‹ Prequel: Before the Fame
Status: Completed! :)

Confessions of a Famous Teenage Actress

"I want to break up" are always the worst four words anyone could say. They can either help you move on faster or break you into a thousand pieces and with fame, those four words WILL break you.

Have you always wanted to be famous? On the front covers of Seventeen or J-14?

Don't. It's great in front of the camera, flashing smile after smile, but when the day is over, you'll wish you could turn back time back to when everything was simple. You'd long for a day like that knowing that it can never go back to the way it used to be.

But who are you now? A big teenage fake.

That is what Hollywood turns you into. That's what Hollywood turned me into. Don't know who I am? I'll tell you, then. I'm Samantha Parker, a famous teenage actress and this is my story. The story that Hollywood doesn't want you to know.

Behind the fame is nothing but a collection of blood, sweat, and tears.

I'm not affiliated with any of the celebrities nor do I own any of the songs that are mentioned or used in this story.