Who Knew a Vampire Could Fall in Love?

Meeting Amry

James! I called out to my boyfriend as I ran up to him. We lived on the country side and he lived just down the road from me. He saw me just before he put out his arms to catch me in a twirly hug. 

"hey baby" he smiles at me.

"I missed you." my smile mimicked his. 

"same here sweets" he smirked at the stupid nickname I always called him that he Just gave me.

"okay sweets. Don't steal my nickname for you, make up your own." I grinned evily at him.

"gosh your so pretty" he smiled a goofy sideways grin before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

I sqealed at his actions. "put me down right now!"


"no? James! Please!"

"still no sweetie"

"but you have to come meet my family that's visiting today."

"where do you think were walking to now?" I heard his smirk.

"Um hello! I can't see!" I squealed again as he lifted me back over his shoulder and set me upright on my feet. 

"Well now you can." he stuck out his tongue. I took the chance while his eyes were closed and started running down the path towards my house.

"hey!" James yelled. 

"Hays for horses James!" I giggled still ahead.

After about a minute James caught up to me, his heavy footsteps on the ground right behind me before I felt myself be lifted off the ground for the second time in five minutes. James continued walking towards my house. I heard my cousins before I saw them. 

They were blonde. One was nine and had pig tails in her hair with pink bows. The other one was twelve and had one long braid with a baseball cap on her head. 

The older one, Denise, spoke first, "hey cuz" her country accent thick as that of a hill billy.

Then the younger one, Shelly said, "I missed you like crazy cuz! I was like mommy please can we visit them?!" her accent as thick as her sisters.

I smiled. "I missed you guys too. I was waiting for ya'lls call to come up here."

Shelly spoke up, "oh! Do you wanna see our new moving house!"

I raised one eyebrow and smiled, "what's a moving house shelly?" I laughed.

She started walking to the back of my house. James and Denise and I followed the short girl.

"Its not a moving house, it's more like a tin can, but it's real name is an RV." Denise clarified. 

I shook my head.

"RV stands for recreational vehicle." she looked up at me waiting for me to acknowledge the fact that she was so smart. 

I just smiled at her and then looked up to see the RV that Shelly was standing next to. The windows were all around and big thick pieces of glass. There was one door and it was actually wide enough for wheel chairs. 

My aunt, AnnieLou, and uncle, Bobby walks out from somewhere inside. They stopped in wait for me to run up and give them hugs, which I did. My uncle was looked James up and down. 

"Bobby, he's mine." I said to him with a smile and a laugh.

He got a weird look on his face then burst out laughing. 

"This is James." I introduced them. I linked arms with James and we started walking back to my house with everyone else following. 

"Avery!" I yelled when I opened the door, "our cousins are here lazy!" 

"okay!" he called back.

"Avery! I swear to god if you don't get down here right now Ima smack ya silly!"  

"Okay!" he said again. 

I grumbled and let go of James hand runnin up the stairs only to meet my face with Averys chest. I looked up at him and started rubbing my nose. I was blushing like mad as my brother picked me up and carried me down the stairs.

"why do people keep picking me up?" I screeched.

"Because your so tiny." Avery said as he patted me on top of the head. 

I smacked his hand away and stuck out my tongue, "am not!" 

"yes huh." he ran off to the living room laughing his arse off. 

"Am not!" I called out. 

"are too." James wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pecked my cheek. 

"F you James." I stuck up my ring finger at him.

"Babe come on." he said as I started walking away. 

I hid a smile as I continued to walk away. He huffed but started to follow me. I turned around as we started to go into the living room and gave James a peck on the lips. "Lova ya babe."

"Love ya too." he said to me linking our arms again.  

I sat down on the couch with James next to me. My cousins and Avery were on the floor playing video games and my aunt and uncle were nowhere to be seen. 

"They went to the store to get food." Avery answered my unasked question. 


James was rubbing circles into my back. I leaned on him and put my head in the crook of his neck. I glanced at the clock. It read, 5:15.

"James you were sposed to be at practice ten minutes ago." I sighed.

"I know" he smiled as he stood up with me. 

"I'll walk you to the gate." I said as he linked our fingers and swung our arms back and forth. The gate was about a half mile down. Like I said I live on a farm.

Once we got to the gate James picked me up and gave me a hug as well as a kiss. 

"love ya babe." he said.

"love ya babe." I mimicked. 

We walked our seperate ways. 

"Amry!" my name was singsonged.

"What Katerina?" I continued walking. 

"I love you!" was singsonged also as her footsteps grew nearer and she was in step with me.    

"Nope, I love you more." I grinned at her. 

"Whatever." she tskd me. 

I opened the door for her and walke into the house. The smell was off and I walked into the kitche only to find out that my uncle was cooking burgers on the grill. 

"Yummy." I patted my stomache. 

My uncle had a big grin on his sunburned face. 

"Who was that other boy who came into the house with you just now?" 

"Bobby, look closer that ain't no boy. It's Kat." okay I had to admit I never seen a girl with that short of hair. It being blonde didn't justify that she even had hair either.

"Oh. Ask her if she's eating with us?"

I stalked into the living room, " Kat?"

"Yes ma'am?" she put to fingers up to her forehead ready to salute. 

"Would you like to stay for dinner?"

She looked away for a minute and I caught her gazing at Avery. "Yes!"

"Okay then." I walked back into the kitchen. 

After dinner I walked Katerina to the gate. "Promise you'll be safe?" I asked her again. 

"Always sargeant." she smiled and linked pinkies with me in a pinkie swear. 

I watched her walk down the road til the night fog covered her up and then started walking myself back to my house. I could see the light in the distance when I heard a twig snap near me. It wasn't me though, my brother always made sure our dirt path was clear. 

My heart accelerated ready to pounce out of my chest. My breath was hitched as I continued to walk. 

"Tsk tsk tsk." 

As soon as I heard that my legs moved fast and I was running towards my house. I was hit from behind, it was like being hit by a cemi only softer. I fell on my stomache and hands. Feeling pricky stings in both of them and then the feeling of blood being oozed out of my skin. I cried out in pain. I was turned onto my back and felt someone take my wrist up. I felt two needles puncture the soft skin and that's when I blacked out. 
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New story. My idea. Please don't steal.

Comment if you like it! :)
