Status: It will be a going :D

Same Girls, Two Lives

A pregnancy assembly and realizing a big thing.

Sammy’s Point Of View/

I woke up again this morning on a lovely Wednesday throwing up again. Stacie was still pissy about Zack standing her up again but also worried about me at the same time. She found out again he canceled the date to spend it with Gena so on Monday she ignored his excuses and just hung out with Matt, Brian, Jimmy, Johnny and I. She has also been helping by holding back my hair as I throw up. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but my stomach looks a lot bigger. Since I was done throwing up, I went into my room to get ready while Stacie was in the bathroom.

“Sissy poo can you get me a tampon please” Stacie asked from the bathroom.
“Yep” I said as I brought in the box. That was weird normally me and her are right on when it comes to our periods and when she starts normally like five seconds after I’m bleeding too. After Stacie was done and washing her hands, I went in and sat down looking to see if I was bleeding and I wasn’t.

“Have you started yet” Stacie asked me and I shook my head no.
“Just put a tampon in to be safe” Stacie said to me and I nodded and she left to get our bags and stuff so we wouldn’t be late. I put a tampon in and then went down the stairs. Stacie had her keys in her hand already and her guitar probably because she had a lesson today unless she cancels it because Brian wants to do something which she has been doing every time she has a lesson and his dad doesn’t care at all. I walked to her car and got in the passenger seat as Stacie got in the driver’s. We then drove to school and Zack was standing in the spot that was next to Matt’s car and Brian’s and Stacie just rolled her eyes and got out of it.

“Can we talk please” Zack asked her and she just ignored him. No one stands up my sister twice in a row and gets away with it. I smiled and walked up to Matt who has been acting really weird since we saw him at the party on Friday, which I find really weird. I went up to him and he put his arm around my waist.
“Good morning beautiful” Matt said kissing my cheek which made me smile.
“Morning handsome” I said to him kissing his lips and biting his newly pierced lip. He told me he got it on Sunday while Jimmy just watched him cry like a baby. The bell rang for homeroom and we all walked there and promised to sit near each other during the assembly we were having today. I sat next to Matt and Stacie sat next to Jimmy and they were whispering to each other. I swear if her and Brian don’t work out or even her and Zack, Jimmy and Stacie would be the cutest couple ever, well next to Matt and I or actually after us. Then we got called down and Brian and Zack were waiting for us in the hallway. Stacie went up to Brian and they started to whisper and laugh about random things and Jimmy joined them. Zack sighed and stayed back with Matt and.

“So what is this about” Zack asked.
“I have no idea” Matt replied and as soon as we stepped into the auditorium there was a slide show of that had the title ‘Pregnancy: The signs and how to prevent it.’ Everyone raised their eyebrows and sat down toward the back of the auditorium where the seniors were made to sit. We saw Johnny walk in and he looked at us like why the fuck are we in here and we all just shrugged. Brian and Stacie were whispering away about something and I wanted to know what.

Soon the principle Klein came up to the stage with the microphone. Everybody was still talking for a little bit and then Principal Klein told us all to be quiet and we did.
“Today we have a special guest speaker to talk to you all about teen pregnancy and how you can prevent and what the signs are, so I want you all to give Miss. Mason your full attention and be polite” he said and everyone pretty much nodded their heads. Miss. Mason took the mic and looked out toward us. Matt had my hand in his and I looked down and smiled.

“Alright everyone, I’m Miss. Mason as Principal Klein mentioned and I’m here to talk to you about pregnancy and how you can stop it and if you are pregnant what to do. I know some of you are like ‘Oh we are still in High School we won’t get pregnant we are safe if we do have sex.’ But sometimes accidents happen and then nine months later there is a little baby in your arms and looking at you and depending on you to give it life and nourishment that it will need to grow up and be successful” Miss. Mason said. I heard Jimmy start laughing and I saw Stacie smack him.

“Ha, me have a kid, oh too funny” Jimmy said and Stacie hit him again.
“Yeah you having a kid would be like the kid being on drugs all the time” Stacie said and Jimmy pretended to pout.
“Ouch, that hurt” Jimmy said and we chuckled silently. They would be so cute together. She hit a button on a remote and the first thing that popped up was a big title the said Pregnacy. I looked to see what it said things like this,

First of all, here are some things to think about. You could conceive a baby within one hour after having sex! And within the next few hours as the egg and sperm combine, everything about this new life is determined by the parents -

whether this is a boy or girl

the color of hair, eyes, and skin

the configuration of face and body

the tendency to be short or tall, fat or lean

likelihood of being ruggedly healthy or prone to disease

even certain qualities of temperament and intelligence

And you don't have a clue this has happened in a few short hours.

But you're worried. Maybe you didn't mean to have sex, and now you're scared. Here are some things that might help.

Then Miss. Mason started to talk again as I stared at the screen. Could I be pregnant because I’ve been feeling sick, my sister started her period and I still haven’t.

“So you had sex, whether you meant to or not and whether it was protected or unprotected. Now you're worried. Could you be pregnant? Most people think a missed period is the only warning sign that you might be pregnant. Not so. There are a number of things that occur very soon after a baby has been conceived - both to the mother and the baby!” Miss. Mason said as she pointed to the things I just read and said them out loud.

“Also you might be thinking ‘when was my last period if you are a girl and when is your next one due?’ Well the answer to that is that the greatest likelihood of becoming pregnant occurs just about mid-way between periods. Some of you could have had sex during then whether it was protected or not” Miss. Mason said and me and Matt did have sex between my periods. I was now officially carefully listening and not listening to the immature jokes of Zack, Matt, Brian and Jimmy.

“Well if conception has taken place, it can take just as short as about 8 days later that some women experience spotting and some cramps but it doesn’t happen to everyone” Miss. Mason said, I thought about that and I didn’t get any of that unless I did and just thought it was my period coming early and shoved a tampon up there. Miss. Mason then continued, “But it can be a sign that something is happening in your body and that something is actually your unborn child putting itself in the uterine wall where it will grow for the next nine months.”

Wow, nine months of a baby being inside of you, that’s crazy. She hit the next slide and on it was showing a person looking very tired.

“So if you are pregnant because of the changes that are happening inside your body, as early as one week after conception we may feel tired at any time during the day” Miss Mason said. I have been feeling a lot more tired lately and because of that Stacie has been too. Wow, the more and more I listen to this the more and more I’m thinking I might be pregnant and if I am, how would I tell Matt.

“As early as one to two weeks after conception, some women notice that their breasts are tender to the touch or slightly swollen” Miss Mason said. I remembered one time, Stacie was just joking with me and she hit my boob and it wasn’t like a hard hit but it hurt me really badly and she just looked at me and called me a drama queen and I told her I wasn’t being one that really hurt so don’t hit me so hard and she showed me how hard she hit my boob and it wasn’t hard at all. The next thing that Miss Mason said made me look at Matt.

“Babe” I said and he turned and looked at me.
“Yeah” Matt said.
“Have my areolas been getting darker” I asked him.
“What’s that” Matt asked.
“The area around my nipples” I replied.
“Kinda yeah but it’s probably from tanning topless” Matt said and I nodded making him think that yes that was probably the reason.

She went on and on about how that you could have mini periods but if you missed a period that means the baby’s heart has started to beat and things like that. I was having a lot of these things and I was starting to get somewhat worried. She also said things about getting headaches because of the sudden rise of hormones in your body and nausea may occur between 2 and 8 weeks after conception and it could happen any time of day and I’ve thrown up twice in one morning and then once at night. Also sometimes not all women get sick while pregnant.

“It’s also during that time period that your baby has been growing rapidly. By about 6 weeks his or her brain waves can be recorded, and by 8 weeks his or her body is complete right down to the fingerprints which will be carried throughout life” Miss. Mason said. She had another thing that had more symptoms.

“Also dizziness or fainting can occur because pregnancy can cause low blood sugar and a change in your blood pressure, certain smells can make you gag suddenly, changes in hormones during it can cause rapid shifts in moods and yes that means one of those moods can be extreme horniness and just wanting to have sex with your boyfriend or baby daddy if you aren’t together” Miss Mason said and I saw some people mostly guys high five each other, “now if you think you have some of these symptoms best thing you can do is get a pregnancy test to confirm that you are pregnant or deny that but don’t wait at all so you can get the proper help if you are pregnant.”

She click another slide and it had a website on it.

“So you don’t have to worry about paying for a test or stealing one you can go to this website where you can get help to get a free test and confidential information” Miss Mason said. I knew as soon as school got out, I had to go to the store and by a test just to make sure.

Are you doing anything after school today I asked Stacie in my head.
Besides my lesson, no Stacie replied.
Well you go to the store with me I asked her.
Of course I will Stacie replied and then looked at me with a for what face.
I have a lot of those signs I said casting my eyes up to the screen. Stacie’s eyes went wide and she just nodded. She went on about how to prevent girls getting pregnant which is the standard wear a condom, have birth control or not have sex at all. Then the assembly was over after some people asked questions about things and I was just thinking over everything.

“Stacie, will you be my baby momma” Jimmy asked her as we walked out.
“No Jimmy, I will not be your baby momma, your kids will be kids like they are on drugs and I am not dealing with that” Stacie said giggling after.
“But I love you” Jimmy said picking her up and spinning her around.
“Nope, go masturbate in a turkey baser and have a random girl shoot your sperm up from there” Stacie said and Jimmy pouted. Everyone laughed along but me.

“What’s wrong you don’t find Stacie bashing Jimmy funny” Brian asked.
“Yeah it is, but I’m just thinking” I replied. He nodded and we all went our separate ways to class. In all of my classes, all I kept thinking about was the assembly. School finally ended and I met up with Stacie.

“I got out of my lesson today just to be with you” Stacie said and I nodded and we got to her car after we said goodbye to the guys. Stacie drove to the local CVS and I went in and looked around after putting my hood up so no one would recognize me and bought three test to make sure. I went back to Stacie’s car and she drove back to Linda’s. We went right upstairs to the bathroom and shut the door. I pulled down my pants and peed on the sticks and Stacie was reading how long we had to wait to see the results.

“So it says we have to wait five minutes for each test you have here” Stacie said and I nodded as I sat on top of the toilet. Five minutes went by and then I had Stacie look at one test and I looked at the other. All in all they all said the same and that was, I’m pregnant.
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I got all my information from this website because I don't want to get yelled at for having things word for word pretty much and be all like "Oh I know this stuff because I'm cool" so I got everything Miss. Mason said from here Teen Breaks

So if you haven't realized by now...Yes Sammy is pregnant and you'll find out what happens soon enough with all that.

Sammy Outfit
Stacie's Outfit

Thanks to the people who have commented on my story, I would really like more of them please because if not, I'm just going to end it and send it to very few people.

Also want to see the Mini's of So Far Away who are going to play the guys Check out this page on Facebook Un D Vided

Please I know there are silent readers out there but if you are one please comment whether it's More, UPDATE, Love it, it doesn't matter just say something because I seriously am going to stop this story if there are no more comments.