‹ Prequel: Mocking Bird

Walk Away I'm Okay

I'm tired of this shit!

A knock on my door brought my attention from my staring at the ceiling.

"Sweetheart?" my dad said opening the door.


"How about you come down to the studio with me?" he asked leaning against the door jam.

I let out a sigh. " I don't think so Dad."

"Jordan you've been hold up in your room for two weeks." he said

I just rolled over to my side facing my window. I heard him sigh and leave my room. Two weeks.

'Two weeks of Leo not answering my phone calls or texts.' I thought. I closed my eyes feeling the burning sensations of tears.

My cellphone buzzed from my nightstand I watched as the light flashed. Reaching over I grab it and flipped it over.


"JO, where are you!" the voice on the end of the phone called out. I furrowed my eyebrows and sat up.

"Who is this?"

"I can't believe it you forgot about me JoJo."


"Bingo." he laughed out. "Now where the hell are you." he asked

"My dad's"

"Come see me!!!" he said

"I don't know Liam." I said

"What's wrong Jo?" he muttered into the phone.

"To be honest I have know idea anymore." I said quietly

"I'm coming to see you and your taking me out." he said before hanging up. I looked down at my beeping phone and let out a sigh.

I got up and started to head towards the door only to shriek as the door slammed open and soon I felt my body flying back on my bed. My knees hitting the bar of my bed. I groaned as I opened my eyes seeing a head of wild brown hair and soon seeing Liam's bright brown eyes.

"Hey JoJo." he said with his wild grin.

"GET OFF OF ME!!!!!" I shrieked while thrashing out from underneath his crushing weight with him laughing.

"What the hell!! I was just talking to you!!" I said.

He shrugged before grabbing me and tossing me over his shoulder and making his way out my room.

"Liam!! Put Me Down." I said once we entered the entry way where my dad stood with the door open with Liam and CiCi's mom both smiling as Liam dragged me out of the house.

"We'll be back later tonight mom!" he said.

"DAD HELP ME!!" I screamed at him.

"Have fun Jordan!" he called back laughing.


I was sat down on the boardwalk with my arms crossed facing Liam.

He just gave me a cheeky grin.

I was standing there in my clothes I had thrown on earlier that morning.

"Oh don't look at me like that CiCi told me about you not coming out of the house in two weeks." he said as he glared at me. I just glared back at him from underneath my glasses.

"I have every right too." I said

"Oh and what is that right then princess." he asked

"for your information Liam. After my boyfriend found out about you coming he didn't want to have anything to do with me." I said

"And how is that my fault Jordan!" He said raising his arms in the air at me.

"everything !" I screamed back at him before turning and making my way down the boardwalk towards the beach. I knew Liam was following seeing as I was the only one he knew and he was probably lost on how to get back.

"Look Jo!" he called

"No Liam leave me alone!" I said to him.

"JoJo?" a voice said in front of me. Looking up I see Sage standing there with his dog Bozer on a leash. He looked confused as Liam came up behind me. "What's going on? Have you heard from Leo lately?" he asked

I looked over at him confused.

"Leo didn't tell you he was upset at me?" I asked knowing the two of them lived on the same block.

"No I haven't seen him the past couple of weeks, I just got back into town the other day." he said shrugging.

I blinked before looking down. Licking my lips I looked up at him. "Sage can you tell him something for me?"

"Yeah sure anything."

"Tell him to call me, we need to talk." I whispered quietly before walking off with Liam on my heels.

"Jordan who was that!" Liam asked


"Who is he?"

"He's a singer in the band I went on tour with, I'm friends with him and the others in his band."

"Who's Leo?"

I stopped and turned to look at him.

"You want to know what." I said crossing my arms.

"What Jordan?"

"I'm tired of all this shit." I said looking him in the eye.


"You boys and your freaking jealously issues, I mean who gives a flying shit that I"m friends with guys when you should know they are all like brother's to me." I said rolling my eyes.

"What are you on about Jordan?"

"My boyfriend was jealous because of you Liam." I snapped

Liam shut his mouth before looking behind me. I looked over my shoulder seeing the bright blue eyes that looked at me with sorrow and pain. He looked horrible, his eyes held bags underneath them and his hair was disheveled along with his clothes. I took a step towards him. Watching as he just gazed at me with hurt in his eyes.
