes. Did you know that?” It went silent on the other end,

“Where’s this going?” She asked suspiciously,

“Well... I kinda need you to be my teacher’s assistant.” She didn’t answer for a few seconds, “Hello?”

“Do I get paid?” Came her voice,

“Uh, I guess. I’ll pay you.”

“Fine. So I start tomorrow?” I smiled,

“Yes! Thank you so much Ruth!”

“Eh, it’s no big deal. I get paid, time off school. You get help. Everybody wins.” I laughed,

“That’s true. Ok, I gotta go.”

“Kay kay. See you tomorrow.”

“Bye.” I took the phone away from my ear and hung up. I looked up at Joshua who was looking at me expectantly,

“Well?” He urged,

“She’s gonna help!” I squealed, Joshua sighed,

“Ok. So no more worrying for me? It gives me wrinkles and it isn’t very attractive.” I laughed,

“You’re such a girl.” He shrugged,

“Eh. Ok. So you want some dinner?” He started walking towards my kitchen,

“Uh, I can cook you know.” He shrugged again,

“You can but you won’t.” I sighed,

“Whatever. I don’t care. Just don’t use up all of my food, it’s not a banquet.” I heard a laugh,

“The way you eat I might have to cook three.” I pursed my lips,

“So you’re calling me fat?” I yelled into the kitchen. He didn’t answer, “I said are you-“

“Oh I heard you.” He interrupted, “But do you want to hear the lie or the truth?” I smiled,

“You’re horrible!”

“I know but you love me!” I sighed,

“That is true!” I yelled back. I stopped yelling to him and decided to relax for once in my life. I sighed as I sank back into the chair and let my muscles rest. Tomorrow is going to be fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok, I think that this is a little bit of a filler chapter but I hope it's still good lolzzz, thnx to everyone who comments, it really helps me to get into the writing mood lolzzzz