Status: Best readers in the world. Thank you guys. 7/2/11

I Love Him..and He Doesn't Even Notice Me

Pair of Best Friends

*Ivy's POV*

"Wake up, bitch." I heard before I felt a pillow come in contact with my face. Then the person continuously hit me.

I groaned and rolled over. My body hit another one. A hand went around my waist and pulled me to the person. I opened my left eye and saw Evan's neck. I looked up and Evan was smiling at me. I opened my right eye and pulled myself up.

Christy was standing at the end of my bed with a pillow in her hand. So she was the one hitting me...I growled and flipped her off. She just laughed in my face. I looked at Evan, pouting. He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to him. With my back resting against his chest, and my head on his shoulder, I closed my eyes again.

"Oh, no you don't!" Christy wailed the pillow down on me again. "You have to get up! Haven't you slept enough? I mean, you fell asleep right when Evan brought you in here, and you've been asleep ever since!"

"Christy," Evan chastened, "Ivy needs to rest after what happened."

"But she's been resting!" Christy whined,"It's been what, a day and a half? I don't think she needs to rest that much!"

I groaned and opened my eyes, "Who can rest with all this noise you're making?! It's so annoying."

"Good, if you can't rest then get up." She hit me with the pillow again. I swear, one more time and she's going down.

"Christy. I. Want. To. Rest. Can't you just come back later?"

"Ivy," Christy mimicked my tone, "This is the 5th time I've come back! Of course, you wouldn't know that because you've bee out like a light! Winter Formal is tonight, so get up!" She hit me again.

"That's it." I pushed myself off Evan, jumped of the bed, and tackled Christy. I grabbed her pillow and hit her every time I said a word. "How's this for rest? Huh? How do ya like me now, bitch?"

"Ivy!" Evan pulled me off Christy.

"Well, I got you out of bed, didn't I?"

"Bitch," I huffed and blew my bangs out of my face. I stood up right and fixed my shirt.

"Well, now that you're up, let's get you showered and all prettied up!" Christy grabbed my wrist and started dragging me to the bathroom.

I looked back at Evan. "Aren't you gonna try and stop her?"

Evan thought about it for a minute. "Nope."

"Asshole," I muttered which made Evan laugh.

"I'm doing this for you. You wouldn't want to miss your Winter Formal, would you?"

I wiggled my eyebrows seductively, "I can think of better things we could do."

Evan's eyes got wide and I laughed. He took a step toward me, only to be intercepted. Christy stepped in front of him and shoved him away.

"Not right now lover boy. You can wait 'til after the dance. Trust me, when I'm done with her, you'll be eating your heart out." Christy started pinching my cheek.

"Are you trying to imply that he's not eating his heart out now?" I glared at her.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying."

"Ugh, you whore." I rolled my eyes and let Christy drag me away. Evan blew a kiss to me and I just rolled my eyes again. Christy got me into the bathroom and sat me on the toilet.

Now the torcher begins.

*Evan's POV*

I walked out of the cabin and strolled a little ways away to Ethan's cabin. I walked inside and he was standing in front of the mirror holding ties up to his face.

"And you're tell me I'm gay, bro." I flopped onto the couch and rested my legs on the coffee table.

"Nah, man, nah. This is me trying to snag a lady friend." Ethan started thrusting his pelvis in the air, or as I like to say, dick slinging.

"First, don't ever say 'lady friend', and second, never dick sling in front of me again."

"Aww, is Evan jealous cause someones bigger then him?" Ethan raised his eyebrow.

"You wish man. Anyways, what girl's got your eye?"

Ethan started blushing, "Like I'm gonna tell you."

"Whoa, you're blushing dude! This is serious. Who is this chick?"

"You know her.."

My heart beat faster, "Dude, I swear if you're trying to make a move on Ivy-"

"Dude, turn the testosterone down. I'm not going after your girl. Ivy, she's like a little sis to me."

"You kiss your sisters?" I joked.

"Are you ever going to get over that man, cause I'm honestly getting sick of you mentioning that." Ethan turned back the the mirror and held a black tie up.

"I'm over it..for the most part. But, stop trying to change the subject. Who. Is. She?"

Ethan mumbled a name that I didn't quite catch. He looked down at his shoes and tried again. I still didn't hear him. He cleared his throat. "Julie."

"No way man, she's a keeper. Just hope you know that they don't come more innocent then her, though." It was true, as much as I loved Julie, she was the queen of the prudes.

"Haven't you been reading the latest, Teen Weekly? Innocent is the new naughty." Ethan laughed and held a red tie up to his face.

"And I thought that you couldn't get anymore gay...Ugh, you're such a pansy!"

Ethan turned around and had a seriously look on his face. "I wouldn't be talking man. Ivy's got you whipped."

"Hey, at least my woman screams my name."

"Yeah," Ethan turned back to the mirror, "She says, 'Evan you're a fucking idiot. Why didn't I jump Ethan's bones when I had the chance?! God, Evan!'"

I scowled. "You wish."

Ethan rolled his eyes. He held both the black and red tie up to his face. He looked like he was content on trying to figure out which one to wear.

I sighed, "You really like Julie, don't you?"

Ethan smiled, "You're not the only one cupid hit my friend."

I smirked. "You're such a loser."

"Whatever." Ethan looked back at the mirror. He smiled to himself, and I knew that he was thinking about Julie. I bet I looked like that when I thought about Ivy...

I looked back at Ethan, "The black one, red isn't really your color."

Ethan turned to me, "Of course it isn't."

I laughed at him and threw a pillow at his face. This night should be interesting.

*Christy's POV*

I looked at Ivy one last time. I moved her bangs to the side a little more, applied a little bit of blush, and put a clip in her hair. I took a step back and admired my work.

"God, I'm a genius." I boasted.

Ivy groaned. "Can I open my eyes now?"

"One last thing." I clasped a silver necklace around her neck, perfect. "Okay, now."

Ivy opened her eye's and looked in the mirror. Her back was to me so I couldn't see her expression. She turned back around and her eyes were filled with tear.

"You hate it." I sighed.

Ivy hugged me, "I love it."
♠ ♠ ♠
I really like this chapter. It's totally a filler, but I loved showing the relationships between Ivy and Christy, and Evan and Ethan. They're so different, yet the so alike at the same time. It's great(:
Next chapter is the midpoint of the shit hitting the fan(: I hope you're excited!
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P.S. check out my story Dreams Not Reality, I'm finally kicking it off(: