Status: Best readers in the world. Thank you guys. 7/2/11

I Love Him..and He Doesn't Even Notice Me

Challenge Accepted

*Evan's POV*

Kissing Ivy was amazing, just purely amazing. It was nothing like those petty stage kisses we've shared, not that those weren't amazing too, but these were better by far. Imagine spending all your life in the cold, the dark, and then all of a sudden you have been exposed to light, warmth, fire. I couldn't get enough of her, it was like she was my drug. Not that I enjoy sounding like Ke$ha, or worse yet, Edward Cullen. Don't even get me started on how annoying girls are when they are obsessed with him!

Anyways, I could feel Ivy starting to pull away, so I gave the last few seconds of our kiss my everything. We both pulled away, breathless and in a daze. Her hair was a rats nest, a cute rats nest of course. I tucked part of it behind her ear. It felt so dejavu, like I've done this before, because the truth was I probably have. I would do anything to be closer to Ivy, even if it was the slightest touch.

We stared into each others eyes, and I felt like we were the only people on this whole planet. It was just me and her, triumphant over anything that came our way. Then she looked away, and our cozy little world disappeared.

When she looked away I felt like the sun that made my world bright went away, leaving me in the dark once again. To make it even worse, she looked away from me to look at Cole. Cole!! The guy that has Ivy's heart-at least that I know of-the guy that I'm fighting with for Ivy, the guy that could easily take her away from me. Not that she's in my hands to take, she's in his. Thinking about this just casted me further into my misery.

The way Cole looked at her, it made me want to just die. He looked at her the way I presumed that I looked at Ivy. I guess that if I was the bigger man I would back down and say something like 'I love you, your happiness is more important than mine, so I will back down and let you be happy with Cole.' or some nonsense like that. The thing is, I didn't want to be the bigger man, I wanted Ivy for myself. I must sound like a really big baby complaining like this.

I saw that Cole was reaching for Ivy's hand, and soon enough they were holding hands. I glared at their intertwined hands that were resting on Ivy's lap, then I felt something on my hand. I looked down and saw that Ivy was holding my hand with her other one. I looked up at her.

"It didn't seem fair to just be holding Cole's hand. I thought that I should even the playing fields." She stated bluntly.

I laughed at her. I guess that made sense. Cole was glaring at me, and when Ivy turned away from me I smirked right back at him.

I stared at Cole still, sending him a message. I am not going down with a fight. I will make Ivy mine, no matter what. She means too much to me to just give up. I don't care what you do, if you fight back with your everything, my everything will be 10 times yours. Ivy and I connect on a level that is nothing compared to whatever you think you two have. I love Ivy, I didn't think I did before, but I'm certain I do now.

By the way Cole stiffened, I knew that he got my message. At first I didn't think he would try and say anything back, but then his stare turned hard as I heard in my head what I'm pretty sure he was saying.

Go ahead and fight with all that you've got, because that's exactly what I will be doing. I don't want to think of this as a competition, Ivy is better then that. You just now realized that you supposedly 'love' Ivy. I've been her best friend since we've been in diapers, buddy, I've known all my life that she was the one. You two may have shared something, but that was only because of that play. What we share runs deeper then someone else's words that we were forced to say. Bring it on.

Fuck him. I didn't want to think he was right, I refused. If I let what he thinks get to me, then theres no way I will win this. And I have to win this.

*Ivy's POV*

I suddenly felt the air tense around me. I looked at Cole and then Evan, noticing how Cole always seemed to come first, and saw that they were having some kind of intense stare down. Of course, they were at it again. I cleared my throat and they both looked away from each other.

"Calm down with the testosterone, boys. Being manly and shit is not gonna help either one of you. I just want to point that out. Why can't you guys just..not for once. It seems like the only time you two are actually nice to each other is when you are picking on me. Which by the way I do not enjoy. It really does irra-"

Christy suddenly turned around and put her hand over my mouth, "You're babbling, Ivy. Just shut the fuck up, and enjoy that two hot boys love you enough to fight over you. Kay?"

I glared at her, "Mind you're own buisness, and just go back to sucking Justin's face off."

"I think I will." Then her and Justin proceeded to make out again. Even adding noises for my benefit.

"Great, I love hearing that!" I said sarcasticaly. I felt Evan rub his thumb against the top of mine at the same time that Cole squeezed my hand. Ohh they were not making this any easier!
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I know, it's been a long time! But my computer is being an asshole!
(: please don't be mad?(: