Sing It for the World


“Aurelia, what is he doing here?” Aurelia Reed’s mother glared angrily into the sixteen-year-old’s bedroom, swinging the door wide open. Aurelia looked up from where she was sitting on her bed, the boy next to her standing up immediately. Perhaps boy wasn’t the right word to use to describe him, she thought to herself with a small frown. Frank was much more than just a boy; he was much more than the idiot her mother took him for.

“We’re talking,” Aurelia said as she looked at her mother, standing next to Frank and touching her hand to his shoulder. Though he was twenty-two, he was only an inch or two taller than herself. Her mother’s eyes narrowed and she glared at Frank.

“I told you to stay away from my daughter. I don’t want her ruining her chances at getting into a good college and making a life for herself because she’s involved with some nobody who’s doing nothing with his life,” she spat at him before looking back at Aurelia. “Go downstairs now.”

Aurelia bit her lip, knowing that her mother was angry, more angry than she’d ever seen her before. The look on her face was unmistakable. Last time, her mother had given Frank a threatening warning to stay away from Aurelia with the promise that the next time it happened, the police were going to be called. She knew if she left now, she’d probably never see Frank again.

He gave her a comforting smile, that boyish glint in his eyes not gone as he leaned over to peck his lips to her forehead, knowing how badly it pissed her mother off. He gave her a tight squeeze, and then stepped back from her. “It’s alright, Rel. I’ll be fine,” he murmured to her before reaching up to brush some tears out of her eyes. “Don’t forget to sing, okay? Stay strong. Don’t let them pull you down.”

Aurelia blinked and didn’t have the opportunity to give Frank another hug before her mother intervened, pushing him back away from her before grabbing her arm roughly, shoving her towards the door. Aurelia took one last, fleeting glance back at Frank before she started descending down the staircase. Her mother didn’t understand her relationship with Frank. She would never understand. She just assumed that they only had a sexual relationship, when in fact it ran much deeper and truer than that. While it was true that Aurelia wouldn’t mind taking that step with Frank, they hadn’t gone that far with one another yet. He wanted her to be old enough to fully understand it, and she didn’t want him to get arrested for statutory rape. They settled for spending as much time together as they could behind her parents’ backs and a few kisses. That was the only thing either of them really needed. She loved Frank more than anything else on the planet, and she knew that he loved her just as much. Nothing else mattered. He was the strength she drew from; the one sole person who could help her stay strong when everyone else was constantly trying to beat her down and make her give in. How would she manage to stay strong when her mother put him in jail?

His words rang in her head over and over in her mind as first she heard her mother call the police, and then a few minutes later as the police sirens started moving closer and closer to the house. Don’t forget to sing. She blinked, nodding her head even though he couldn’t see it. If Frank wanted her to stay strong, then she would do everything she could. She’d let the world hear her voice. She would scream it at the top of her lungs; she would yell it from the rooftops, if she had to. She was going to let the world know exactly who Aurelia Reed was. She was going to sing it for the world. She looked up when she heard several heavy footsteps walking down the stairwell, and she looked over to see Frank being led down them in handcuffs. His long, dark hair was hanging in his hazel eyes, but the same smile that was always there graced his lips. He shook his hair out of his eyes as he looked over at her, meeting her eyes.

That one look spoke volumes for Aurelia. He wasn’t leaving her. He might be going to jail for now, but he’d figure out a way to get out. He’d find a way to let the world hear his voice too, just the same as she had heard it. They were two kids whose names the world had never known. But someday—someday soon, Aurelia thought to herself—everyone would know who they were and what they stood for.
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Hello, there.

This is the first My Chem fanfic that I have written since 2008. I am super excited about this one, and I'm really hoping that everyone likes it as much as I've enjoyed starting to write it. :) There will only be about 20 chapters in this also, since it is for a contest. ^_^ Comments are always awesome if you have them. =)