Status: Complete

'Third Times The Charm' Brian Haner Jr One Shot

Weird but very rewarding

Steph grinned as she checked herself out in the mirror. The halter bikini fit her even more perfectly then when she'd bought it in the store. "Steph are you gonna marry the mirror or come find your future hottie on the beach?" Her best friend Emily called from the living room of their hotel suite. They had chosen the Bahamas's their vacation spot. The stress of university life washing away by the salty ocean and all the hot guys around. "Hold your horses' " Steph replied "Jeez how far up your a** did your damn thong get today?" she grumbled back as she through her shiny red hair in a bun.
When she emerged from the bathroom Emily was standing in the center of the room hands on her hips in impatience. "I'm ready!" Steph said a hint of irritation and attitude in her voice " 'Bout time!" Emily huffed as she wrapped a towel around herself. She had a similar purple bikini all though she had gone for a much darker shade of purple which contrasted with her pale skin , but matched her short black hair cut. Steph however had opted for the spray on tan before they'd left , so as not to blind the beach. "Your always a Effing ball of patience." Steph groaned sarcastically as she followed Emily out the door and onto the beautiful beach . They found a nice sunny spot and laid down their towels. Emily stretched out and laid down for a good tanning session. Steph however started to scope out the boys that were. . . well easier on the eyes. No one seemed to really strike her fancy. Even though there were many six packs and strong arms with perfect white smiles and glistening wet all over the beach.
"s'cuze me ladies." A vaguely familiar voice rang. Steph looked up to see THE Brian Haner Jr. looking down at her. . . And looking damn fine. Steph's head was tilted toward him as was Emily's both girl's were laying on their back's propping themselves up on their fore arms. All though Emily's glance was more of a glare. She certainly wasn't a fan them or their music. "I'm going to buy us a drink Steph." Emily told her as she got up and left. "Sorry excuse me miss."Brian corrected himself, not a second thought. His attention was more fixated on the gorgeous tanned , red haired hazel eyed sun bathing beauty in front of him. "What can I do for you?" Steph asked with a calm smile "Well I think it would be awful to ruin such beautiful skin ,mind if I rub on a little tanning oil? I'm Brian by the way "He asked with a flirty smile. It hadn't been his original intention to start a flirting session, He'd actually just been looking for the refreshment bar.
Steph let out a giggle "How could I say no? and I'm Stephanie" But before she could grab the bottle of tanning oil a Frisbee player collided with Brian sending him into a face plant. . . Right on Stephanie's breast. "Pervert!" Stephanie cried. "What are you doing to my friend you sicko?" Emily shouted upon her return. Brian stood up and tried to utter a frantic apology but was met by two hard slaps to the face.
Both girls hurried away all though Steph's heart was a flutter as sick and perverted as that was. . . Brian Haner Jr. . . possibly the hottest and most amazing musician on this earth had just planted his face. . . .On HER body. Emily gave her a skeptical look "What are you thinking." Steph snapped back to reality and blushed. "Nothing!" came her hurried reply. "Sure" Emily snorted and shook her head.

--------------------------> 3 Weeks Later<-----------------------

6:30 in the morning the alarm blared. "Uh. . .I hate Mondays." Steph groaned as she rolled out of bed and shut off the alarm. down the hall she could hear a loud SMASH, Emily had probably thrown her alarm clock. . . Typical Monday morning.after both girls had showered, dressed and prepared for the day, which included drinking at least two cups of coffee , it was time to head one block down the street to Harvard university. The day went by slowly. Steph loved the fact she was able to take English . Someday soon she would be a successful novelist. After school that day she headed for work a small, exclusive and expensive but popular boutique. not far from home and who would walk in on that very day? None other than Brian Haner Jr. and his friends Matt, Jimmy, Zacky, and Johnny. The manager was immediately on them like a pig to mud. Brian managed to escape the woman's witch like clutches and his way to the girl folding $600 dollar t-shirts in the men's section "do I know you?" He asked. Even though he knew exactly who she was. He'd never have forgotten such a beautiful, down to earth girl like Stephanie, and by down to earth he meant she treated him like your everyday pervert. . . Not that he was actually a pervert . "Yes!" Steph glanced sideways at him. "I believe that last time we met it was on a beach in the Bahamas, where rubbing tanning oil on my skin became a close inspection of my boobs!" Steph replied calmly even though her face was slightly flushed as she began to walk away. "Hey that was an-" Brian started as he ran after her however he tripped over his "fashionably" untied shoelace, taking her with him. This time landing with his hand on her butt. "Ugh! Pervert!" Steph cried again and stood up, consequently kicking poor Brian in the shin. "STEPHANIE!" her manager shouted "how dare you lay a hand on a valuable customer! YOUR FIRED" she shouted.
Steph glared down at Brian. "Thanks a lot a**hole." she said as she stormed out of the store. That night she ranted for two hours to her best friend and housemate about her awful day. "I'm really beginning to hate him" she grouched Emily put up with Stephanie's grumbling, as well as consoled her. Most of the night was spent ripping up pictures of the di*k who had cost poor Stephanie a cushy job that she'd liked rather well.
The next day after school Stephanie received a call on her Blackberry from her former manager. "Hello?" she greeted. "Stephanie don't be late for your shift today." Her Manager chimed. "you fired me"Stephanie replied bitterly. "Yes but a friend of yours convinced me otherwise." she replied. "I'll see you soon."
"Okay. . . . "Stephanie said as she hung up. Emily was the only person she could think of that would have the guts to confront her uptight manager. She immediately called her as she headed for work. "Hey Em." she smiled as Emily answered the call. " I just called to say thank you for getting me my job back your the best." "your wel. . . . wait what are you talking about?" Emily sounded perplexed.
"Ah I see this is one of those anonymous good deeds." Steph laughed " okay then thanks anyway." She hung up, Emily on the other hand was completely confused as she looked at the phone in her hand.
Steph hurried down to her job figuring because she'd been on her way home she would be late as she walked in the door, She saw the last person she wanted to see at this moment. . . Brian Haner Jr. "Oh no!" Steph pointed at him as her manager ran to hide in the back she'd helped a now. . . favorite and frequent customer plan this. " If you're here to cost me my job or conveniently find your body on mine. ask another clerk." She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.
Brian smirked and walked forward till he was directly in front of her. She gave him a look of confusion as she tilted her head to look into his deep brown eyes "I better do this quick before i make an idiot of myself again" Brian muttered as he cupped her chin and planted a sweet meaningful kiss on her lips. Stephanie was in shock afterwords. Her face went a shade of red no one would have thought humanly possible.
Brian grinned amused and yet happy about her reaction. "So. . ." He started. " How about dinner and a movie after your shift tonight?" He asked smoothly " I. . .you. . ." Stephanie touched her lips gently " We could. . . definitely sure. .we. .go. .movie. .see." She stuttered. "Great." Brian laughed "See you at eight Steph." He waved as he walked out of the store after stealing a last kiss.
"Well what do you know." Stephanie chuckled as she snapped out of her state of shock. "Third Times the Charm."
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I re uploaded this since i didn't realize the mistakes