Status: Very much active! :) Comments are appreciated.

Are You Questioning My Badassness?


Mason and I walked into Glee club the next day, ready to perform our mash-up. We chose "The Way We Were", one of Barbra's best, and "Patience", a hit from Guns 'N' Roses. I was pretty stoked to sing, actually, especially with Mason. It would be our first duet, and I had a feeling it would be great.

"Alright, guys, take a seat," Mr. Schuester instructed us as soon as we walked in. "I'm about to pick partners for your assignment."

"Wait, what?" Mason said aloud. "You can't pick partners. Nova and I have already prepared a mash-up. We spent all yesterday doing it."

"Why would you do that?" Mr. Schue asked. "I didn't tell you guys to pair up with whoever you wanted."

"But you usually do," Kurt spoke up. "You've only picked partners once or twice before, and it didn't turn out very well."

"Well, you guys partner up with the same people everytime, and I don't think it's fair to do that. We need some variety in this room. You guys need to get to know each other better," Mr. Schue told us, making a good point.

"Well, you could've told us yesterday," Rachel folded her arms.

"You're right. I'm sorry. Did you guys want to perform what you have, and then we'll start fresh with new partners?"

"It's cool, Mr. Schue. We can perform it some other time," I shrugged, even though I really wanted to do it then.

"Okay. So, I put all of your names into a hat," Mr. Schue held up said hat into the air. "Who's picking first?"

But before anybody could walk up, a short blonde-haired woman dressed in all red walked into the room. Mason had already told me about her. She was the Cheerios coach, and from what I'd been hearing, she was a downright bitch.

"Hey, William," she greeted him with a smirk. "I just decided to come by to tell you that..." Her sentence trailed off when she saw me. She walked over to me and pointed her index finger right in my face. "And who's this?"

"That's our new student, Nova. She transferred here from Carmel High," Mr. Schuester explained. "And I'm sure she'd appreciate it if you got out of her bubble."

"Nah, I'm good right here," she nodded. She took her finger away from my face, though. "You look familiar, kid. Didn't I see you get slushied the other day?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "On my first day."

"Oh, yeah? Well, it reminded me of the red sea. Except the red sea doesn't go on for quite as long," she said, making reference to my weight.

"Sue, you can leave now," Mr. Schue glared at her. "I won't let you bully our new student."

"I bully everyone, William. You should know that by now."

"Yeah, well, I won't be tolerating it. Get out."

"Don't tell me what to do, William. You know I'm superior."

"Leave, Sue, or I'll get Principal Figgins involved."

"Ha! That's a real big threat!" Sue snorted. "But I suppose I'll be on my way. I've got better things to do. Plus, this room smells like underachievement, and I just can't stand it."

"What did you want to tell me?" Mr. Schue rolled his eyes.

"Oh, yeah...I just came to tell you that your hair looks extra pube-like today. I really hope your hairdresser is proud." Sue clucked her tongue and walked out the door. Just like that.

"Wow," was all I could say. What a bitch.

"I'm really sorry about that, Nova. Don't listen to her," Mr. Schue came over to me and patted my back.

"Wasn't planning on it," I smiled.

"Good. Okay, back to Glee. Who's picking the first name?"

Finn walked up to the hat and picked out a piece of paper. He unfolded it, and I could tell he was trying hard not to roll his eyes at the name he'd chosen. "Brittany..."

"Alrighty! Brittany, you've got your partner," Mr. Schue stated.

"...Who is it?" she gave him a blank look.

"Finn..." he told her.

"Oh...he's cute." She said, looking over at Mike.

"Right here," Finn waved his hand in front of her face, and then sat down.

I heard her whisper to Santana, "You mean I've been mixing them up for a year?"

The next to pick a name was Mercedes. She took out a piece of paper, unfolded it, and instantly grinned. "KURT!"

They both squealed, and she ran back to him so they could hug it out.

Mason went up next. He picked one out of the hat and started cussing under his breath as he unfolded it. "Rachel..." He muttered.

I looked over at her to see that she was just as pissed. I knew that they were both spotlight hogs, so this would definitely be fun to watch.

I also realized that options were getting low, and Puck still hadn't picked a name or been picked. This meant that the chances of me getting paired with him were getting higher each time, and my plan had been to just avoid him. Avoiding him wouldn't work if I had to do a ballad or mash-up with him.

Artie picked next, and he got paired up with Matt, which he didn't seem to mind. And then Tina picked, and she got paired up with Quinn. Santana was last to pick, so she'd either get paired with me, Puck, or Mike. I hoped it wasn't me, because I sure as hell didn't like her, but if she got paired with Mike, I'd be stuck with Fuck.

Well, obviously, since nothing ever works out my way, Mike's name was picked. I expected her to look bummed that she wouldn't be partnered up with Puck, but she was fine with Mike. Anyone with a penis qualified as "partner" material.

I, on the other hand, just kinda sat there awkwardly. I knew Puck was looking at me for some kind of reaction, but I didn't really give him one. I just stared off into space until Mr. Schue spoke again.

"Alright, guys! I want you all to get into your groups. You don't have to get really into the assignment yet, but if you could pick whether you're doing a ballad or mash-up by the end of the meeting, that'd be great."

Everyone got into their groups. I stood up and slowly walked over to where Puck was tuning his guitar.

"Hey," I waved, awkwardly.

"Hey, babe. What do you wanna do?" He looked up at me.

"I don't even care. The song or songs just have to be good." Wait, did he just call me "babe"?

"Won't be a problem. You look like a chick with good more than just music," he winked.

Part of me wanted to puke. Another part of me knew that this assignment wasn't going to be easy. And another part of me wanted to get into Puck's pants...really bad.
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Hope you guys liked the update. :)
PS. Thanks to everyone who recently commented:
^ You guys rule. :3