Status: Very much active! :) Comments are appreciated.

Are You Questioning My Badassness?


I was putting the finishing touches on my “mask”, which is what I liked to call my face when I wore makeup. Not that I wore a lot…it just sounded cooler.

My phone started playing “Satisfaction”, which was Puck’s ringtone (he picked it himself). I picked it up and pressed “talk”.

“Yeah?” I greeted him.

“Well, that was enthusiastic. Are you ready?” he asked. I actually had a few more things to do. I had to finish up my eye makeup and put on my dress, which was laid on the bed, leaving me in just underwear and a bra. I soon had to get dressed if he was on his way.

“Almost…Where are you?” I attempted to multitask by talking and putting on mascara, which failed miserably.

“Turn around,” he said, and I turned towards the door, seeing nothing.

“Other way,” he corrected himself.

I turned the other way towards the window, and what did I see? Noah Puckerman standing on the roof outside my window. I screamed at first, considering I was wearing almost nothing. I grabbed the nearest blanket and wrapped it around myself before running over to the window and opening it. “What the hell is wrong with you? A warning would’ve been nice.”

“Yeah, but then I wouldn’t get to see that,” he waggled his eyebrows.

“Asshole,” I glared, but kept the window open to let him in. “How’d you get up here anyway?”

“…There’s a ladder up against the side of your house…” he replied, giving me a ‘duh’ look, as if there was any way I could’ve known. “Guess I’m not the only one looking to see through your window.”

“Do me two favors. Use the door next time, and remind me to take away that ladder,” I rolled my eyes. I then grabbed my dress on the bed and walked into the bathroom attached to my bedroom, still dragging the blanket along with me. I slammed the door behind me.

I quickly changed into my dress, which was a tight black silk one. It was also pretty short, but not to the point where you could see my vagina at any angle if I opened my legs the slightest bit. I adjusted it and after fixing my hair, which was in loose curls, I swung open the door to see a wide-eyed Puck. I pirouetted in the bathroom entrance as he cocked his head to the side, doing some serious checking out.

Eventually, I went over to him, and he stood up. He looked down at me, and for a second, I thought he was going to lean in. But he didn’t. He just smirked and said “Your boobs look good.”

I gave him a dirty look and “hmmphed” before turning around. But then he grabbed me and spun me back around towards him. It was kind of forceful, yet hot. “What I meant to say was…you look stunning.”

I smiled. “Much better.”

He gave me a serious look for a minute, and then began to speak. “Can I tell you something without you murdering me?”

“Depends. What is it?” I asked, and honestly, I was a little worried.

“I know you got all dressed up, but I just wanted to let you know that this party isn’t formal or anything. It’s thrown by Santana. It can’t be formal,” he laughed a little. “It’s just another weekend party where kids get fucked up and do shit they regret.”

“I know,” I nodded, slowly making my way towards the closet. “That’s why I have a little something I like to call…jeans!” I laughed as I pulled out a pair of gray skinny jeans with rips from top to bottom. I slipped them on under my dress, and noticed that I went from formal to an everyday gal. “Let’s go.”

As soon as we arrived at Santana’s house, I noticed that we weren’t the first ones there. If anything we were closer to being the last ones. There were cars lined up all the way down the street. “I didn’t realize how many friends she actually had…” I stated as we got out of Puck’s truck.

“She doesn’t… She probably doesn’t even know most of them. I’d say that most of these people are just desperate guys (like I once was) trying to get into her pants,” Puck informed me.

“Nice to know how much respect people have for themselves around here,” I shook my head in disappointment and took Puck’s hand as we entered the front door.

The first thing I noticed upon entering was how badly it reeked of sex and weed and upchucked booze. I nearly puked myself. The second thing I noticed was how little people were wearing. Girls wore extremely short skirts and low-cut shirts, if any shirt, and almost every guy there was shirtless (and buff as hell).

I looked over to see that Puck was thinking ahead, taking off his shirt and throwing it on a chair beside him. “Might as well join the party,” he winked at me. “Plus, I know how much you like it.”

“Oh, of course. That’s why I’m heading over towards that guy,” I smirked as I began to walk away, leaving him standing speechless.

“Hey,” I approached a tall and hot blonde who was in the middle of taking a shot. Usually, I wouldn’t approach anyone I didn’t know at a party. But I was willing to see how far I could get with Puck’s jealousy.

After shaking his head at how strong the drink was, he grinned a sexy grin at me and shouted over the loud music. “Hey, babe. I’m Ryder. You up for some fun?”

“You betcha,” I winked as he took my hand. We both passed Puck on the way upstairs, who was doing some hardcore glaring. I ignored him. After all, it was a party, and I was going to have fun. Little did I know, my idea of fun, and Ryder’s idea of fun, were two totally different things.


Once we arrived in someone’s bedroom, he immediately shut the door and threw me up against a wall. His face was too close to mine for comfort, and I could smell beer on his breath. Before I knew it, his tongue was practically down my throat. I was a little hesitant, but we were just making out. We were just having fun, right? Right? No.

He forcefully grabbed me while still making out, we slowly progressed towards the bed. He laid me down on top of it, and then got on top of me. After planting a numerous amount of kisses on my neck and getting closer to my chest, his hands began to wander…to places I couldn’t even imagine letting a wasted guy who I didn’t know go near.

“Hey, wait,” I tried to say, but he ignored me. He slid up my dress and started to unbutton my jeans. “No,” I said, but he didn’t seem to notice that I’d even spoken. I tried to push him off, but it didn’t exactly work. He just got pissed and started to get even more grabby than before. Once my jeans were off, I began to try to kick him off of me, but it was no use.

“Oh, so you’re a fighter, huh?” he smirked up at me.

“Get off me!” I tried to yell.

“If I were you, I’d shut up,” He put his hand over my mouth. “Just lay back and relax. This’ll be fun.”

“Yeah right, asshole,” I glared. “Get off me now, or you’ll regret it.”

“You know what?” he growled. “I’m not putting up with your shit.”

“And I’m sure as hell not putting up with yours,” I spit in his face. I felt a fist against my own.

It took me a few seconds to realize that the guy had fucking punched me in the mouth. And it took even less time than that to get the metallic taste of blood in there. My eyes widened as a million questions raced through my mind. Am I going to get out of here alive? was one of them, even though that was a little insane.

“Ooh, that’s gonna bruise…” he winced. “Shall we start over?”

“How about no,” I replied in a sarcastic tone.

“Fine then,” he laughed and rolled his eyes. “Your choice.” And with that, he picked me up and brought me to a closet on the other side of the room. He opened the door, tossed me in, and smiled down at me. “Finding sluts like you is simple anyway.” With that, the door shut, and I was sitting in complete darkness.


After screaming and pounding on the door (which was locked from the inside) for over an hour, I realized that there was no point. Puck had probably gotten pissed and left, and I didn’t really know anyone else at the party, besides Santana. And even if Santana could hear me, she’d just pretend she couldn’t.

So, I sat in a closet and thought about what had just happened. I felt like kind of a bitch for abandoning Puck for a complete asshole, and even though I hated to admit it, I was a lot more safe with Puck than with Ryder. Which made me wonder…should I have gone along with Ryder? Was fighting back the right thing to do? I definitely could have saved myself a punch in the face if I just went along with it.

Thoughts and “what if?”’s flooded my mind, and I began to cry. I rummaged around for my phone, only to realize that it was in my jeans pocket, which were taken off and still on the bed. God dammit. Did things ever work out my way?

Another hour passed, and I was beginning to feel tired. I closed my eyes and thought about how much I wanted to be home, lying in my bed, eating chips, and watching reruns of Grey’s Anatomy. I’d almost fallen asleep, when I heard the bedroom door open. I immediately began to bang on the closet door again, hoping someone would hear me. I suddenly stopped after I thought about it. I mean, who knew? The person who’d opened the door could’ve been Ryder just coming back to shut me up. And even if it wasn’t, the person probably just thought that I was another drunken fool in the closet, and they were likely to be scared to open it.

But within a few seconds, the closet door swung open, and before me stood an angel. An angel with waist-length jet black hair, wearing a short leather jacket, ripped black skinnies, and stilettos with spikes in the heels. She was kind of skinny, but not to the point where she looked anorexic. She was about 5’10’’ (with her heels), and although she was kind of blurry, I could see that her eyes were a pretty blue color, with black eyeshadow surrounding them. She was probably the most badass angel I’d ever seen in my life.

As I stared up at her, she held out a hand for me to grab onto. “You getting up or what?” She spoke. I took her hand and eventually stood up. She didn’t smile or anything, but just looked at me as if to say ‘fuck your life’. And then she held out her hand once more. “I’m Jo.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so big thanks to Kittykins for the introduction of "Jo". She sent me a message with a description of this character and asked me if I wanted to use it, and she sounded so cool, I had to. :) So thanks girl! <3
Also, if any of you have any ideas for me, please inbox me or send me a comment, or even comment on the story. I'm always looking for new ideas, so feel free to give me some suggestions. :D