Status: It will be a going :D

Same Girls, Two Lives

Welcome homes and first date blues

Sammy’s Point Of View

Stacie and I have been at Huntington High for a month now and it’s already better then Huntington Prep. I still haven’t met Matt’s parents but Matt tells me they are wicked busy and today I woke up feeling like shit. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. My sister came over to me and held my hair.

“You okay” Stacie asked me. I nodded my head and finished getting ready for school. While I was getting dressed, I noticed my stomach looking slightly bigger but I just ignored it. Stacie and I drove to school and found the guys and I went over and kissed Matt. Jimmy looked sad but I just shrugged it off as he smiled when Stacie hugged him. I think Jimmy likes her and she likes him. That would be cute, Stacie could use a funny guy like him. School went by pretty quickly even with the news of Matt saying I was going to have to meet his parents on Saturday.

I also found out that Brian asked Stacie out on a date on Saturday and Zack asked her out on one for Friday. The rest of the week went by some what uneventful expect for Val threatening me and Stacie being threatened by her twin sister. It was now Friday and I was watching my sister get ready for her date while I got ready for a family party we had to go to. Stacie got out of it but I didn’t and I just hope Matt wasn’t there waiting.

I would have had a date with him if he told me he wasn’t working then we would have just like Stacie had one with Zack. She was fixing her outfit. I knew I had to get ready for dad’s party tonight but I just didn’t feel like it. I wondered why he was upset when Stacie said she couldn’t go, he wouldn’t tell us why it was important or anything. So as Stacie was twirling around in the mirror holding up every outfit she owned. I rolled my eyes just as there was a knock on the door. I got up and headed toward our bedrooms door.

“I’ll get it” I said and walked down the stairs to hear Horse barking at the door.
“Shush” I said to him and opened up the door to see a tall man with his hair buzzed short standing back to the door.
“Hello” I asked. The man turned around and I somewhat knew who he was but I wasn’t sure.
“Is that how you greet your brother” he said. My eyes went wide at who was standing there. It looked nothing like my brother at all. Before he went to basic training for the army, sure he was buff then since he played football at his own private school but he was even more buff.

“Mikey” I said with a questioning tone.
“The not one and only since I am a junior” Mikey said and I smiled and put my arms around him and hugged him tightly.
“Oh god we missed you” I said.
“I’ve missed you too, now where is the one that looks like you” Mikey asked.
“Upstairs” I said and Mikey walked up the stairs. Hopefully Stacie won’t think it’s me and say anything about Zack.

Just warning you now, I’m not coming up the stairs I said to her.
Then who is Stacie asked me.
You’ll see was all I said before I heard her squeal Mikey and most likely hugged him. I went upstairs and Mikey talked with us and asked Stacie why she couldn’t make it to his welcome home party and she told him she had a study date with one of the girls we used to go to school with and she couldn’t miss it because it’s half her grade if she fails the test. I’m surprised she came up with that lie as quick as she did, even more surprised that Mikey believed it. Mikey talked with us for a while and then he left to go and get ready since he still hasn’t gone and seen Mikayla since he got back.

Stacie’s Point Of View

Mikey left and I finished getting ready for my date. I turned to look at Sammy for her opinion on the light blue dress I chose.

“So” I said and smiled at Sammy.
“Beautiful, I wish you would be here tomorrow after I meet Matt’s parents” Sammy said.
“I know but you know how long I’ve been waiting for these two boys to ask me out on a date” I said making sure everything was perfect.
“Yeah I know, but I wish it won’t be so awkward” Sammy said. I nodded and then my phone went off and I noticed it was Zack. I smiled and answered it.

“Hello” I said.
“Hey Stac” Zack said which made my heart flutter.
“What’s up” I asked as I adjusted my dress.
“Um, I’m sorry to do this on the night we are suppose to have a date but I have to cancel, we had a family emergency. I’m so sorry but I’ll make it up to you I promise” Zack said. I felt myself almost start to cry.
“It’s okay” I said softly.
“Are you sure” Zack asked.
“Yeah” I said, “bye.” I hung up and took off the dress and heels I was wearing and sat on my bed. Sammy looked at me as she got ready for the party dad was having. I got out of it because I told them I had something to do but now that I didn’t I guess I had to go. I was actually glad that I could now go to my brother’s welcome home party but I was upset that Zack had to cancel.

“What’s wrong” Sammy asked me as she handed me my dress.
“Zack canceled” I said to her. She sat down and hugged me and then handed me a different dress.
“I’m so sorry sis, but now you don’t have to miss the party” Sammy said to me and I nodded. I put on the new dress and all the accessories and then we drove home. Hopefully we see no one we go to school with now at that party. Little did we know we were in for a big surprise.
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I know it's probably wicked short and wicked boring but I promise you that tomorrows update will be better.

Sammy's school outfit
Stacie's School outfit