Status: Best readers in the world. Thank you guys. 7/2/11

I Love Him..and He Doesn't Even Notice Me

Charlie St. Cloud

*Ivy's POV*

The rest of the day went by slowly. We unpacked, got a tour of the camp, had lunch, power napped, and then we had dinner. As we were all starting to leave the dinning hall Mrs. Kensington announced that we were having a movie night for our first night of 'bonding'. I felt sick to my stomach because I knew that all we would be able to see is people making out.

"Now, drum roll please." Mrs. Kensington smiled. "The movie for tonight is...Charlie St. Cloud!"

I rolled my eyes as I heard some girl scream, all of the guys-except the gay ones-groan, and some people just sat me. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to watch this movie, Zac Efron is so sexy, but I didn't want to cry in front of everyone.

I sighed.

"What?" Evan asked.

"Nothing, it's just, I know that I'm going to cry, and I don't want to cry in front of all of these people."

"Aww, that's so cute!" Evan ruffled my hair.

I growled at him and he backed off. I was so not in the mood. I didn't want to be here. At all. It was just one of those moments.

I got up from the table and headed to the cabin. I walked into the closet and got a stack of blankets. I set them on my bed, and closed my eyes. I had my back to the door, but I knew someone came in because the door banged shut.

Arms snaked around my waist, and I tensed up. The person holding me left small kisses along my neck. I took a deep breath, and smelled vanilla cologne. I rested back into the person, and let myself melt into him.

"I don't want to be here. I just want it to be the two of us. I'd give anything for that right now." A tear rolled down my cheek as I spoke.

"I fell the exact same way as you, but we have to do this. We have to be here. Especially after what happened with Judy. We can't let that take over our lives. We are here because we need each other's support."

"I know, but it's just so..different. I'm so used to her being around or at least a phone call away. Now, I can't even say here name without feeling like the hole in my heart is getting bigger."

"I know babe, trust me I know." Evan turned me around and hugged me tightly. "Thinking about it isn't gonna make you forget any faster."

"I can't forget this. A girl died because of me, and not just any girl, Judy. I can't ever forgive myself for that." I cried into his chest.

"Things happen for a reason. I have nothing else to tell you, but just that. Judy, the one that you thought was your best friend, was all a lie. Judy, her real self, was buried so far deep in the secrets that she kept. There's nothing that any of us can do now, but move on with our lives." Evan tucked my hair behind my ear.

I nodded my head, and wiped away my tears. "Look at me, the movie hasn't even started and I'm already crying."

Evan laughed at my lame joke. "Speaking of the movie, let's go before we are late."

I nodded my head, and we walked out the door. We were halfway there when I remembered the blankets."Keep going, I forgot the blankets."

"Oh, I'll go with you."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm a big girl, I'll be fine. Just go find Christy and Justin."

I turned and ran away before he could protest. I reached the cabin within seconds. I walked over to the bed and picked up the blankets. I turned around so fast that something flew out from in between the blankets. I looked down at the face down picture laying on the floor. I threw the blankets down, and picked up the picture.

I turned the picture over, and felt tears sting my eyes once more. I looked down at the picture of me, Christy, Julie, and..Judy at homecoming this year. It was just a couple months ago. So much has changed since then...

Now, as I looked at the picture, as I looked at Judy, I could see it. The secrets that she had kept all to herself. We were all smiling, but Judy's never reached her eyes. Her eyes, they were hard and cold. Normally they were a shining brown, but in this picture they were coal black.

I racked my brain trying to remember what had happened that night, before the picture was taken. Nothing seemed unusual to me. She couldn't have been jealous of Cole and I because we weren't dating then..

Then it hit me.


I remembered perfectly that Judy had asked, and pestered, and bugged Cole all night asking him to dance. He had always said no..He would just dance with me, and only me...

I felt even worse then I already did. So many times Cole would ignore Judy on my behalf..God.

I shook my head and shoved the picture away. I picked up the blankets and left the cabin with a bang of the screen door. I quickly found Evan and sat down. The opening credits were just starting. Evan put his arm around me, and I smiled at him.

Five minutes into the movie, and I could already see people were making out. The loudest people were sitting right next to us. Yes, I mean Christy and Justin!! I rolled my eyes, rested my head on Evan's shoulder, and turned back the the screen.

Halfway threw the movie, and I still hadn't cried. I could hear sniffles all around me, but the tears never left my eyes. Christy had even pulled away from Justin and glued her eyes to the screen as she cried.

Then came the part when Zac Efron's character, Charlie, was out searching for Tess. It was almost sunset, and he was miles away from Sunset Cannyon. Then it flashed back and forth shots of Sam waiting for Charlie, and Charlie out at sea. When Sam figured out that Charlie wasn't coming like he promised, that's when I started crying. It was just so sad! Soon I was crying so much that I could barely make out what was happening in the movie.

I looked at the people in front of me, and saw that she was handing out tissues. I tapped on her shoulder, "Hey, sorry, but can I have a tissue?"

"Yeah sure no prob-" She turned around then frowned. It was Bailey. She glared at me, "No, you can't have one."

Wow, she's a bitch.

"Bitch." Christy mumbled.

I giggled softly thinking about how alike we were. I looked back at Bailey, and her back was to me. Her box of tissues was at her side. I poked Christy, and motioned for her to watch but stay quiet. I slowly leaned forward, and stole a few of her tissues. I handed one to Christy, and used one myself.

The rest of the movie was pretty good. I didn't expect any of that to happen. It got kind of boring at one point, but none the less it was amazing. At the very end I started clapping slowly, and everyone followed my lead.

We walked back to the cabins, and a wave of exhaustion hit me. When we got into the cabin, as soon as my head hit my pillow I was out.
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Still kinda upset with the number off comments..
I know this chapter was another filler, but I want 4 comments before I update again.
So Comment and Subscribe!!