Status: Writer's Block, Haven't Left Mibba 6/7/11

Dirty Little Secrets & Lies

Dirty Little Secrets & Lies Chapter 1

Kiya and Charity Ross were born as twins, Kiya being older by two minutes, and always has been for their sixteen years here on Earth. Kiya and Charity looked nothing alike and acted nothing alike, but none the less, they were twins. Kiya Elizabeth, is petite, at four foot eleven, she has a small figure, with a few curves, naturally tanned skin, and dark brown almost black hair, cascading down to her mid back in luscious waves, she has sharp emerald green eyes, and slight muscle build that comes form being so active. She is athletic, playing soccer and cheerleading, outgoing, popular, flirty, and has a lot of common sense, but her grades are only average, at mostly B’s and a few C’s, she speaks out and is outspoken, hates being told what to do, and despises her father for leaving her family, because she is very stubborn. Charity Alicia is tall at five foot eleven, with lanky limbs that she has no idea how to control, making her clumsy, and bad at sports, she has a seemingly small figure but is lacking the curves to make it work for her, she has uncontrollably curly, dirty blonde hair, cascading down to her lower back, and caramel brown eyes, and sickly pale skin from lack of tanning. She is very smart, being an all A student, she’s shy, is in a lot of school clubs and committees, is very book smart, and nerdy, she follows the rules, and always does what she is told to, and she has forgiven her father for the mistakes she has made, because she easily gives into people. Life has never been easy for Kiya and Charity, but life for these two twins is about to get twelve times more complicated for them.

I sat on my bed, staring at my sister, Charity, who sat across from me, on her bed, in the small room we shared, in our small two bedroom bungalow, that was surrounded by many more bungalows exactly like it, since we lived in the poor part of Willow, California, on the southern part of the state, towards Mexico, but still right on the shore of the Pacific ocean.

“Are you sure?” I asked Charity, letting my eyes wander down to her stomach before wandering back up to her face.

“Yeah, I think I’m three months along,” Charity said, unconsciously putting a hand on her stomach.

“So it’s Drake’s then?” I asked, this would be awkward though, considering that they broke up.

“Yeah,” She mumbled.

“So are you going to tell him?” I asked, looking out the window, that sat above the two nightstands that separated our beds.

“I’m not sure, I want to but, then again I don’t…” Charity trailed off. It was amazing to think that she was pregnant, everyone always though if anyone of us got pregnant it would be me, not Charity, after all it would make sense.

“Girls!” Our mother called from the kitchen, “Come here please!”

“What is it mom?” Charity and I asked simultaneously, as we walked into the kitchen, each grabbing a seat at the table.

“We need to talk,” My mom started, and I nodded, telling her to continue, “Your father is coming to visit, he has a few people that he wants you girls to meet,” My mother finished, but it was obvious she was hiding something.

“Mom,” I said sternly, telling her to stop lying, and she sighed in defeat.

“I guess it would be best to get this out of the way, before they come… Kiya, when you and Charity were born, well since your father is a big time dealer, it’s a known thing to have your oldest be in an arranged marriage, and well with all the trouble you’ve been in lately, your father has decided to initiate the marriage two years early, Kiya, your going to meet your husband,” My mother explained, cautiously watching me for my reaction, and all of a sudden I heard a loud snap and I looked down.

In my hand was a piece of the wooden table, that I had cracked right off, I didn’t even realize I was gripping the table that hard.

I stood up silently, walking out of my room, and grabbing my black purse, that holds everything I need and walked out of the door, slamming it behind me. I was furious, but instead of yelling, and screaming, and throwing things around, silence was my way of letting people know that.

I made my way down my street, everyone who saw me waving at me, or calling out some greeting, even though they knew I was pissed for whatever reason, and I made my way The Warehouse, a place where MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Fights go on, and anyone is welcome… a place where I was well known to be when I needed to blow some steam.

I walked in, the guard at the door immediately waving me in, and I made my way to the back, to sign up for as many fights as possible, tonight was going to be a long night for the bitches stuck in the ring with me. Once I signed up, I made my way to the back, and to my locker, and shoved my purse into it, grabbing my black sports bra, and black short shorts, pulling them on, not caring who could see me, and shoved my clothes into my locker before slamming it shut, and locking it.

“Who pissed you off?” My best friend since forever, Carlos Rodriquez asked, leaning against the locker next to mine.

“That fucked up father of mine,” I replied, angrily punching my locker, leaving a decent sized dent in it.

“Arranged marriage?” Carlos asked, he knew a lot about dealers, since his father used to be one of the best, before he dumped Carlos on his ass, with his mother and all but upped and disappeared into the dark.

“You know how I feel about marriage,” I simply replied.

I never wanted to get married, I hated the thought. I saw what it did to people, and all it did in my life was ruin people, and leave the world with more screwed up kids to put up with. I never planned on getting married, all I wanted to do was adopt a few kids, and raise them on my own, and support myself, I didn’t need anyone to do it for me, and I wasn’t about to let it happen, because my so called father wanted it to happen.

“Kiya!” Jared, a guy who helps run the place called, “Your up in two!”

Two minutes later, I walked up into the rink, surrounded by bleachers that were overflowed with screaming people that i have grown up with my whole life, who lived for making bets off of fighters. a few moments later, a large, muscular chick, who looks like she's on steroids joined me in the rink, well this would be easy. The bell rang, signaling the start of the fight, and muscle girl charged straight for my stomach, and i did a roundhouse kick to her head, and she passed out from impact... like I said, an easy fight. I let out a breath, and wipped a bead of sweat off of my forehead, waiting for my next victim to make their way up to doom.

I watched my mother stare after Kiya, who had disappeared into the night, before clearing my throat, her attention switching from Kiya to me.

“Mom, while I have you here, there’s something I need to tell you,” I started, looking at her surprisingly calm face.

“What is it honey? You know you can tell me anything,” My mother said, placing a comforting hand over one of my own.

“Mommy… I’m pregnant,” I whispered, looking down at my lap.

“Oh honey, it’s alright,” My mother said, pulling me into a big hug, “What are you planning to do? How far along are you? Who’s the father? Did you, or will you tell him?”

Before I answered all the questions, my mom sat down again first, this was why I loved my mom, she was an amazing mom, and she almost never got mad, and was always understanding and helpful in all situations.

“I plan on keeping the baby, and finding a daycare for it while I finish school, if I can’t do that, I’ll do home schooling, because I won’t drop out and compromise my baby’s future, I’m three months along, so I’m just starting to show, Drake is the father, and I haven’t told him, and I don’t know if I will or should, because I don’t know how he’ll react, or if he’ll even believe it’s his,” I said, fiddling with the large sweatshirt I was wearing, to cover my baby bump.

“Honey, it’s great you have it all planned out, and I know Kiya and I will be there every step of the way, on the contraire I think you should tell Drake, you never know, but maybe he will want to be involved, you have to give him the opportunity to have that choice,” My mother explained.

“Thanks mom, I think I’m going to go and try to find Drake now,” I said, getting up and giving her a hug.

I walked into my and Kiya’s room, and grabbed my white purse, that holds everything I can ever need, and changed into some gray, loose sweatpants, that hung loosely on my hips, a black, short-sleeved t-shirt, that said come to the dark side, we have cookies in red lettering, that showed my slight baby bump, and some black flip flops, before heading out.

I walked down the streets of Willow, heading towards the one place, I know I can always find Drake at. The high schools football field, practicing his throws, since he’s the best quarterback in all of southern California, and the fifth best in all of California.

I found my way to the locked gates of the football field, hearing the balls being thrown around by Drake, and easily picked the lock on the gate, letting myself in. I walked up until I was standing next to Drake, who threw the ball he was holding, before turning to face me.

“Charity,” He greeted, “What’s up?”

“There’s something I need to tell you,” I said, getting right to the point.

“What is it?” Drake asked, looking at me in confusion.

“I’m pregnant and it’s yours and I’m keeping it and I’m three months along,” I said quickly, all in one large breath, and looked up at Drake, who is like half a foot taller than me, a six foot five, waiting for a reaction.

“Your fucking pregnant! You whore! How do I even know its mine you bitch?” Drake shouted at me, and I could feel the tears fill up in the corners of my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

“You fucking bitch! I am not a whore, and you’re the only fucking person I’ve ever sleeped with, which I now realized was the biggest fucking mistake of my life! I never want to fucking see you again, and you will never see you fucking kids!” I screamed before running off onto the distance.

By the time I got home, I was about as good as a dead person, I didn’t lose a fight, but I was dead tired. I opened the door, and walked into the house, closing it behind me and locking it, before lumbering into the kitchen for some food.

I found a plate of Chicken Parmesan, my favorite, with plastic wrap over it, and a note form my mom saying that she was sorry, and she loved me, and how long to warm up the chicken, and angel hair pasta, and that there was root beer in the fridge.

A couple minutes later, I was sitting down with my very late dinner, and root beer, eating like someone who’s never seen food before, I was just that hungry.

“Hey,” Charity greeted, walking into the kitchen, just wearing a old football jersey of Drake’s, and she started making some hot chocolate, an I dumped my dishes in the sink, washing them.

Once the hot chocolate was done, Charity set down a cup for her, and a cup for me at the table, and we both sat down drinking the hot chocolate.

“So I told Drake today,” Charity started.

“Really?” I asked, “What’d he say?”

“Well he hates me now, and I’m never going to let him see my kid,” Charity explained, wiping tears from her eyes.

“Oh hun, I’m sorry, want carlos to kick his ass for you?” I asked, getting up and hugging her.

“I would love that,” Charity smiled, and I quickly sent Carlos a text, giving him the whole story, and he texted back saying he had no problem kicking some ass.

“I wonder if I’m going to have twins,” Charity mused a few minutes into the silence, sipping her hot chocolate.

“I wouldn’t be surprised,” I added.
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This is my new story, I hope you like it, it's rated R because I'm not sure excactly where it will be going, so you never know, so just to be safe, I'm working on chapter 2 and will update hopefully soon, and comments would be nice :) enjoy.