Status: Very much active! :) Comments are appreciated.

Are You Questioning My Badassness?


The second day of school got a tad easier. And when I say tad, I mean a LOT. The first three periods flew by, and by the time lunchtime arrived, I was standing at the slushie machine, filling an extra large cup with cherry-flavoured slush, while I held orange in my other hand.

I made my way through the halls, wondering if I actually had the guts to do this. But then I remembered who I was doing it to, so my wonder immediately went away.

I found it amazing how much power a person could have while holding slushies as weapons. People took one look at me, and basically ran for cover. It was so amusing.

I spotted Puck and the same guy he was with earlier, who I found out was named Finn. They were both standing next to some cheerleader's lockers. They looked so full of themselves, and it made me sick.

"Hey. Puckerman." I said in a casual tone.

He turned around, probably thinking I was another one of his "hoes". Girls that would do anything just to be next to him. Girls that would give their left leg to screw him. Girls who had no self-respect, but tons for a guy who deserved it the least.

He saw me, and his eyes widened as they quickly made their way down to my hands. But before he had a chance to run, I threw both slushies in his face with as much force as possible.

Puck's jaw dropped to the ground, matching the faces of the people standing around him. Everyone looked at me in complete horror.

"What the hell was that!" he screamed at me.

"Well, ]Fuck, it looks as if Mason's not the only flamer in this school right now," I smirked, watching the red and orange juice drip from his face and outfit onto the floor.

"Oh, you little bitch,” His face was blood red, and I didn't think it was from the cherry slushie, either.

"Shit happens, bro." I shrugged as I walked away. I heard his fist slam into a locker door before I disappeared into the crowd.

I went to the cafeteria to see what was up there. Mason, Kurt, and Mercedes were sitting down at the third table. I took a seat right next to Mason and began to gloat about what had just happened.

"Waitwaitwait...lemme get this threw not only one, but two flame-colored Noah Puckerman..." Kurt's eyes widened to a size I didn't know was possible.

"That's righttttt," I grinned. "Somebody had to put that prick in his place."

"Did he hit you?" Mason asked.

"Nope. He just screamed and turned an odd color and punched a locker. Other than that, he took it pretty well."

Everyone looked at me like I was some sort of Jesus. And I sure as hell felt like one after pulling a stunt like that on only my second day. And I hoped Fuck learned his lesson, because if he didn't, I wouldn't have a problem with teaching him a new one. And the next time, it would be ten times worse.

A voice came over the intercom, so we all stopped talking to listen, although it would probably be some bullshit that didn't concern me, like Cheerio's practice.

"Sorry for the interruption, but there will be a Glee club meeting in the choir room in five minutes."

"That means us," Mason nodded. Everyone at the table stood up at the same time. I just sat there like an idiot until Mason looked down at me. "Coming?"


"Glee club," Kurt practically chirped.

"Ah, I don't think so..." I shook my head. The word "glee" itself kind of made me want to kill myself. I heard that joining was one of the worst possible things a person could do. And I wasn't ready to commit social suicide on my second day of school.

"Come on!" Mason grabbed my hand and pretty much forced me out of my seat.

"Yeah, it's not as bad as you think," said Mercedes. "Plus, you don't have to join. Just come check it out. You'll be surprised at how much fun it actually is."

"Alright," I agreed, but mainly because I didn't want to sit alone at the cafeteria table. Actually, most of it was because I didn't want to be alone when Puck found me. He would probably drown me in slushie, and it'd be nice to have some backup.

I followed my new friends to the choir room. The door was open wide, and inside I saw at least five people. Wow, I thought to myself. That's like, five more people than I'd expected.

"Afternoon, Mr. Schue. We've got us a visitor," Kurt greeted a rather handsome teacher with curly brown hair, as we entered the door.

"Oh, it looks like we do!" the teacher exclaimed. He rushed over to me and shook my hand. "And what's your name?"

"I'm Nova," I told him.

"Great. Well, Nova, I'm Mr. Schuester, but everyone just shortens it to Mr. Schue. It's a pleasure to meet you. Will you be auditioning for Glee?"

I shrugged. "I don't know yet. I was just convinced to come watch."

"I see. That's cool. Feel free to take a seat, and we'll see how it goes, huh?"

"Sure thing," I walked over to an empty seat next to a gorgeous blonde Cheerio and a decent-looking Asian boy. The Cheerio was one of the witnesses of what I'd done to Puck a little earlier.

"So, first of all, to make our visitor a little more welcome, the people who don't know Nova can briefly introduce themselves. Briefly," he eyed a brunette, who looked like she refused to sit down. "Let's start with you, Rachel."

"Rachel" looked over at me with a really pretty and overly-confident smile. She had dark brown hair that flowed past her shoulders in loose curls, and big brown eyes that showed determination and talent. She was dressed in a bright blue turtleneck and a long, black skirt. She looked like my grandmother, except worse.

"I'm Rachel Berry, the most talented girl you'll ever meet."

Mason snorted. "No, honey. I'm the most talented girl you'll ever meet."

Everyone in the room laughed, but unfortunately, Mason was very serious.

"Alright, guys. We're short on time, so let's speed this up."

Next was a Latina Cheerio, who'd had the word "bitch" written all over her. She wore a WMHS Cheerio uniform, and her black hair was tied back in a tight ponytail. She was the other Cheerio who'd witnessed me slushing Puck.

"I'm Santana," she snapped. "But we've already met, right?"

I nodded, forcing myself not to reply, because if I did, something would start, and I was not in the mood for drama. Especially with a Cheerio. Those chicks were known for fucking up lives big time.

Another blonde Cheerio (not the one sitting next to me) cut in. "I'm..." She looked around the room for help.

"Brittany..." everyone in the room finished for her, in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah," she nodded. "Brittany Spears..." She looked completely serious. I wondered what the hell was wrong with her.

"She's got a few loose screws," the Cheerio next to me whispered.

A dark guy with short, curly, black hair and a cute baby face looked over at me with a sincere and welcoming smile. "I'm Matt. Nice to meet ya, newbie."

"Thanks," I smiled back at him.

An Asian girl sitting next to Matt looked over at me. She had long, black hair with purple extensions and matching purple eyeshadow. "I'm Tina," she smiled.

"And I'm Artie," a guy in a wheelchair with glasses and short, scruffy brown hair spoke up.

The Cheerio next to me held out her hand for me to shake without even looking at me. "I'm Quinn. I'm usually not nice to the new kids, but what you did to Puck has earned you some serious respect around here."

I laughed a little. The Asian guy next to me also stuck out his hand for me to shake, except he actually made eye contact with me. He was pretty cute. "I'm Mike."

And the last person who had to introduce themself was Puck's hot friend, Finn. He was a tall jock who didn't exactly fill out his team jacket. "I'm Finn," he mumbled, without even looking my way at all. I bet Puck would've killed him if he so much as said hi to me, considering I was the bitch who humiliated his best friend in front of everyone.

"Cool beans," I looked around at everyone. "It's really nice to meet you all. I'll definitely consider joining this club."

"Awesome. So, guys, where's Noah?" Mr. Schuester asked, glancing around the room.

"I'm here, Schue," Puck strutted into the classroom, wearing a new outfit and looking cockier than ever. "I had to take care of some business."

He noticed me, smirked, and walked over to where I was sitting. "How's it feel to be future dead meat?"

"Pretty good," I admitted. "How's it feel to be an asshole?"

"It's what I live for," he told me, taking a seat behind me.

"Oh, I know."

"As long as we're clear on things," he stated.

"Crystal," I replied.

But after I realized that this douchebag was in the Glee club, I wasn't so sure I wanted to be a part of it anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so I have no idea why this story isn't showing up on the search page. Oh well.
Either way, second chapter! Thanks to the 4 subscribers and ZERO commenters. Hahaha. <3
But srsly, silent readers, speak up! Lemme know what you think! :3