

The deep desire to feel his inked skin pressed against mine. His hot breath touching my neck. The strong touch of his hands, embracing my body. His extraordinarily large arms holding me close. The desire he gave me was that of nothing you could ever imagine. For months I could only desire this, but tonight, was something different. I was going to make our bodys one, make up for what we'd bothed lacked for far too long.

On this night, our desires would send us over the edge.

The aroma of the pasta sauce filled my house, you could smell the mix of garlic and cheese mixing, that alone would make Matt go nuts. But what I had in mind was far more satisfiying, even if he loved his food.

Moments passed and the door remained closed. My seat at the table was just so I could watch the door. Headlights danced across the wall in the dark living room, and I heard the garage door open, then awaited it to shut. I stood up and ran my hand through my curly hair fixing it, just the way Matt liked it.

My jeans hugged my body in the perfect places, and I flattened the white shirt snugged to my torso, revealing close to, two inches of my stomach. My bare feet touched the cold floor and I now watched the garage door open. It open, and Matt was revealed in track pants, tennis shoes, no shirt. Not to mention the ever famous hat over bandana and avaitors. Even when it was dark, his glasses never came off.

I leaned against the table awaiting him to come to me.

He turned his head towards me and smiled. I smirked and motioned with my index finger to come to me. He dropped his duffle bags and did so. His hands placed themselves on my hips and he lifted me up and kissed my neck gently.

"I missed your touch baby" He whispered into the crook of my neck. I ran my hand over his head, knocking the hat and bandana to the floor. Easily removing his glasses and dropping them to the floor, his hazel eyes connected with mine for the first time in months, his dimples showed from the smile he had on his face and I kissed his soft lips lightly.

He sat me down gently on the table and pushed his arm over the plates I had setting out, sending them to the floor. They connected with the wood with a crash, and shattered. His aggressivness was turning me on.

"Fuck me Mattie, its been too long" I said not wanting to wait any longer.

He nodded, not daring disobey. His hands roamed upwards, taking the shirt with them. Tossing it over his shoulder, then running his hands over my breast and to my back where his quick fingers over and unclasped my bra, and allowing it to drop. My hands pushed his pants to the ground and he stepped out of them, kicking his shoes with them.

He pushed my body back on the table and grabbed my hips pulling me towards him. Leaning down and nipping my bottom lip to keep me satisfyied while he unbuttoned my pants. They came off just as quick as the rest of my clothes. Leaving me nude, while his eyes danced across my body, devoring me with his eyes. He leaned down and kissed me again, moving his hand down to my thighs.

He slipped two fingers into my wet folds, while puttting pressure to my clit with his thumb. His fingers moved quick, his touch was life threatening, and I needed more of him. I groaned under my breath when he stopped just long enough to remove his boxers. His erect dick was something I should've been sacred of, knowing fully of the pain that was going to be mine in a few moments, but that pain would only disappear as the pleasure came.

His tip touched my wet entrance and I nearly screamed because of it. His laugh was annoying, knowing it was only torture, just as it was torture hearing his husky voice scream on a CD, while he was somewhere half way across the country. My eyes pleaded with him to just fuck me, finally, after what seemed like forever. He did.

Each inch of him was eased in with gentleness. I bit my bottom lip as I felt his dick caress my walls. Each of his strong hands were placed on a hip and he gripped hard, pulling me fully against him. A light moan escaped my lips.

His pace was slow and caring. Letting me enjoy each second. It was amazing, our bodys connecting completly with every thrust, the pure ecstasy I was getting from this touch. He was expertly hitting my spot each time, even with the slow pace it felt amazing.

His left hand stayed on my side, while his right moved up and caressed my stomach, and then my breast. Finally, I knew he wanted to go at his pace, allow himself pleasure. I was not going to say no, even if it hurt, I wanted to feel it.

He put a hand on each side of me on the table and leaned down taking my lips to his own. Kissing, so that he could feel my moans in his mouth when he pounded harder. His hips were moving at an incredible speed and with his mouth on mine, I'd of filled the house with screams.

Each thrust was hitting my spot, perfectly. I turend my head to break the kiss so he could hear me say his name. Scream it, show him my desire for him. The burning sensation came to my stomach, and before long my body shook violently as my orgasam took over and a burst of pleasure surged through my body.

He bit his lip and thrusted harder, and deeper each time. Beads of sweated rolled from his head and landed on my chest. Moans were firing from my mouth, as his dick swelled and I felt his realease inside me. He rode it out, until he was finished and layed his head on my sweat covered chest.

My breath was uneasy. He looked at me and smiled.

"Meg Sanders, I fucking love you" he whispered against my lips, trying his hardest to catch his breath.

I smiled. "I love you too Mathew"