Sequel: Closure

Lost in the Sun


Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

"This place better be all you've cracked it up to be, Jason,"

the nineteen year old blonde said to his twenty-two year old best friend, Jason Miles. Aidan and Jason's history went back to grade school, second grade. They've been inseparable ever since. Last summer, Jason's parents bought a summer house here on Lake Malone but, Aidan was in summer school last year and couldn't come with his best friend. This year, that changed.

Aidan planned to spend the whole two weeks, including Fourth of July with his buddy down here on the lake. All the booze and pot he wanted, boat rides, and of course....they both were dying to find a hot babe to hang out with. I mean, what would be a couple weeks at a lake without a babe, right?

"Hey, it might be boring sometimes but, the party we're going to throw on the Fourth is going to make up for that, trust me buddy."

It had been quite the drive down to the lake, all the way from Louisville. But, Aidan had it in his head that it was most certainly going to be worth it. The way Jason talks about this place; it's supposedly a paradise. When the two boys finally arrived, Aidan was most certainly in awe at his surroundings. It seemed to be a heavily wooded place, but that just gave them plenty of hiding spots to drink and smoke. Sure, they were adults; nineteen and twenty-two but Jason's parents didn't exactly like to see Aidan taking upon the act of underage drinking.

Plus, Jason's parents would never understand them smoking something that's illegal. Cigarettes were one thing, but the first time Mr and Mrs. Miles caught them with a joint, well, needless to say the both of them were grounded from ninth grade until the end of high school. Or at least, it seemed that long to the two of them. Their parents kept an annoyingly close eye on them.

So Lake Malone did have its perks. Hiding spots, a boat to go out on the lake. It had to be one of the biggest pontoon boats Aidan had ever laid eyes on. He knew pontoons didn't exactly go fast like speed boats but hey, if you just wanted to leisurely go out on the lake and fish, then this boat would be perfect.

The first thing the two friends did when they reached the Lake was go inside for lunch, cooked by Mrs. Miles. But, Aidan was so anxious to get out there on the water that he nearly swallowed his food whole. Something was just itching deep inside of him and he thought the only scratch he was going to get was going to be from the water.

"This place really is beautiful,"

Aidan commented to Jason and his buddy agreed with him, telling him about the first time he'd ever came to Lake Malone nearly twelve years ago, when he was only ten years old. Sure, his parents hadn't bought a home here until last year; but the first time they visited the colossal sized lake was twelve years ago this month.

As Aidan listened to Jason tell his story; a boat coming back down the lake caught his attention. Aidan had been getting the pontoon ready with Jason to go out on but... he couldn't help but pause and take a moment to look at the speedboat. It was an older boat, that was for certain. Maybe a 70's something. But the main thing that struck his attention were two females. One looked much too young, fourteen maybe, but the other looked quite a bit older...maybe eighteen, he hoped.

She was looking right at him. From this far away, all he could make out was her curly blonde locks. Her skin tone was tanned, it had to be real. From this far, he couldn't make out an eye color or anything else...though he did get a good glimpse of her arse in the snow white bikini she wore when the boat turned and went down the cove opposite this side of the lake.

"Damn, she was hot."

Aidan mumbled to Jason who turned to look where the boat docked at.

"Ah, that's the Price's place. They own quite a bit of land back up in there on Whittaker. Dad said they've been coming around for years. I think the house there itself has been being built since the early 90's."

"Wow, that long huh? Wonder how old that girl is."

"At least your age, maybe a little younger. Dad said that old man Price's kids would be in their forties now."

"Then, wouldn't that mean she could be in her twenties, like you?"

Aidan asked his twenty-two year old friend and he merely shrugged, stepping onto the pontoon and grabbing Aidan's hand and dragging him on board. Aidan was still pretty much in a trance, mesmerized by the girl he'd just seen. Maybe he'd see her again...

Monday, July 4th, 2011 :: The Fourth of July

When the night of the party came around, Aidan still had the Price girl freshly on his mind. He'd thought about her a lot, even daydreamed, as corny as that sounded. When it got dark, around eight that night, the party was really getting into full swing. They wouldn't start the fireworks though until nine thirty or so, to make sure everyone who was coming was going to be there.

The only person they were missing right now, in Aidan's mind, was the Price girl. As he sipped his second cold beer of the night, he looked to Jason and then to the rest of the party-friends they'd invited from around the lake. They were all older than himself, a few girls were there but they were all taken...or at least hanging around other guys necks.

Aidan knew if he could just get the Price girl over, that she'd be hanging on his. The connection they had when their eyes met, well, there was no denying that there could be possible chemistry between them if they actually met.

"I'm going to take the pontoon over there and see if those two girls want to come over. Or at least the older one,"

Aidan said to Jason and Jason just nodded to his buddy, tossing him the boat key. It took Aidan a few minutes before he could get the boat through the line of traffic that had built up. Everyone knew about the firework show, everyone knew about the what seemed to be an endless supply of booze. Needless to say, Jason and Aidan had "bought" friends with fireworks and booze.

As he drew closer to the other side of the lake, he could tell that there were people out on the dock and sitting on the ground away from the dock at the Price place. One of the people sitting on the ground, happened to be the girl who he'd locked eyes with two days ago.

"Can I help you?"

The male he'd seen on the boat asked as he stood on the dock, fishing line out. Aidan bet he'd probably catch something since all the fish from their side of the lake was probably coming over here to get away from the loud noise and all the boat engines roaring.

"Yeah, sir, my name's Aidan."

Aidan extended his hand and shook the man's hand,

"Roger. Nice to meet you Aidan. You come from that place over there?"

Aidan nodded his head,

"Yeah, my friend and I are throwing a party tonight and the other day when I first got here, I noticed you on your boat, coming back in to dock. I saw two teens on there with you and well, they looked our age so I figured if they wanted, they could come over and hang."

"Well, I don't know about that."

Roger said and Aidan sighed mentally in his head, knowing it was too good to be true.

"Come on over here and meet them if you want,"

he told the blonde haired male; Aidan followed him up onto the hill. When they reached the circle of people around a camp fire, Aidan felt eyes on him and turned his head a little, seeing the girl from the other day, gazing right at him. If it wasn't for the fire casting a tint on everyone, he could have swore she was blushing like a mad lady.

"This here is Aidan, it's his party over there going on and he wanted to know if Lula and Emily wanted to go over there and hang out."

"No, Emily's too young."

A woman commented, Aidan took that as Emily's Mother. Her Father quickly agreed, he seemed to be the type that would agree with anything the Mother said. But another woman spoke up just a few seconds after,

"Lula's sixteen, I think we could allow her to go to one party. After all, it's right there across the lake."

Aidan took it to be the girl, the one he was smitten with's Mother. Her name was Lula huh? Such a pretty name, he thought to himself.

"Do you want to go Lula?"

Roger asked and she nodded, slowly standing up from the grass.

"I'd love to. You know how bored I've been Dad,"

The blonde said softly and walked over near me. I was about three inches taller than her, so she looked up to my face and grinned,

"I'm Tallulah, but you can call me Lula. Everyone else does, as you can tell."

"Aidan, I saw you the other day. Figured, a girl like yourself would probably love to hang out with more people your age."

Aidan and Lula started walking back over towards the pontoon that was at the dock. Roger called out,

"Bring her back here by eleven!"

"Sure thing sir!"

Aidan hollered back and plopped down on the drivers seat of the large boat. He took Lula's hand on the dock and helped her over, so she wouldn't fall into the water. Sitting down next to him on the seat, the boat roared to life. He kept it to a dull roar, putting back across the lake, so they could talk.

"Thank you so much for giving me something to do tonight, I was getting so bored."

Lula said softly and Aidan couldn't help but chuckle.

"Well, I have a feeling that you'll have fun but you may feel a little awkward. The rest of us are a tad bit older than you.. I was the youngest at the you are."

Aidan admitted and looked over to Lula, who was to him nervously biting at her bottom lip.

"Well how old are you?"

Lula asked and Aidan rolled his shoulders a little,

"Nineteen, but who's counting right? Hey, you look like you could be twenty, Lula. That's a compliment."

Aidan noticed Lula's cheeks go completely pink this time; he grinned to himself.

"T-thanks.. You know when I saw you the other day, I couldn't help but feel giddy. I wanted to go over there and meet you but... I couldn't get permission from Dad. I'm so surprised he's letting me come over here tonight. Normally he keeps such a tight leash on me."

Lula explained and Aidan could clearly hear the want to rebel; the want to get off of that leash.

"How long are you going to be here Lula?"

"Another two weeks,"


Aidan smirked a bit more to himself. Maybe the two of them could have a...summer romance in that length of time? He looked over to her as he stopped the pontoon just a little bit from the dock that belonged to his friends' parents.

"The fireworks will start any minute. We've got a front row seat."

Aidan said softly and Lula grinned. Aidan wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him on the seat and she laid her head down upon his shoulder, again, blushing like a tomato. Lula knew that being this close to a male she'd just met, three years her senior was probably wrong but... she was tired of not having any fun.

Plus, Aidan was the closest thing to a spontaneous romance that the sixteen year old had ever experienced. For Aidan, he couldn't wait to get to know the girl better and perhaps break her out of the shell that her parents had kept her in for so long.
♠ ♠ ♠
Word Count: 2,032

Two more chapters to go after this! The next chapter may be quite long.