Status: Very much active! :) Comments are appreciated.

Are You Questioning My Badassness?


I walked into Glee club rehearsal the next day feeling a lot better than I had the day before. After walking halfway home and then calling a cab from my cell phone, I went home and thought about what had happened. I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did, even though I had a right, and I felt that I owed Puck some serious apologies. That was probably just my conscience, of course, and anyone else would probably tell me that I should’ve given him a lot more shit than I did.

I walked up to Puck as he was talking to Matt. “Hey, um, can I talk to you for a sec?”

He looked surprised that I was even talking to him. “Yeah, sure.” He threw Matt a “gimme a sec” look, and Matt took the hint, considering he walked away almost immediately.

He then looked over at me. “Yeah?”

“I just wanted to apologize about the way I acted yesterday. It was just awful,” I looked down at my shoes, shamefully.

“It’s cool,” he smiled. “I’m surprised you apologized, actually. That doesn’t happen often.”

“I’m sure it doesn’t,” I laughed. “Either way, I’m sorry. You can sleep with whoever you want, Puckerman. It’d be different if we were official, but we’re not, and probably never will be. I feel pretty bad for being an asshole, and especially wasting that perfectly good ice cream on someone like you.” I joked.

“Well, thanks for the apology. I appreciate that,” he nodded. “I’m also sorry for lying to you about Santana. I really do like you. If it helps, I haven’t done her since.”

“Whoa, three whole days, Puck!” I clapped. “Good for you!”

“Hey,” he began. “That’s a record for me, and you know it.”

“True,” I chuckled. I was about to say something else, but Mr. Schuester entered the room, looking happier than usual.

“Good afternoon!” he greeted us. “I have some good news for us today!”

“Is Rachel transferring?” Santana asked with a hopeful look on her face.

“We have a new student who wants to try out for Glee!” Mr. Schue grinned, expecting everyone to freak out. But the truth was, the Glee club didn’t really like getting new members. New members meant less solos for individuals, and we just couldn’t have that.

“Who is it?” Quinn wondered, along with the rest of us.

“Well, I could tell you, but I think I’ll let him do it himself,” Mr. Schuester kept the enthusiastic look on his face as he went out into the hallway.

He and an awkward looking boy with short loose brown curls walked in. He was dressed in somewhat tight jeans and a v-neck with a striped scarf wrapped around his neck. He looked strangely familiar, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on who it was. Everyone else seemed to know who it was, though. Their faces completely dropped.

“Well,” the boy began. “Most of you should already know who I am, but for those who need to be reminded…I’m Jesse St. James. Ex-star of Vocal Adrenaline, the most talented Glee club in the region.”

That’s who he was! Jesse St. James! His appearance immediately rang a bell in my head as soon as he’d entered the room, but I didn’t realize that I went to school with the guy. Then again, I didn’t join Glee club until I came to McKinley. I knew for a fact that Vocal Adrenaline was made up of a bunch of idiots who only cared about themselves and winning, and I didn’t want to be a part of something like that. I did hear Jesse’s name before, though, and I’d seen him perform a few times at school assemblies and events. He wasn’t in any of my classes, however, and I didn’t pay attention to people in the hallway unless they were my friends, so I wouldn’t know him off by heart or anything.

“Are you serious, Mr. Schuester?” Rachel began to complain. “Jesse can’t be a part of this club. First of all, he hasn’t auditioned. Secondly, I refuse to have my solos tossed away to some additional member.”

“If I may,” Jesse began. “First of all, have any of you seen me perform?”

We all raised our hands, and looked at him in awe. “Exactly,” he gave Rachel a smug look. “I’d be a great addition to your little Glee club here, Miss Berry, and I’m sure I could make it a whole lot better.”

“Question,” Mercedes spoke without even raising her hand. Jesse nodded for her to continue. “Why the hell are you here? Seriously. Vocal Adrenaline could whoop our ass, so why are you even wasting your time joining us losers?”

“I needed a change,” he shrugged, picking at his nails. “Plus, Vocal Adrenaline puts way too much pressure on me.”

We seemed to be satisfied with this answer. Mr. Schuester, however, spoke up. “Everyone knows how talented you are, Jesse, but you still have to audition.”

“I understand,” Jesse replied. “Standard procedure.”

He stood in front of us and did some vocal warmups to himself before beginning his song. He looked out at us. “Does anyone play guitar? I’m gonna need one for this song.”

Puck and I raised our hands. “Alright,” Jesse glanced back and forth at the both of us. He then pointed to me. “Come on up.”

I walked up to him. He whispered the song name in my ear and asked me if I knew it. I nodded enthusiastically, excited to play the song he was performing. I knew it well, mostly because it was on my “Just Got Dumped” playlist.

“Excellent,” he grinned. “By the way, you look awfully familiar. What’s your name?”

“Nova. I used to attend Carmel High, so you’ve probably seen me around there.”

“Ah, yes!” he shook my hand. I was surprised and a little excited that Jesse St. James recognized me. Before I could get too starstruck, however, he nodded to a guitar case in the corner, which belonged to WMHS. I went over and picked it up, taking out the guitar and walking back to Jesse. I sat on a stool and when Jesse told me to begin, I did. I played the intro to one of the most depressing songs of all time, in my opinion. Then he began to sing, and I immediately knew that the chances of me (or anyone else in the Glee club) ever getting a solo were slim to none.

”I close my eyes.
Only for a moment,
and the moment's gone.
All my dreams…
pass before my eyes, a curiosity.
Dust in the wind…
All we are is dust in the wind.”

“Same old song.
Just a drop of water
in an endless sea.
All we do…
crumbles to the ground,
though we refuse to see.
Dust in the wind…
All we are is dust in the wind.
Ohhh, ohh-ohhh.”

“Now, don't hang on.
Nothing last forever,
but the earth and sky.
It slips awaay.
And all your money
won't another minute buy.”

“Dust in the wind…
All we are is dust in the wind.
Dust in the wind…
Everything is dust in the wind.”

The song ended, and as Jesse bowed, everyone stood up and applauded him. His performance was simply amazing, and there was just no other way of putting it. I put the guitar down, and walked back to my seat.

“Thank you for helping me out, Nova. I appreciate that.” Jesse thanked me before Mr. Schuester walked up to him and gave him a manly hug.

“Welcome to the William McKinley High Glee club, Jesse!” Mr. Schuester patted him on the back. “We really hope you enjoy it…right Rachel?” He threw Rachel a “look”, and she rolled her eyes and nodded.

“And now,” Mr. Schue continued. “We have to finish off our mash-up and ballad assignments! Take a seat, Jesse, and just watch these last few performances. Then, we’ll be moving on.”

“Sounds good,” Jesse nodded a little and took a seat by me. I high-fived him, and then we moved on.

“There are only two more performances left to go,” Mr. Schue told us. “Who’s up?”

“We’ll go,” Quinn raised her hand quickly. I was pretty sure she just wanted to get it over with. Mr. Schue gestured for her and Tina to take it away. They both stood up and walked to the center of the room. The band began to play, and then the singing part began.

“I could stay awake, just to hear you breathin’.
Watch you smile while you are sleepin’.
While you’re far away and dreamin’.
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender.
I could stay lost in this moment…forever.
Well, every moment spent with you,
Is a moment I treasuuure!”

“I don’t wanna close my eyes!
I don’t wanna fall asleep!
‘Cause I’d miss you, babe,

Quinn and Tina:
“And I don’t wanna miss a thing!”
“‘Cause even when I dream of you,
The sweetest dream will never do!
I’d still miss you, babe,”

Quinn and Tina:
“And I don’t wanna miss a thing!”

“Lying close to you,
Feelin’ your heart beeeeatin’!
And I’m wonderin’ what you’re dreamin’.
Wonderin’ if it’s me you’re seein’!
Then I kiss your eyes, and thank God we’re together!
And I just wanna stay with you,
In this moment forever, forever and ever!”

“I don’t wanna close my eyes!
I don’t wanna fall asleep!
‘Cause I’d miss you, babe,

Quinn and Tina:
“And I don’t wanna miss a thing!”
“‘Cause even when I dream of you,
The sweetest dream will never do!
I’d still miss you, babe,”

Quinn and Tina:
“And I don’t wanna miss a thing!”

“I don’t wanna miss one smile.
I don’t wanna miss one kiss.
Well, I just wanna be with you.
Right here, with you…just like this.”

“I just wanna hold you close.
Feel your heart so close to miiine!
And stay here in this moment…
For all the rest of time!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeaaaaaaah!”

“I don’t wanna close my eyes!
I don’t wanna fall asleep!
‘Cause I’d miss you, babe,

Quinn and Tina:
“And I don’t wanna miss a thing!”
“‘Cause even when I dream of you,
The sweetest dream will never do!
I’d still miss you, babe,”

Quinn and Tina:
“And I don’t wanna miss a thing!”

“I don’t wanna close my eyes!
I don’t wanna fall asleep!
‘Cause I’d miss you, babe,

Quinn and Tina:
“And I don’t wanna miss a thing!”
“‘Cause even when I dream of you!
The sweetest dream will never do!
I’d still miss you, babe,”

Quinn and Tina:
“And I don’t wanna miss a thing!”

“Don’t wanna close my eyes.”
”Don’t wanna fall asleep, yeah.
Quinn and Tina:
“I don’t wanna miss a thing…”

When they finished, we all applauded them, minus Jesse. He sat with his arms folded, and of course, Quinn noticed. “Is there a problem, St. James?”

“Yeah, a big one,” he told her, simply. “You guys really have to get out of your shells. This is Glee club, not shy awareness club.”

“What do you mean?” Tina asked.

“Well, first of all, you have some major issues with pitch. I mean, come on. Get some vocal lessons. I know a guy who’ll do it cheap,” Jesse told Tina. He then looked over at Quinn. “And Blondie, you seem like you have a phobia of singing. You’re too quiet, and it just throws the whole song off.”

“Excuse me?” Quinn took his criticism really personally. “Look. I don’t know who you think you are, but New Directions was perfectly fine without you. So, if you think you’re gonna march in here and put everyone down, you’ve got another thing coming. I may be small, but I’m a Cheerio, and I sure as hell know how to stand my ground.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Jesse stood up. “Calm down, honey. I’m not putting you down. I’m just giving you tips to enhance your performance. How do you think Vocal Adrenaline got so amazing? Well, obviously me, giving pointers every second of the day. I’m not here to sit around and slack off. I’m going to make a difference.”

“Wow,” Quinn rolled her eyes. “You really think you’re something, don’t you?”

“I am something,” Jesse replied. “And I’m going to make New Directions into something as well.”

“I really like Jesse’s attitude,” Mr. Schuester grinned, and then looked over at him. “Glad to have you.”

Jesse smiled, nodded, and sat back down, along with Quinn and Tina. Then, Artie raised his hand.

“Yes, Artie?”

“We’re ready to perform now, Mr. Schue,” Artie told him.

Mr. Schuester nodded. “Whenever you’re ready.”

Matt wheeled Artie to the front of the room, and began their song almost immediately, after gesturing to the band, and Matt dancing around a bit.

“Guess who just got back today?
Them wild-eyed boys that had been away.
Haven't changed, have much to say.
But man, I still think them cats are crazy.”

“You want me to come alive?
Flick the switch into overdrive!
You and me can let it be!

Matt and Artie:

“Touch that dial, turn me on.
Start me like a motor, make me run!”

“The boys are back in town!
The boys are back in town!”

“Turn that dial all the way.
Shoot me like a rocket into space!”

“The boys are back in town!
The boys are back in tow-ow-ow-own!”

“You know that chick that used to dance a lot?
Every night she'd be on the floor shaking what she'd got.
Man when I tell you she was cool, she was red hot.
I mean, she was steamin’.”

“You got love, you got a deal.
You wanna drive, then take the wheel!
You and me can let it be!

Matt and Artie:

“Touch that dial, turn me on.
Start me like a motor, make me run!”

“The boys are back in town!
The boys are back in town!”

“Turn that dial all the way.
Shoot me like a rocket into space!”

“The boys are back in town!
The boys are back in tow-ow-ow-own!”

“Spread the word around.
Guess who's back in town?
You spread the word around!”

”Lovin’ every minute of it!”
”Lovin’ every minute of it!
”Lovin’ every minute of it!”
”Lovin’ every minute of it!

Matt and Artie:
“Whoa, oh! Whoa, whoa!”

Both boys ended off the song with their fingers pointed to the audience. I absolutely loved both of those songs, so I was just overjoyed that they’d mashed them up like that. I’d gladly admit that it was pretty fucking decent. Everyone was on their feet and clapping. Even Jesse, which surprised me a lot.

“See?” he spoke up. “That is a prime example of a performance. That’s exactly how it should be done.”

Both Artie and Matt looked overjoyed that Jesse thought they did good. Quinn, on the other hand, looked like she wanted to bite all three of their heads off, and Tina just looked sad.

“Lotsa power and movement, right?” Jesse continued. “Those are two key points for any performance. Power and movement. Without those two characteristics, and a whole lot more, your overall performance is gonna suck.”

Artie nodded, trying to hide his happiness, and wheeled himself back over to Tina. Matt grinned, shook his hand, and sat over by Mike.

“Well,” Mr. Schue began. “That performance was very nicely put together! Great work, Artie and Matt!”

The bell then rang. “Alright, guys. We are officially done the mash-up/ballad assignment! Come to the next meeting to find out what the next assignment is!”

We all stood up and made our way out of the room to the next class. On the way out, Jesse came up to me. “Hello.”

“Oh, hey!” I smiled. “Do you like the Glee club so far?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty fun. I think everyone is getting annoyed with me already, however, but I’m only trying to help you guys out. We wanna win regionals, right?”

“That’s true. I think you’re doing a superb job with tips and such,” I told him. “Just remember that Mr. Schuester is there for a reason.”

“Got it,” he simply nodded. “Hey, so, do you know where the Math classroom is? I’m totally lost at this school.”

“Yeah, it’s just down that hall,” I pointed in the direction of the Math room. “Second classroom on the left.”

“Thanks!” he smiled. “I’ll see you around, Nova.”

“Bye!” I waved after him. I then turned around to go to my own locker, and noticed that Puck was standing up a few feet away, glaring at me. When he saw that I was looking at him, he changed his facial expression to look more careless, and then turned around and walked the other way. I shrugged it off and walked to my locker, wondering what the fuck his problem was, but not really worrying about it. I had bigger things to focus on, such as the new cute kid, Jesse St. James.
♠ ♠ ♠
Dust in the Wind - Kansas.
I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing - Aerosmith.
The Boys are Back in Town - Thin Lizzy/ Lovin' Every Minute of it - Loverboy

Figured I'd update before the big show! I'm sooo stoked. What about you guys?
I'll probably update Lima Loser - Part Two on Tuesday in celebration of that show, too.
Anyway, hope you guys like this chapter! Comment pleeeease. :3
PS. I'm pretty sure some of the lyrics are off, but just pretend that they're not. XD