Status: Very much active! :) Comments are appreciated.

Are You Questioning My Badassness?


“We’re doing Grease,” Mr. Schuester told us in the Glee club meeting after school. I heard excited squeals and a few select groans throughout the room. I loved the movie, and I knew it would be fun. I also knew that because Rachel would fight till her death to play Sandy and Finn would obviously be Danny, everyone else would be thrown in the back as the rest of the characters.

“I’m playing Sandy!” Rachel shot her hand up into the air.

“Now, hold on, guys. Let me speak,” Mr. Schue put his hand up to Rachel. “I was thinking about putting on the entire play, but then I decided that it would take way too much time and effort, and it’s not like anyone at this school would appreciate it anyway. So, I’ve selected a few songs from the movie to put together, and we’re doing a Grease medley for sectionals, which is in less than a month.”

He began to go around the room and hand out the sheet music. When he passed one to me, I immediately flicked through it to see what songs we’d be doing. Satisfied with the selection, I smiled up at Mr. Schue. “This is gonna be awesome.”

Jesse looked over at me. “Yeah, I agree. I’ve played Danny in a school play once, so I’ll be able to coach you guys a little.”

Quinn shot him a look that said “bitch, please”, and I noticed that Puck was giving him pretty much the same look.

“That’s great, Jesse. It’s nice to have someone so experienced in the club,” Mr. Schuester grinned.

“I’m pretty experienced, too,” Puck told him. “Just not the same kind.”

We all laughed, but Jesse just rolled his eyes. “Well, unfortunately for you, my kind of experience is what we need here. Sorry.”

Puck made a mocking face, and then we got back on track.

“Alright, so let’s get started!” Mr. Schuester said. He made us all stand up (except for Artie, of course) and side by side. We ran through the songs a few times, before he instructed us to sit back down and discuss costumes.

“I know someone who can design our costumes,” I told him. “My step-sister, Ashlyn. She’s really artistic and creative and has actually asked me if there was any way she could design our costumes. I told her I’d get back to her.”

“Really?” Mr. Schue’s face lit up. “Do you think she’d do a good job?”

“Well, she’s in the art club and works hard at it, and she’s full of determination,” Mason spoke up.

“Bring her into the next meeting! I’d love to hear some of her ideas!” Mr. Schue exclaimed.

“Will do,” I smiled, knowing Ash would love to hear this.

We went back to the song and practiced the beginning until the meeting ended, and when the bell rang, I picked my sheet music off of the chair and left the room. I was almost to my locker, when Puck caught up with me. “Hey, you need help with that?”

“It’s sheet music,” I gave him a weird look. “I’m not that weak.”

“Right. So, what are you doing today?”

“Probably just gonna go home and convince Ashlyn to come to our next meeting,” I replied as I opened my locker and shoved my sheet music into a folder.

“Need help with convincing?” he asked, hopefully. I knew exactly what he was doing. He was trying to get me to obsess over him again. But I was smarter than that. I’d show him exactly how interested I was.

“Meh, not really, but thanks for asking.” I grabbed my bookbag and lunchbag and shut the locker door. “Seeya tomorrow.”

I attempted to walk away, but he just followed me. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I told him, honestly.

“You don’t really seem like…you,” he informed me.

“Ah, okay?” I chuckled. “I’m pretty sure I’m still me.” I then turned around to look at him. “Just because I’m not hanging off you and drooling every time you come around doesn’t mean I’ve changed.”

“I know, but I-“ he began, but I cut him off.

“No, seriously. The only thing that’s changed is that I’ve come to face reality. You and I…won’t work out. We’re friends, Puck, and that’s all we’ll be,” I explained. “So, go back to screwing Santana, and I’ll go back to…not screwing Santana.”

“Wow,” was all he said. “I think this is the first time I’ve gotten rejected.”

“Well, there’s a first for everything, Puckerman,” I smiled. “I just don’t feel comfortable with being any more than friends with you, especially since I know you’re doing Santana on the side. It’s just weird. You’re a player, Puck. And that’s fine. I won’t judge you based upon that. I just refuse to be another one of your sluts. Sorry.”

He just stood there, staring at his shoes, not knowing what to say.

“Don’t feel bad,” I patted him on the shoulder. “You’re a good-looking guy. And there are much more prettier girls at this school than me. So, just walk down the hallway and let people know that you’re on the market. I’m sure you’ll have a longer list of people approaching you than the list of auditions on American Idol.”

He laughed. “Yeah, I am pretty sexy, aren’t I?” He flexed one of his arms.

I nodded. “That face should definitely be on the cover of a magazine…or maybe a Hallmark card.”

“Awesome,” he grinned. “Well, I’m sorry that I can never keep my hands to one person. You’re really cool, and I know I missed out on something that could’ve been great.”

“Yeah, you definitely did,” I admitted. “Never say never, though. I’m sure you’ll get a second chance eventually, if you ever decide to stop whoring around.”

“Noted,” he nodded, but looked as if he didn’t even understand what was going on in the conversation.

“Cool,” I gave him a small smile. “Talk to ya later.” I turned back around and made my way out of the school doors.


I arrived home only about ten minutes later. I swung open the front door and called out to Ashlyn immediately, but there didn’t seem to be anyone around. I slung my bookbag on the floor and walked into the kitchen first thing for a snack. After grabbing a can of Coke and a few chocolate chip cookies, I ran upstairs and searched further for Ash.

Of course, she was in my room. I opened up the door to see her lying on her stomach, using her laptop. A Marilyn Manson song was blasting from it. She turned the volume down when she looked up at me, though, seeing the thrilling look on my face.

“So, how big is it!?” she sat up, completely ignoring whatever she was doing on her laptop.

“Wait…what?” I gave her a confused look.

“Oh. You look like you’re about to tell me something exciting, so I just assumed that you got into Bangable’s pants.” And yes, Bangable was Ashlyn’s nickname for Puck, which had actually stuck pretty well.

“You’re sick,” I laughed. She should’ve known that I wouldn’t do anything with him, considering I’d told her all about his “screw ‘n’ through” ways. I wasn’t like all of those other girls who were completely fine with throwing their v-card’s out the window like trash and giving it up to anyone who asked. I mean, sure, Puck was real tempting, but I could control myself. Especially after finding out what he and Santana do almost everyday.

“I know,” she beamed, as if I were complimenting her.

“Anyway!” I changed the subject altogether. “I wanted to talk to you about something I think you’ll enjoy a lot.”

“Oh yeah?” Ashlyn looked more interested.

“Yeah,” I nodded and took a swig of Coke. “So, Mr. Schue told us that we’re doing a Grease medley in Glee, right?” She looked at me as if to tell me to continue. “Yeah, and he wants to perform it at sectionals, which are really soon. He also wants costumes, and-“

Her face lit up. “I can help with that!”

Knowing she’d react exactly like that, I smiled. “I know. So, I told him about you, and he told me to bring you into the next Glee club meeting.”

“Really?” Ash jumped up off of the bed and squeezed me. “Is he gonna let me design your Grease costumes?”

“Well,” I backed off a little, not wanting to waste my Coke all over the carpet. “He wants you to come by to discuss your ideas, and then he’ll decide. But come on, you already know what he’s gonna think of your ideas.”

“Ohmygod, this is so great!” She exclaimed. She then left the room, babbling to herself.

I laid the can of Coke on my nightstand and flopped down on the bed. I flicked on the TV, and began channel surfing until I got to a kids channel. After watching an episode of Dragon Tales and Rugrats (come on, you’re never too old for cartoons), I drifted off to sleep, exhausted from school and turning down Puck. Everyone knows that rejecting Noah Puckerman could really suck the life outta ya.
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Just finished the update like half an hour ago! I promised myself that I'd dedicate all of Sunday to writing, and I pretty much did just that. Especially since I don't get a whole lot of time to work on it during schooldays. Far too tired. :P
Please comment. :) And thanks to everyone who's commented on previous chapters, and subbed. Means a lot. <3