Status: Very Active. COMMENT!!

Designed to Kill

A Tour

I had managed to turn most of my body away from the guy with green eyes. My back was to the window and making me shiver lightly. Out of no where a blanket was thrown at me. I wrapped up in it and tried to snuggle against the window. Don't fall asleep, don't fall asleep! I kept chanting that in my head hoping it would work. After two minutes my eyes slipped closed. A cold hand slipped behind my head and brought in down. I gladly snuggled into the crook of the neck of mr. green eyes. I seriously needed to learn their names! With that thought I fell asleep.

*Three hours later*
I woke up to my weight being shifted. I was groggy and barely noticed I wasn't in the car anymore. I pulled myself from my sleep and realized I was being carried. A part of me wanted to freak out, the other part wanted more sleep.

"You awake?" a familiar voice called. I mumbled something and shook my head. Then we were all of a sudden in a brightly light room. I blinked to see we were standing in the doorway to a home. Mr. green eyes set me down. I yawned and stretched, my shirt coming up a little. My stomach growled, but I ignored it.

"Would you like some food?" green eyes asked.

"You're going to feed me?" I looked at him like he had seven heads. All five guys in the room shrugged. I shrugged and allowed green eyes to tow me into a different room, the kitchen.

"Wait, do I get to know your names? Or shall I make some up?" I asked sitting at the breakfast bar.

"Right. I'm Zack. The really tall guy is Jimmy, the short one is Johnny, the one with long hair is Brian, and as you may have heard the muscular one is Matt." he opened a cupboard and revealed a bunch of boxes of Mac & Cheese. I died and went to heaven!
"Mac & Cheese?" he asked taking out a box. I shook my head violently up and down. He took out a pot and started to make it.

"So I told you my name. What's yours?" Zack asked turning around to look at me.

"Rayne. How's the food coming?" my stomach was still yelling at me.

"Noodles are done. I just have to stir in the sauce." as he talked he kept making the food. He finally poured the food into a bowl, put a fork in it, and handed the bowl to me. I took a bite and found it was still pretty hot. I swallowed not caring about the heat. Oh my god! I love Mac & Cheese! My stomach was very happy it finally had food in it. The last meal I had was at school the previous day. Zack had taken a seat across from me and watched me eat. It creeped me out a little, but I couldn't care that much because I had food!

"Thank you." I smiled at Zack. Wait! Did I just smile at this guy? Remember he's some cannibalistic freak?! I was such a genius some times! The weirdest part was when he smiled back. I got up and went to explore the house. I was on my way out when I ran into someone. I was knocked backwards and fell on my butt.

"Ouch! I think you broke my ass!" I complained getting up and rubbing it.

"Do you want me to kiss it better?" he asked smirking. Oh my god! This guy was weird!

"No!" I stepped around him shaking my head. I was walking through the front hall when Matt ran and blocked the front door. What a wierd thing to do.

"Might I ask what you are doing?" I asked.

"You aren't going to leave this house." he stated firmly.

"Wasn't planning on it. I tend to trip when I run." I shrugged it was the truth.

"Oh." he looked confused. I walked through the front hall and ended up in the living room. The one named Bryan was sitting down flipping through the channels. He was going through them so fast I was sure you couldn't read the name of the show. I sighed and sat down next to him. He turned his head and looked at me, while still flipping through the channels.

"Um, hi." I said feeling creeped out.

"I'm Bryan." he stuck his hand out for me to shake.

"Yeah, I'm Rayne." I shook his hand hesitantly.

"Would you like a tour of the house?" he asked standing up.

"Um sure..." I trailed off when I stood up. We walked back through the living room and down a hall to the right of a huge stair case. I didn't even know it was there before. We walked down the left and I saw two doors.

"This is Matt's room. We put him down here because he's too loud." Brian wrinkled his face in disgust.

"He snores?" I tried to guess. A musical laughter sounded from behind me.

"No, things get pretty wild sometimes." an angelic voice said. I turned to see one of the most gorgeous women I had ever seen. She had bright blonde hair that came down to her shoulders, a warm inviting eyes. I turned red almost immediatly after what she said clicked in my head. EWW! I didn't know where they were going to keep me at night, but I hope I don't hear them.

"I'm Val by the way." she held out her perfect hand for me to shake. I took it unkowingly and she had the softest skin. And is was so...smooth.

"Rayne." she seemed like someone I could get along with. I smiled lightly at her, and she beemed back to me.

"If you ever need a girl to talk to, I'll be in my closet." she walked down the hall and entered the second door.

"Closet?" I turned stupididly to Brian for an answer.

"She makes clothes." he shrugged and pushed me back down the hall towards the stairs.

"What about the right side of the hall?" I asked.

"Don't go down there! Stay out of those rooms and we won't have problems!" he snapped. I flinched away from his angry tone. His eyes softened and then he pushed me up the stairs. We went to the right this time. We went to the second door on the right. He opened the door and I saw Zacky sitting on the bed. It was a nice sized room.

"This is your room." Brian said.

"This should be awkward!" I ran my hand through my hair.

"Why because you have to sleep next to him?" Brian asked.

"No, I steal the covers." I said smirking.

"I don't think I've encountered someone like you before." Zack said grinning at me.

"I know I've never met someone like you." I stated.

"You know what we are?" Zacky was standing up staring at me.

"Guys' come in here I think she figured it out!" Brian called. Then the room was crowded.

"What are we?" Jimmy's voice right next to me made me jump slightly.

"Um, you....are...cannabals?" it came out more as a sentance. Everyone started laughing.

"But you bit that...." I trailed off thinking. He had bit her neck. Zack was uncommonly fast, and they were a little cold to the touch.

"I think she's putting it together." Zack was staring at me again.

"But...oh." I leaned against Jimmy and put my arm around him for support. He put his arm around me and held me in place. No I couldn't be right....could I? Monsters don't exist in real life right? They were just put in stories to scare little kids. My surroundings started to blur a little. They didn't have fangs or scary faces or anything. I snapped back to reality.

"Do you have fangs?" I blurted out.

"Yeah." Johnny smiled at me...and sure enough he had fangs.

"!" I exploded.

"What?" Jimmy asked laughing.

"You guys' are supposed to be fake. But here you are. That's just" I laughed at my explanation. I'm pretty sure a normal person would freak out if they knew they had been kidnapped by vampires. I was pretty damn excited though!

"I thought you were going to pass out there for a minute." Matt said laughing.

"I was. But I pulled myself together." I replied laughing. I stood away from Jimmy since I had my balance all the way back now.

"We'll have Val make you some clothes. There's a bathroom next door, which is yours. Jimmy and I are down the hall, and Johnny is across the way. We are going to go hunt now, so you'll be here by yourself." Brain said explaining things.

"When will you guys' be back?" I didn't like being alone.

"An hour. We have some good movies downstairs to watch." Zacky said. I followed them downstairs and went to the living room while they went out. As I sat on the couch thinking about my new life I dozed off.
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Sorry I've been so slow.