Status: Complete

You've Got Me Love Drunk

Ten- When you're gone


It was boring without Emily. It was really boring. The last week of term had passed so slowly. Monday was fine, seeing as she only had one lecture and was back pretty soon, even though she had to work on her dissertation. No matter how hard I tried it was official: I was useless at History. So I decided to dedicate this week to writing some new material. Not that that was going very well seeing as all I could think about was Emily. We had developed a morning routine: we both woke up at the same time, while she was getting dressed I made her breakfast and coffee and then after she had finished that I made sure she got off to Uni okay. Then I went back to bed for a few more hours.

By Friday I was going mad. I had only seen four apartments, only one of which was decent. Our plane tickets were all booked though and I’d called up the family a few times just to let them know the details of our arrival. It had been a while since I’d seen my family properly so I was excited, even more excited that my mom was happy I was bringing Emily. I was also really excited about spending time with my sisters, Erica and Mckayla. So it was going to be a great Christmas.

“Hayley, I’m home.” I heard Emily shout from the front door. It was gone six so I was beginning to worry as to where she had got to.
“Hey you. Where’ve you been?”
“Sorry babe, I was in the library finishing up my dissertation.”
“Aw cool, did you get it finished?”
“Oh yes, one down one to go.” I could see the relief exuberating from her. It was half the weight off her shoulders.
“Well then, looks like you can relax tonight.”
“It looks like I can.” She said as she approached me. She grabbed the front of my hoodie with two hands and pulled me towards her, crashing our lips together. “God I’ve missed you this week.” She said in between kisses. She began to grow bored of my grey hoodie, which soon found its way onto the kitchen floor.
“I’ve missed you too.” I managed to splutter out as her teeth nipped their way down my neck. She knew I couldn’t resist that, and she was taking advantage of it.

Emily grabbed my hand and led me down the corridor to the living room. Knowing Natalie would be out she lightly, but forcefully, pushed me down onto the sofa. She slowly lowered herself onto me, straddling my waist, and took hold of the first button of my shirt. But suddenly she looked unsure.
“It’s okay,” I smiled at her. “I want this.”
That was all the encouragement she needed. As she began kissing my neck again she hastily undid the buttons of my shirt, eventually tossing it aside when it began to get in her away. I took hold of her t-shirt and slipped the material over her head, tossing it to where my shirt now lay. I ran my hands up her exposed sides as she lifted the white vest I wore under my shirt over my head too.
“God your gorgeous.” She muttered before kissing down the middle of my midnight blue bra, and down to the edge of my jeans. I could feel my breath hitching. I didn’t know how far we were willing to go, but this was definitely the furthest we had gone. But bloody hell did it feel good. Her hands snaking themselves down my stomach and up my sides, her warm skin on mine.
Then she began kissing up, this time kissing over the lacy material that was covering my breasts. My breath hitched again, causing her to utter a giggle.
“Am I exciting you?” she whispered huskily into my ear. All I could do was nod. I didn’t trust my voice. She pulled back a bit. “Oh God. Well. I don’t know how far I can go today. I’m not saying that I’ll never go that far. Just maybe not tonight?” the awkwardness in her voice was adorable.
“I don’t care how far we go in this relationship, as long as you’re happy then so am I.” I smiled at her. She leaned forward and smiled into the kiss before I pulled her down and wrapped my arms around her. Her skin felt so good against mine.
“So, what’s the plan for this whole meeting the family thing?”
“Well, we’ll probably stay in my room to save spending out on a hotel and it means I get to see more of my family, if that’s okay with you? Christmas day, everyone’s coming round their so we don’t have to move, we’ll eat and play some games or something. I don’t know, we’ll just see what happens.”
“Sounds like a great Christmas to me.”
“Erm, Emily? Can I ask you something?” I asked hesitantly.
“Yeah sure, go for it.”
“What have you done the past couple of Christmases?”
“Oh. Nothing much really. I went round Natalie’s mum’s once with her and spent it there, other times I’ve just gone out with my friends and stuff. Mum never invited me over there.” I wrapped my arms tighter around her. She had lost the support of her family the day she spoke up against possibly the toughest time of her life, and yet she could still smile. She was incredible.
“So then, what are we doing for presents?” she said after a while of me not speaking.
I broke out of my reverie. “Well surely the idea is to get each other presents?” I said sarcastically. She playfully poked me in the ribs, which hurt a bit more than usual due to the lack of clothing.
“No, I mean, is there a spending limit? I don’t know. I haven’t bought presents for a partner in ages. I’m a bit out of the loop.”
“Well neither have I so don’t worry. I don’t know. Let’s just see what happens.”
“Okay then. I’m hungry.” She replied, snuggling into the crook of my neck.
“Get some food then.”
“Can’t. Comfy.”
“Fine then. Let me get up and I shall make you something.”
“Okay then, I want a toastie though. With cheese and stuff.”
“Yes, yes, you shall get a toastie.” I said, gently pushing her off me and onto the sofa.
“That’s right, into the kitchen you go woman.” She laughed to herself. “And keep your shirt off.” She smirked at me as I reached to put the vest back on.
“Cut it with the sexist jokes, you’re a woman too so it doesn’t work.” I laughed as I made my way to the kitchen. I turned on the toastie machine and began making two cheese and ham sandwiches. Once the toastie machine was hot enough I slipped the sandwiches in the machine and waited for them to finish. I grabbed a couple of glasses of juice and set them on the table in the living room. By the time I got back to the kitchen the toasties were then, which I then slid onto two plates.
“Your toastie madam.” I said, presenting Emily with her meal. She sat up and turned the TV on while I got comfy on the seat next to her. “It’s hot so watch it.” I said just as she was about to take a big bite out of her sandwich.
“Thanks. How long are we going away for?”
“Two weeks, leaving on Monday morning. So I was going to pack tomorrow. I won’t be taking much seeing as I’ll be bringing stuff back.”
“Cool, it will be nice to get away for a while.”
“Yeah, you can stop worrying about Shakespeare for a few weeks and have some fun. I am so excited for this trip; my mom is really excited about meeting you and I just know you’re going to get along with my sisters.”
“They’ll love me; I’ll make sure of it. They don’t mind that I’m stealing you and keeping you hostage down here?”
“Not at all. My family were pretty supportive about it so you have nothing to worry about.”
“Okay. I’m excited too by the way.”
“Good, because it would be pretty awkward if you weren’t.”
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what's that? New readers!? you guys are awesome. Subscribers are epic. next update should be up way sooner than these last two. ive been dreadul recently, im sorry.

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