Status: Very much active! :) Comments are appreciated.

Are You Questioning My Badassness?


"So, he actually said that?" Mason's eyes widened when I told him about my previous conversation with Puck.

Mason, Ashlyn, and I were sitting around in my room after school. I invited Mason over to help work on our glee assignment. We decided to let Ashlyn help, too. She wasn't in the glee club, and told us she never would be, but she had a crazy imagination and was extremely creative. We decided that her ideas and opinion would matter, just this once.

"Wasn't he a real big dick to you?" Ashlyn asked, in regards to Puck.

"Yeah, he was," I admitted. "I have no idea why he's nice to me all of a sudden.

"Maybe it's a trick," Mason looked deep in thought. "Him being nice is probably just a distraction. He'll probably end up pulling some dickhead move when you least expect it."

"I didn't think about that, but you're probably right," I nodded.

"Oh, there's a 95% chance I am," Mason nodded. "You should just avoid him from now on."

"Yeah, that might be a good idea," Ashlyn agreed. "I don't think you want to be embarrassed by that guy again."

"I don't think he wants to be embarrassed by me again either. So, if he's thinking of pulling something funny, he'd better think again." I smiled at the thought of the slushie hitting Puck's face.

"You're not that scary, Nova..." Mason paused. "Well, in that way."

"It doesn't matter if I'm scary or not when I have a slushie in my hand," I informed him. "It does all the work for me."

"True," Mason shrugged. "Now, enough about douchebags from school. Let's get crackin' on our assignment. Ballad or mash-up?"

"Depends. Are we picking our own partners?" I asked.

"I think so. We usually do. If so, we're totally pairing up. You'll love my ideas." I could almost see the lightbulb flash above his head.

"Of course. You're my first choice as a partner, too." It would be a bit awkward with anyone else.

"So, it's settled. We're working on this assignment together. Mr. Schue will probably let us pick partners anyway, so let's get an early start." Mason looked so excited.

"Wait, guys. I have a question," Ashlyn spoke up. To be honest, I kind of forgot she was sitting there until she said something.

"No, you can't pick our song," Mason glared at her. "That job is already done."

"No, flamer, that wasn't my question," Ashlyn joked. "I was wondering if I could design your costumes."

"That'd be awesome," I grinned, knowing how artistic Ashlyn could be.

"Too bad we don't need costumes for this assignment," Mason, being the little bitch he was, rolled his eyes.

"Now, now," I began. "Yeah, I don't think we're gonna need costumes for this particular assignment. But I'm sure there will be more opportunities for you to help us with that."

She complained a little, but understood. "Okay. Well, if you didn't know, I recently joined the art club. And the teacher gave an assignment, where I have to design a costume or uniform for a school club. Any ideas?"

"Try the Cheerios. I'm sure they'll appreciate it," I said with tons of sarcasm.

Mason snorted. "You're better off designing for the chess club. Jacob will be overjoyed."

I didn't know who Jacob was (yet), but I didn't think I wanted to, either, from what Mason told me. Apparently, he was the school's main source of internet gossip, and he wanted to get into Rachel's pants really bad. He was also incredibly creepy, from what I heard.

"Guys, I'm serious," Ashlyn frowned at us.

"Well, how about you design a costume for us, and we'll show it to Mr. Schuester to see what he thinks of it?" I suggested.

"Deal," Ashlyn said a little too quickly.

And that was that.


Mason and I spent the next two hours working on our assignment. We left Ashlyn alone to work on her costumes, and went down in the basement for some peace. Guess how that worked out?

"We have to do a Streisand ballad," Mason informed me as soon as we entered the basement.

"I don't know much Streisand..." I told him.

"You can learn," he shrugged.

"Um, actually, I was thinking we could do a Guns 'N' Roses mash-up," I argued.

Mason's jaw completely dropped. "Nova, you are kidding me."

"Not really. They have a bunch of hits and hot guys."

"How about no. We're doing Streisand."

"We're not," I said, simply.

"Don't make me get manly," he threatened.

"Okay, how about this? We'll do a mash-up of a Barbra Streisand song and a Guns 'N' Roses song." I suggested.

"I dunno..." Mason was iffy on the idea.

"Come on, it's a compromise," I persisted. "Otherwise, we're just gonna sit here and argue until your mom picks you up.”

"Good point," he nodded. "Okay, Nova. Let's try it."

It took forever to find two songs by the two totally different artists, and bring them together to make it awesome...but we did it.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this chapter is pretty shitty, considering it doesn't involve Puck. But he'll kinda come in in the next one! Enjoy until then.
And remember to comment and let me know what you think (good or bad, I don't care). :) Thanks!