Status: Best readers in the world. Thank you guys. 7/2/11

I Love Him..and He Doesn't Even Notice Me

Runaway Mountain

*Ivy's POV*

The line for Runaway Mountain was kind of long, but not the kind of long where you don't even want to wait. We were under the cave part in a few minutes, and let me tell you one thing: it was dark in there!

"Hope no one is afraid of the dark!" I yelled, knowing full well that Christy was.

"Shut your mouth, Ivy!" Christy hand her hands to her face. She was already scared enough, so I decided to stop.

I laughed. Then I felt something grab me from behind which caused me to scream. Then Christy screamed which made every other girl scream. I did an about face and saw Cole laughing.

"That was so not funny." I turned back around.

"Aww, come on. Don't be mad. It was just a joke." He hugged me from behind.

I looked at Christy who looked like she was about to cry. "Yeah, some joke." I broke away from him. I knew I was kind of over reacting, but still. Christy was already scared and he made it worse. I walked up to the front of our group where Evan and Ethan were. Ethan was flirting with some girl, and Evan was just standing there awkwardly while the girl's friend kept looking at him.

I whispered in his ear, "I think some one likes you." Then I pointed to the girl.

Evan shivered, "Yeah, I know. It's fucking creeping me out! All she does is stare! And she's not even that cute."

I looked at her again. Okay, I think Evan may have gone blind. This girl was gorgeous! I never thought I could see someone so pretty in real life. "Um..Evan she's beautiful. Are your eyes okay?"

"They're fine," He looked at me. "I've just seen better."

My heart skipped at beat. "Like Bailey."

"Yeah," My heart took a dive, "And you."

I blushed, but hoped he didn't see it in the dark. "Whatever."

"Ugh, why do girls always do that? They never know how to take a compliment! They just deny it, even when it's obviously the truth."

"Oh, I know how to take compliments when they're the truth. That's just not the truth, I'm not prettier than her." I know I'm not ugly, but seriously, she's beautiful.

"Well, you need to look in the mirror."

I was about to reply when the next ride came in. Ethan hopped in the car with that girl he was flirting with, and the other girl hopped in the back of their car. She looked at Evan, expecting him to sit with her. I laughed and Evan pulled me into another cart with him. "Um..I'm pretty sure she wanted to sit with you."

"Well, I'm pretty sure that I don't want to sit with her."

"Okay, but why do I have to sit with you?" I looked at Cole who was looking at me sitting with Evan. He shook his head then went to sit in the back with Big Mikey. Fuck.

"Oh, well now it's a crime to want to sit next to you?" He looked offended.

I laughed. "No." I noticed that Christy and Justin were sitting behind us.


The ride started, and we were launched into pitch black. I heard Christy squeal. What a little baby. Ha, I'm mean!

The ride took a sudden turn and I fell onto Evan. In the darkness I could only see his figure. His figure that was leaning towards me!!!! I felt his lips on mine and his hand on my waist. EVAN O'BRIAN WAS KISSING ME, and it wasn't for a play!

His tongue brushed against my lip, then he bit it. I gasped and he slipped his tongue in my mouth. Part of me was so happy that this was happening, but another part of me felt guilty cause I was dating Cole.

When the ride came to an end and the bar flew us, releasing us, I flew out of my seat. I looked at Evan and he looked dazed with pure bliss. I looked at Christy, her hair was going in every direction, then I looked at Justin and his was the same. Looks like we weren't the only one making out.

I stormed out of the ride. I couldn't believe what I had just done. I just cheated on Cole and we hadn't even been going out for a day! I was such a horrible person.

"Ivy. Ivy. I am so so so sorry!" Cole came outside. He hugged me and I felt even worse. Like some one had punched me in the stomach, hit my back causing me to fall, then just kept kicking me repeatedly. Like I said, I'm a horrible person!
♠ ♠ ♠
well, that was something..
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