Status: Very much active! :) Comments are appreciated.

Are You Questioning My Badassness?


When the last bell of the day rang, I waited in the bathroom for a few more minutes. Why? Well, for one, if Puck was looking for me after school, he wouldn’t be able to find me. And after so long, he’d just give up and go to football practice. I was still really embarrassed about what he’d sung to me. Like, who does that? I wouldn’t have minded so much if it was just the two of us, but the entire Glee club had witnessed it. Not cool.

About ten minutes after the bell, I stood up and exited the stall. I took a good look at myself in the mirror and washed my hands before actually leaving the bathroom. Once I opened the door and walked out, I nearly jumped at a voice behind me.

“Well, that was a really long piss break.” I turned around to see Puck leaning against the wall directly beside the bathroom door. His arms were folded and he gave me a weird look that said “explain?”.

“Uhh…” I was really surprised to see him there. Had he seriously stood outside the girl’s bathroom for two hours?

“Is someone avoiding me?” he smirked.

“No,” I snapped, and then looked away. “I was just feeling a little sick.”

“Ahh...right…” he said this in a tone that showed he didn’t believe me.

“I was!” I spat out. “Especially after that song you sang to me. I ran in here right away to puke my guts up.”

“You don’t look that sick to me. I think ‘amazed’ is a better word.” Puck grinned.

“Oh, definitely,” I rolled my eyes. “And what about you? Were you waiting for a certain someone?”

“Nope,” he shook his head. “Just chillin’.”

“For over two hours?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Nope. I went to the vending machine and back,” he nodded towards a Twix wrapper on the floor beside him.

“Litterbug,” I muttered as I bent down to pick up his trash. The asshole stepped on it, however, so that I wasn’t able to pick it up. I glared up at him, and he didn’t budge.

“Fine, jerk,” I shrugged, and began to walk away. “School’s over, so I’m going home now. And you probably should, too.”

“Want a ride?” he called after me.

I raised my middle finger in the air and ignored him as I began towards my locker to grab my jacket and bookbag. When I had obtained my things, I realized that I had to walk back towards where I’d just hidden for two hours, and really didn’t want to go back there. But knowing that this was the only way out of the school (unless I climbed out a window or used a fire exit), I slowly began to make my way back towards Puckzilla.

Well, Puck was nowhere to be seen, and when I looked around to see if he was hiding behind a trashcan or something, I noticed that he’d also decided to pick up his trash. Smiling to myself and shaking my head, I exited the front doors of the school. I circled around the back of the school to the football field and sat on the bleachers , hoping Puck would notice me. I just wanted him to know I wasn’t upset with him, since I’d just finished acting like a total bitch to him.

He did notice me after a few minutes, but only after Finn called out to me and waved. Puck looked over in his #20 jersey, grinned, waved, then went back to football. I took out my iPod and put it on shuffle as I watched him play. He was actually really good, and I had to admit, he was totally working that uniform. This fact made me stay longer than I’d intended.

After practice, a sweaty Puck approached me as I was editing the playlists on my iPod. I pretended not to notice, and when he coughed, I looked up. “Oh, hey. I didn’t see you there.”

“Oh, come on. I’m not that stupid,” he rolled his eyes as he pulled his jersey up over his torso. “You were totally checkin’ me out during those plays.”

I snorted, but couldn’t deny it. “Yeah, you’re right.”

“Really?” He sounded surprised. He began to take his equipment off, throwing it on the ground beside him.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “You’re hot stuff, and sadly, you know it.”

“Nice that you’re finally admitting it,” he smirked. “But I couldn’t agree more.”

He continued stripping, and eventually his shirt was off. I tried not to stare, but damn…his body was so amazing. From the arms to the muscle to the nipple ring. It took everything in me not to jump off the bleachers and sexually assault him. He caught me gazing at him and laughed out loud.

“You look like an animal when you do that,” he smirked. “But it’s cool. I understand completely.”

“I’m sure you do,” I gave him a sarcastic smile before standing up. “Well, this has been fun, but I should probably be getting home. I promised Ashlyn I’d help her start designing costumes.” That was kind of a lie, but he didn’t need to know that.

“Right,” he nodded, and bent over to pick up his equipment. “I gotta shower anyway.”

“Have fun with that. Talk to you later,” I waved before walking off the football field.

I began to make my way home, and when I arrived, I noticed that there was a strange vehicle in the driveway. After looking through the car windows and not being able to find any clues as to who it could be, I decided it was one of my mom’s friends, and continued to walk up the driveway. Once I entered the house, I also noticed a pair of guy sneakers in the porch. Weird. Was my mother having an affair?

I slung my bookbag on the floor and made my way up the stairs. I was about to enter my room, when I heard laughter coming from Ashlyn’s room. I knew that she had a tendency to talk and laugh to herself, but this time, I had a feeling she wasn’t alone. I quietly made my way down the hallway and knocked on her door. “Are you okay in there?” I asked.

She laughed once again and then I heard footsteps coming towards the door. She threw it open and looked at me. “Hey! What took you so long to get home?”

“I was avoiding Puck, and then he found me anyway and I watched him play football for a while,” I told her bluntly, before I noticed another figure standing in the room. My eyes slowly drifted upwards until they met with Jesse St. James. “Um, hi.”

“Hey, Nova,” he smiled.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, not in a rude way, just out of curiosity.

“Jesse has Art class with me, and we spent the whole class discussing Grease and my ideas for the costumes and stuff. And then he noticed that I was walking alone after school, so he offered me a ride. And then I invited him over here,” Ash explained.

“Oh,” I said. “So, what are you guys up to?”

“Well, Jesse was just giving me dancing and singing tips that he’s learned over the years. I know I’m not going to be a professional dancer or anything, and my singing is for shower use only, but we’re just having a bit of fun.”

“Awesome,” I nodded, and then looked over at Jesse. “By the way, awesome car.”

“Thanks,” he smiled.

I left Ashlyn’s room and went downstairs for some food. After getting a glass of Kool-Aid and a bowl of ice cream, I went back upstairs with my food items, and flopped on my bed. I turned on my iPod and ate away while listening to the Grease medley over and over again until I felt like it was rammed into my head.

I eventually felt a vibration in my pocket. I reached into it and pulled out my phone, realizing that I’d just received a text.

hey, what are u doin

I rolled my eyes at Puck’s completely illiterate text and replied.

Sweet Jesus, Puck. Ever hear of a thing called grammar?

He texted me back almost immediately, but when I saw the text, I knew why it had taken him such a short time to type it out.

actually no. i dont rly go 2 english or any other class for that matter remember?

I remember. Anyway, what do you want? XD

well psh…nevermind than

Fine. I’m going to take a nap. Later.

nooo. come for a drive with me. ill pick u up ok?

What makes you think I wanna go for a drive with you?

did u not see me in practice? lol ill be there in 5 k?

Seeya then, Puckzilla.
♠ ♠ ♠
Whoa, guys. I'm so fucking sorry it took me so long to update. I haven't had much time to work on my stories lately, and I'm trying my hardest, so bare with me. <3 And thanks so much for reading! I'll try to have a new update soon.
Comments are very much encouraged. :)