Status: Best readers in the world. Thank you guys. 7/2/11

I Love Him..and He Doesn't Even Notice Me


*Ivy's POV*

"Students," Mrs. Kensington said through a loud speaker, "As some of you may have noticed, the cabin are co-ed."

Talking immediately erupted form the junior class. Turns out most of them hadn't notice. I laughed at Christy's shocked expression and Justin's idea expression.

"Attention!" Mrs. Kensington barked into the loud speaker. "Now, I know that most of you are..sexually active, so I just want to warn you. If you are caught doing..something that you know you shouldn't be doing you will face suspension or a very long punishment. It's your choice. Please, do those..things..on your own time and not mine."

Man, even I was embarrassed for her. She just looked so awkward up there. I felt someone squeeze my waist. I looked up at Evan, and he winked at me. I blushed a deep scarlet.

"Use protection!"

I burst out laughed, like almost everyone else. Now, Mrs. Kensington was the one blushing. "Just go to your cabins already! It's four to a cabin, ONE to a bunk."

I turned to Christy, "Cabin mates? You, me, Evan, and Justin?"

"Duh!" Christy yelled.

I rolled my eyes at her. She stuck her tongue out at me then walked off hand in hand with Justin to find a cabin to stay in. Evan started following them, leaving me behind. I glared at his back. I ran after him then jumped on his back.

"Go horsey, go!" I slapped his butt.

"Damn, Ivy! I don't want to know the role play characters you guys do!" Big Mikey shouted.

"Kiss my arse, Mikey!"

"I'd rather not. Might make Evan jealous." He winked at me and I laughed. "See ya later, Iveroonie!"

I waved at him. I looked down at Evan and his face was hard. I poked his cheek, "What's got your bun in a twist?"

"Oh, nothing, Iveroonie."

What is up with him being so jealous lately? Gosh, man. Isn't the girl supposed to be the one that was overly jealous not the other way around? I swear. "Oh, Evan, don't tell me that you're jealous of Big Mike."

Evan's jaw clenched.

"Aww, Evan. Seriously? He's like a brother to me. My own personal teddy bear really." Evan stayed silent. "Come on, babe. You're the only guy for me, honest. Even before, it's always been you."

Evan stopped walking. He shifted me around so I was holding on to his front side now. "Don't say that, because it makes me feel bad. You say that for you it's always been me, and I can't say the same. I had Bailey. Sure, towards the end it was only you, but it hasn't always been that way..."

"You don't think I know that, Evan?" I pushed his hair out of his eyes. "Of course I did. I'm not saying that it's always been you since the first time I met you, but just for awhile now. It's not like you had me waiting a whole lifetime for you. Don't worry about it. If you ask me, it was worth it."

Evan sighed and shook his head. "You're too good for me."

"Funny, cause I find it the other way around." I smiled and gave him a light kiss.

*Evan's POV*

I stopped right in front of the cabin. Ivy had her head rested of my back, but lifted it when she noticed that I stopped. I smiled at her over my shoulder, "Ready to see where we will be living for the week?"

"Hell yeah! Hurryyyyyy!"

"Okay, okay." I walked up the steps and paused in front of the door. Ivy started hitting my back. I laughed at her then opened the door.

"Oh my god!" I covered Ivy's eyes.

Christy looked up at me, and her face looked like it was on fire. I looked at Justin, who was underneath Christy, and he looked so embarrassed. I looked back at Christy, and looked back away. She was in her underwear, her bra was off, and her boobs were out to party. I looked at Justin, and I was scarred for life. Honestly, I always thought Justin would be small..I was wrong.

Ivy ripped my hand off her eyes and laughed. "This is-haha-so-haha-rich!" I watched her eyes as she looked at Christy then Justin. I got self-conscious as her eyes stayed on Justin longer then necessary.

Christy pulled the bed sheet around her, and Justin ran into the bathroom. "Ivy, it's not what it-"

"It's not want it looks like? Oh, don't pull that crap with me. I knew that you guys would do it again sometime."

"Again?" I asked. What?

"Oh yeah, that night after Six Flags at the party, Christy and Justin had sex." Ivy said like it was no big deal.

"Ivy!" Christy scolded.

"What? It's not like it wasn't obvious. Just please, go put your clothes on before Evan.."

Christy nodded her head and walked into the walk-in-closet.

I smirked at Ivy, "Looks like I'm not the only one that gets jealous."

Ivy punched me. "Shut up."

I laughed and then looked around. This place was the shit! "This place is so boss!"

"Ehhh I've seen better." Ivy flopped down on the bed in the far corner.

"Oh really? Where?" I walked towards her and stood at the foot of the bed.

"The Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas. Now that place is boss. You should have seen the pool! I mean pools." Ivy rested her head back.

"I guess you'll have to show me when we go there for our honeymoon." Dear baby Jesus, did I really just say that?

I looked at Ivy with a scared expression. Ivy had wide eyes and she stared at me with a shocked expression. I racked my brain for something to say. I came up with nothing. Ivy took a deep breath, "I guess I'll have to...When we are older of course."

"Of course." Oh God that was a close one.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, as you can tell I continued to update. Only cause I made a lot of promises, and I'm not one for breaking those. But seriously guys, comment!
And sorry that this is fillerish. The next few chapters might seem like that, but it's all leading up to something huge! Trust me, it's worth it.
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