Status: Best readers in the world. Thank you guys. 7/2/11

I Love Him..and He Doesn't Even Notice Me

Boys Locker Room

*Ivy's POV*

Theatre was..uncomfortable? I guess that's the word you could use, but then again I wouldn't. The word I would use is..intense. Evan wouldn't speak to me, much less look at me! The only time we talked was when the teacher asked us to perform a scene together. And do you wanna know how much luck I had with that? We had to perform that scene where Romeo asked Juliet for an exchange of vows! Of course! Ugh.

When I was staring into his amazing blue eyes, they were hard and icy, not like the normal liquid sea blue they always were. I felt like I was staring at a lifeless figure, one that I had created by my own stupid actions. I wanted so much for him to just smile at me once more, so I could memorize it. I doubted that that would ever happen again, though.

Evan had brushed his hand against my cheek, just like we rehearsed, and like every other time my stomach felt fuzzy. I grabbed his hand so it wouldn't leave my face, and Evan smiled. My heart faltered, and not in a good way. That wasn't his smile, that wasn't the smile that made me fall for him, or make my heart skip a beat. It was a smile that made me want to die inside because it was all just an act. Fucking actors!

When the scene had finished Evan rushed off stage, not even waiting for the applause. Everyone had stared after him, but he just headed for the auditorium doors. He walked straight out, and then the bell rang. I jumped off the stage, grabbed my stuff, and ran after him.

Now as I pushed the door open, I found myself in a sea of students. I looked over their heads, and found a blonde mess weaving through them. I followed him, and he walked right into the boys locker room. I didn't even hesitate at the door, instead barging right in like I owned the place.

I heard people laughing, and yelling that there was a girl in the locker room, even some wolf whistles as I passed by, but I kept my focus on Evan. He had taken his shirt off, man did that boy have a fit body!

I tapped on his shoulder, and he spun around raising his hand.

I looked at it, sort of surprised. "What? Are you gonna hit me, Evan?"

He lowered his hand, "No, I would have though if you were some guy that was trying to grab ass."

I smirked at him, "Girls can grab ass too."

"Oh, believe me, I know." My smirk faltered, and Evan began to smirk. "I wouldn't mind if it was a girl, but if it was some bloke.."

"Why are you ignoring me, Evan?" I didn't care what Christy had to say. I was gonna talk to Evan, and I was gonna talk to him now.

Evan looked at the floor, then turned his back to me. "I'm not ignoring you."

"Right." My voice was dripping with sarcasm, "Then what do you call this?"

"I call it trying to change while an obsessive fan girl with a crush on me is harassing me." The guys around him laughed and high-fived him.

I scoffed, "If I'm an 'obsessive fan girl' then what do you call a guy that fights a girls boyfriend for the girls attention, who probably drugged the girl into having sex with him, and has to corner her just so that he can talk or kiss her? Cause to me, that guy is a little sad, don't you agree?"

Everyone ohhhh'ed. Evan looked at me with so much loathing that I almost took a step back. "At least I'm not some little hoe that kisses that guy's best friend. Oh, yeah, and I don't cheat on people."

"You think I wanted to kiss Ethan? Hell no!"

"Hey," Ethan said. "I'm standing right here ya know!"

I gave him an apologetic look then looked back at Evan. "I didn't want to cheat on Cole either. And I sure as hell didn't want to fall in love with you!"

Evan looked down at me, "Well then you shouldn't have, because I sure as hell don't want you to be in love with me."

His words where like knives in my heart, "Well it looks like neither one of us got what we wanted. Look, this is not the way I wanted this conversation to go. I don't want to fight with you. I just wanted to tell you that as much as I didn't want to, I did fall in love with you. I know you will never feel the same, but I can't just change the way I feel. I know you probably don't even want to talk to me either, but I have to say this." He didn't say anything so I continued. "I'm so sorry about what happened with Ethan. I never wanted to hurt you like that, believe me. It just sort of happened, and I know that's not an excuse, but it's the truth. I was hurt and he was there. I just want you to know my side of this because I fucking know that you weren't listening last night."

I took a few steps back, "I completely understand if you never want to talk to me again. I won't bother you anymore either. But if you do end up getting over it, you always know where to find me." I tossed my head the way the auditorium was. "Bye, Evan." I turned around and walked out of the locker room. I never looked back.

*Evan's POV*

As much as I wanted to run after Ivy, I just couldn't. She would hate me forever if she ever found out that I had sex with Casey. That was way worse than kissing my best friend, I had sex with the girl she probably hated the most. I couldn't hurt her like that.

I had told Ivy so many lies in that conversation we had. I did it for her own good, though. She's better off with Cole. For a second, I thought I was gonna lose it when she told me that she loves me. I almost forgot about the barrier that I was trying to put up between us, and just grabbed her and kissed her. I'm kinda pissed glad I didn't though.

It killed me to see the hurt in her eyes as I lied repeatedly to her. It blew my mind away that she believed I would say such things to her, and think so low of me. Ivy was the complete opposite of the things I had called her. I felt dirty by just thinking about it.

I didn't really want to work out anymore, so I put my clothes back on and left the locker room. I had a free period so I could do whatever. I remembered that Ivy said she would be in the auditorium. As I made my way there I saw Cole. I almost punched him right then and there.

Cole was standing in an isolated area right next to the auditorium pinning that girl Judy up against a wall and kissing her. Wasn't Judy Ivy's friend? Those little crack hoes!

I would have told Ivy, but that would just destroy her. If I was still competing with Cole for Ivy, I would have told her because I would have been there to help her out, but I'm not.

I walked into the auditorium, and took a seat in the very back surrounded by darkness. The stage was bright, and Ivy was right in the center. We were the only ones in here, and it felt amazing.

I watched Ivy sit down on a stool and pull out her acoustic guitar. She randomly began pulling on the strings. Her hair fell in front of her face, but she made no movement to push it back, it was beautiful.

When she finally decided on playing a song, my ear recognized it instantly. The House That Built Me by Miranda Lambert. As Ivy began singing I smiled.

I know they say you can't go home again
I just had to come back one last time
Ma'am, I know you don't know me from Adam
But these hand prints on the front steps are mine
Up those stairs in that little back bedroom
Is where I did my homework and I learned to play guitar
And I bet you didn't know under that live oak
My favorite dog is buried in the yard
I though if I could touch this place or feel it
This brokeness inside me might start healing
Out here it's like I'm someone else
I though that maybe I could find myself
If I could just come in, I swear I'll leave
Won't take nothing but a memory
From the house that built me
Mama cut out pictures of houses for years
From "Better Homes and Garden" magazine
Plans were drawn and concrete poured
And nail by nail and board by board
Daddy gave life to Mama's dream
I thought if I could touch this place or feel it
This brokeness inside me might start healing
Out here it's like I'm someone else
I thought maybe I could find myself

If I could just come in, I swear I'll leave
Won't take nothing but a memory
From the house that built me
You leave home, you move on
And you do the best you can
I got lost in this world
And forgot who I am
I thought if I could touch this place or feel it
This brokeness inside me might start healing
Out here it's like I'm someone else
I thought that maybe I could find myself
If I could walk around, I swear I'll leave
Won't take nothing but a memory
From the house that built me.

She strummed out the last notes out and finally the song was over. It was beautiful, and the soul that she put in it..amazing. I even brought my hands together to start clapping, but someone beat me to it. Both Ivy and my head snapped over to the person clapping. My insides boiled with anger when I saw that it was Cole.

He ran up to the stage. I watched him grab Ivy's face and pull her in for a kiss. I was utterly disgusted. His lips that had just been on Judy's did not deserve to met Ivy's, there was no doubt in my mind about that.

Ivy pulled away, and looked at the ground. Cole stroked her cheek and lifted her gaze to face his. There were tears streaming down her cheeks. I wanted to run up there, push Cole out of my way, and just hug Ivy. Of course, I couldn't do that. But to my surprise, Ivy did it for me.

She violently pushed Cole away from her, and he tumbled backwards. She backed away from him slowly, keeping her glare focused on him. Cole looked straight back at her, curious to why she had pushed him away. Suddenly, Ivy turned around and ran out of the auditorium. Cole ran after her, he grabbed her arm but she just shook him off and kept running. He just kept following.

I stood up quickly, and followed right after them. Into a hallway full of students. Where they were the center of attention. Causing a scene. Oh joy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Those little crack hoes!
Favorite Evan line EVER!
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