Status: Complete

You've Got Me Love Drunk

Twelve- Two Can Play at this Game


She hadn’t said much since Natalie’s phone call. Not while packing the rest of her clothes, or making dinner, or packing the bags early this morning. We were currently in the car on the way to airport. I hadn’t pushed her. I mean, I knew Dave was a bastard, but I didn’t know what about this situation was making her so on edge.
“I’m sorry.” She said suddenly, catching me by surprise.
“What for poppet?”
“For not explaining, for being a bitch. Just, everything.”
“It’s okay, I just want to help.” I said, placing my hand on her knee.
“It’s a long story.” She said, sighing. “Me and Dave were going out for a while. We started dating when I was 15 and then it ended when I was 19, in our first year of Uni. He was my, erm, first. So he meant a lot to me. The beatings started when I was 18. One day I came into school after a severe beating the night before with a black eye and a split lip. My lecturer was so worried he contacted the head, who then called me into his office to see me. I broke down and told him everything. By this time I had told my parents and gone through that fiasco. So then the head called Dave in and began questioning him. The smirk on his face was all the confirmation the head needed. Dave was expelled in his third year of doing medicine, meaning he couldn’t become a doctor. When I ended things with him he said he would never forgive me, and somehow find a way to take revenge I guess.” Emily began gripping the steering wheel tighter to stop her hands from shaking. “He moved to France, where his family had a house. And now after two years he’s back.”
I gripped her knee harder. “Nothing will happen to you. I swear.”
She sighed. “I really hope you’re right.”

We were silent for a while longer, my hand still resting on her knee, Stone Sour blaring from the stereo.
“You know, Dave never used to let me listen to this kind of music. He always had control of the music.”
“So what did he like listening to?”
“Rap.” She said with a disgusted look on her face. I laughed. She was finally loosening up.
“Well pumpkin you can listen to whatever you want now.” I said with a smile. “Mainly because your CD collection is basically the clone of mine.”
“Well I always knew you had great taste.”
“You did, huh? And how did you know that?” that familiar shade of red was creeping its way back over her face.
“Erm, well, oh god this is going to sound so creepy,” she warned. “Paramore has always been my favourite band. So I used to like, rape your website frequently and read all your blogs and your bio and stuff.” I couldn’t help but smile. This girl already knew the basics about me before we were even going out.
“Well, that’s not fair. You know a lot about me, but I hardly know anything about you.”
“Fine then, shoot.”
“Hmm,” I said, pondering. “Favourite type of food?” now that I had the chance to ask her whatever I wanted, I was stuck.
“Oh easy, sushi.”
“Alright then,” I said, trying to think of harder questions. “Favourite concert you’ve been to?”
“Again, easy. Paramore, in 2009. I was in the front row and you touched my hand.” She replied sheepishly with that red tint gracing her cheeks again.
“Oh, wow, that’s kind of weird.”
“Yeah, just a bit,” she laughed. “Next question.”
“Alright bossy,” I said, pinching her knee. “How many instruments can you play?”
“Erm,” she said, doing a mental count. “Guitar, bass, drums, ukulele, cello, piano and violin. So seven.”
“Oh, wow, blimey that’s impressive.” I laughed.
“Yeah, most of those are self- taught. I’ve got this way of being able to pick things up really quickly.”

Question time unfortunately had to stop seeing as we were pulling into the airport car park. Grabbing our bags we made our way to the airport. Luckily checking in didn’t take too long so we were free to chill out while waiting for our flight.
“It’s my turn now.” She said turning to me.
“Okay, shoot.”
“Do your parents know about your sexuality?” This was more of an enquiry than a question to get to know me, but I knew she asking it. She was scared about their reaction to us.
“Oh yeah, I told them a few years back. I’ve known for age, I’ve just never been with a girl. If that makes sense.”
“Yeah I know what you mean; In fact I know exactly what you mean. You’re the first girl I’ve ever been with.” Smiling, I took her hand and began playing with the rings on her fingers, just as the tanoy overhead announced that we could board our flight. We made our way to the queue of people, handed over our passports again and began climbing the stairs to the plane.
“You choose the seats, I don’t care where we sat.” so Emily chose some seats right at the back of the plane, she in the window seat.
“I’m sleepy.” She said, yawning.
“Why don’t you take a nap then?”
“Won’t you mind? It’s a long flight and I don’t want you to be on your own.”
“I’ll be fine babe, just go to sleep.” She didn’t need much more encouragement. Resting her head on my shoulder she was asleep before the plane even took off. Knowing she would probably be out for a good few hours I grabbed my book from the rucksack at my feet and began reading.

“What time is it?” I heard a sleepy voice say from beside me.
“It’s about 11 o’ clock. How did you sleep?”
“Really well actually. When did you put this over me?” she was referring to my hoodie which I had draped over her.
“About an hour ago, you looked chilly.”
“I thought I could smell something delicious.” She said, nuzzling into my neck and gently planting a kiss underneath my ear.
“Do you want your book?”
“Yes please.” I reached into my rucksack again and grabbed Emily’s book. Getting comfortable once again she took out her bookmark and began reading. Considering that it had been an early flight, a good majority of the passengers were asleep, me and Em being some of the few that were awake.
“Hayley?” she whispered into my ear.
“Yes?” but I could barely get the word out before her tongue drew a line from the bottom of my neck to just below my ear. A quiet moan escaped my lips when she started to nibble on my ear lobe.
“Nothing.” She said mischievously, placing her hand on the top of my leg underneath my hoodie which she had placed over both of us as a blanket, and continued reading like nothing had happened.
“You can’t just do that and then pretend like nothing happened!” I said into her ear, the high pitch of my voice betraying the effect she had on me.
“Erm, I think I just did.” And again, returned to her book. I picked my book up which had dropped out of my hand at some point during the previous exchange. Appearing to read I began to casually slide my hand up and down her tight- clad legs, making my way higher and higher with each turn. “Two can play at this game.” I whispered.