Status: Best readers in the world. Thank you guys. 7/2/11

I Love Him..and He Doesn't Even Notice Me

Christofer Drew?

*Evan's POV*

"Hey, man, sorry for ditching you back there." Ethan ran up to me. "That girl was just so fine!"

"Yeah, it's no problem man."

He stopped walking and looked at me. "Are you okay? Normally, you would blow up on me."

"Dude, I sat next to Ivy on the ride." He looked at me as is if say 'And?'. "And we totally made out!"

"No way!" We high hived. "Wait, isn't she dating Cole?"

"Yeah..." As much as I hated it, she still was with Cole.

"Dude, what are you doing? You are Evan O'Brian, you can have any girl you want! Why waste your time on this one chick?"

"Cause she's not just 'this one chick' to me, she's way more than that. I don't want you to think that I'm going fruity or anything, but she really is different from other girls. I mean, she doesn't fall to my feet, she runs away from me, she's down to earth but not the kind of down to earth that's unbearable, and when she acts, man she blows me out of this world!"

"You talk about her like she's the Sun."

"No, but I'm pretty sure that if she wasn't in my life it would be less bright then it is."

"Aww, I think I almost cried!" He said sarcastically.

"Shut up."

I looked in front of us and saw Judy running towards us. "Hey guys, we just heard that NeverShoutNever is having a concert here, so is it cool with you guys if we go watch?"

"Yeah, totally. Christofer Drew is like my idol, his songs are like the book to my soul!" I said. He truly was amazing.

"Um..little gay there, bro." Ethan stepped away from me. Judy laughed.

"Whatever. You can't deny it though, if you really listen to the lyrics of his songs, they are so deep!"

"Man, just shut the fuck up! I don't want to hear another word out of your mouth unless it has to do with sports, banging chicks, or partying! Ugh!" Ethan complained.


When we got to the concert arena there were already a load of people there. I hate how all of a sudden NeverShoutNever got so popular! Ugh, I remember when nobody even knew who Christofer Drew was, but now everyone is like "Christofer Drew this" and "Christofer Drew that". It just got on my nerves.

We all pushed our way to the front. He was just setting up his stuff on stage. I looked around at the girls that were salivating his every move. Pathetic. They would never get him, he was famous for Pete's sake!

"Hey guys, thanks for coming to watch me! I want to start off with something older, for my most dedicated fans!" Everyone cheered as the opening lyrics to DareforDistance started playing.

"I got the concept and came to the conclusion
That the top floor was just an illusion
To the fact that I've got this break in my back
That I can't get out; I can't figure out how
You appeared right in front of me
Before you marched down South to university
Is where you send your daylight
But we're both just waitin' for this Friday night
Although the distance is daring,
We both know how to drive."

I looked at Ivy who was staring straight at Christofer Drew. There was something in her eye's, though, something that none of the other girls had in their eyes.

"Oh, weekends make up for the lost times
That we both apologized for
And I can't stand the fact that this extremity
Is the center of my day
I see where you're comin' from, we've been
On the same boat since day one
I see how you like to run
Back to the things that got you here, oh!
Although the distance is daring we both
Know how to drive
Oh, weekends make up for the lost times
That we both apologized for
And I can't stand the fact that this extremity
Is the center of my day
You're the center of my day."

My favorite part was coming up. I started singing along, quietly.

"Mondays, I sleep away
Tuesdays, I lay awake
Wednesdays, are the worst
Oh Thursdays, I reminisce
Fridays, I see your face
And I can breathe
Although the distance is daring, I sure know what it's like to be alone."

Everyone clapped loudly as he finished. He went on singing Bigcitydreams, Happy, Can't Stand It, Jane Doe, I Just Laugh, Heregoesnothin, On the Brightside, Losing It, I Love You 5, Trouble, Simple Enough, Smelyalata, Your Biggest Fan, and What is Love?

"Okay guys, you have been a great audience! This is gonna be the last song of the night." Everyone started booing. "I know, but I'm gonna do something special for you guys. We are gonna try something different with this last song. Can I have a volunteer, a female volunteer?"

I looked at Ivy and she had both hands raised and was jumping up and down. I wonder what he was going to do with his 'female volunteer'. I watched Christofer Drew's eyes roam over the audience. His eyes stopped on Ivy.

"Okay you, come up here and help me out."

Ivy ran onto the stage, and he pulled her to the side. Ivy kept nodding her head like a bobble head. He said something and Ivy responded, but it didn't look like she was talking. She was dragging out the words and moving her head side to side. Oh, I got it, she was singing.

Christofer Drew smiled at her and ran back to the mike. "Okay, I would like to introduce Ms. Ivy Cape! She will be singing Did it Hurt? with me. That's right, a duet!" The crowd started talking. "Okay, sorry if it's horrible." Then they started singing.

"I've been waiting my whole life
For someone like you
To go and pick me up and take away my blues
It's been one hell of a year
In my own shoes
But I've got some questions for you."

Ivy sang looking at Christofer Drew, smiling her world stopping smile.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven
Did it hurt just to know I was right here waiting
Did you know, do you know
It was love from the first time we touched
I've been waiting my whole like
For someone like you
To go and steal my heart
Just the way you do
Its been one hell of a year
Here waitin' on you
So I've got some questions for you."

As he sang back to her, Ivy's cheeks turned an unattractive color of red. But who's wouldn't?

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven
Did it hurt just to know I was right here waiting
Did you know, do you know
It was love from the first time we touched."

I looked at Cole. He looked nervous and worried. I would be to, if my girlfriend was up there being practically serenaded by Christofer Drew.

"La la
Oo oo
Da da da da da da."

They both sang the last part and it sounded amazing! I mean, I didn't think it would be horrible, but I didn't think it would be that good either! The way their voices sounded together, it was just like love to my ears. They harmonized so-

Okay, maybe Ethan was right. I was acting a little gay. Who am I kidding, it wasn't maybe, it was definitely! I shook my head and looked up at Ivy and Christofer Drew. They were staring into each others eyes.

Oh, come on! Don't tell me I have to compete with him too. He's Christofer Drew Ingle! He's famous for Pete's sake! There was no competing with that..
♠ ♠ ♠
mmm, Christofer Drew Ingle<3 yumm
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