Status: Very much active! :) Comments are appreciated.

Are You Questioning My Badassness?


The weekend ended a little too quickly for me. Before I knew it, I was catching the bus back to school on Monday morning. This saddened me, especially since I’d had so much fun at Santana’s party and just wanted to go back and hang out with Jo, and maybe relive the ass kicking she gave to Santana.

I mean, sure, getting sexually harassed and being locked in a closet for hours wasn’t my idea of a great time. But as sick as it sounds, I had to thank Ryder. If he hadn’t been a total ass, I probably wouldn’t have met Jo, and she was pretty fucking awesome, so I had to give him that much.

Speaking of Jo, we’d exchanged numbers in the cab that night, and texted each other all weekend. Maybe that sounded kind of…coupley…but nah. We were just friends. And I later found out that we were friends with lots of things in common. Besides our love for good music, we both liked to write and we both wanted to make a career out of it. I didn’t come across many fellow writers, so I really appreciated the fact that she was one. Jo had also told me that she rocked a Les Paul custom, and that made me smile.

The bus pulled up into the school parking lot, and I quickly got off, and entered the school, not really knowing where to go. Puck was usually the one to pick me up in the morning, not the bus, but I hadn’t talked to him since the party, so I figured that if he hadn’t made an effort to text me all weekend, he obviously didn’t want to pick me up on a Monday morning.

When he picked me up every other morning, we’d go to his locker first to drop off his jacket and gather his books for the first class. Then, we’d go to my locker. So, today, I didn’t know whether to go to his locker or mine. Being an idiot and not thinking, I slung my bookbag over my shoulder and headed towards his locker.

When he was in sight, I noticed that he was back on to me, talking to Finn. I didn’t like interrupting conversations, but I really felt the need to talk to him, so I quickly made my way up to the both of them. As soon as Finn saw me, he told Puck he’d see him at football practice and walked away. Puck turned around, glaring down at me. His face turned to horror when he saw the cut on my lip and the bruise around it slowly fading.

He pretended to lose the worried look, though, and raised an eyebrow. “What happened to you?”

“I dunno. You tell me,” I shot back. “Oh, wait…you became a jealous prick and left.”

“Could you blame me?” he rolled his eyes. “You were kind of being a bitch. I mean, who goes to a party with someone and ditches them as soon as they get there?”

“Uh, everyone?” I said, throwing him a ‘duh’ look.

“Well, I thought you were a little better than that,” he said, which made me feel a little guilty. “Now, are you going to tell me what happened with your lip or not?”

“Not,” I said, sarcastically, and turned around. “Asshole,” I muttered as I began to walk down the hallway. He wasn’t letting me go that easily, however. He caught up with me immediately as I began to walk to my locker.

“Listen,” he began. “I’m sorry for leaving, okay? I didn’t know how long you were going to be, and I just didn’t see a point in staying when you were upstairs with Ryder.”

“Wait, you know him?”

“Yeah,” Puck replied. “He used to live next door to me. Why?”

“He’s an ass,” I blurt out, and then glanced over at Puck. “Kind of like you, except worse.”

“Ouch,” Puck put his hand over his heart. “Must be pretty bad, then!”

“Yeah, he was…” I trailed off, not wanting to let Puck know the rest.

“Wait,” Puck stopped me. “Did you guys…y’know?”

“Who the fuck do you think I am, some kind of a whore?” I shot him daggers with my eyes.

“No, not at all,” Puck smirked. “If you were, you would’ve given it up to me already.”

“Even if I was a whore, you wouldn’t be my first choice,” I told him, bitterly.

He looked a little hurt. “You know what? You can be a bitch all you want. I’m going to class.”

“Hey, wait,” I grabbed onto his arm the second he tried to walk away. “I’m sorry, okay? I just don’t like the fact that I needed you most at the party, and you weren’t there.”

“You needed me?” his face lit up.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “I did.”

“Can you please tell me what happened?” he asked, looking at me hopefully.

“I will,” I told him. “After school.”

He looked sad again for a moment, but then agreed. I was about to open my locker door, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Jo standing before me. My first thought was “What the fuck is she doing here?”, but then I quickly realized that she was there, and hauled her into a massive hug.

“Oh my god, what are you doing here?!” I squealed.

“I didn’t want to ruin the surprise,” she replied with a grin. “But I totally go here now!”

“How?” I asked, confused, but still overly excited. “I thought you were just here for the weekend to visit your dad.”

“I was at first,” she said. “But I guess I forgot to mention that this was the weekend I moved in with him.”

We both jumped up and down like little girls and hugged again. I then remembered that Puck was still standing beside us, probably giving us a weird look, so I let go and attempted to introduce the two.

“Jo, this is my good friend, Puck. He’s the one who originally went to the party with me,” I stated. “And Puck, this is Jo. She’s the one who saved me, but I’ll tell you about that later.”

“So, you’re the famous Puck,” Jo looked him up and down.

“That’s me, babe,” Puck waggled his eyebrows.

“Got any tattoos?” she asked.

“No,” he replied, giving her a look.

“Sorry, not my type,” she didn’t even give him a second glance. She smiled at me. “I have to go get my schedule, but I’ll find you at recess, okay?”

“Deal,” I nodded enthusiastically. We hugged once more, and then she was gone.

“I don’t like her,” Puck stated with no emotion.

“Hey, she’s cool,” I told him. “If it weren’t for her, I’d probably still be at Santana’s party.”

“Just so you know… the sooner you tell me about it, the less confused I’ll be,” he said.

“What’s the fun in that?” I asked with a smirk. “I’ll tell you after school. Come on, let’s get to Bio.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So, nobody has really been giving me any feedback lately, so if this chapter sucks, blame yourselves. XD
I'm just kidding. But seriously, gimme some FEEDBACK, FEEDBACK, OH!
LOL. Kbai. <3