Status: Best readers in the world. Thank you guys. 7/2/11

I Love Him..and He Doesn't Even Notice Me

Hospital Horrors

*Ivy's POV*

I groaned, the bright white light burning my eyes. Seriously, what is this like the third time? How many times am I going to have a near-death experience before I actually do die?! Ugh!

I opened my eyes, instantly recognizing the bleary white walls surrounding me. Ugh, I hate the damn hospital with a burning passion, but this place is becoming a second home for me!

Something didn't feel right though..I don't even remember what happened this time. I don't even really remember what happened the other times..This place just seemed familiar..

"Ivy?! Oh, Ivy, thank god you're awake!" A girl ran to my side. "The doctor said..he told us..Evan he..Oh my gosh Ivy!"

I blinked a few times. I opened my mouth to speak, but was cut off by someone at the door.

"Christy, I think we should-" His eyes widened, "Oh my god, Ivy, you're awake! It's a miracle! Everybody said..the doctors..Evan he..Oh my god Evan!"

The girl, Christy, turned to him. "Justin, go get the doctor then go tell everybody else. Tell Ethan first and tell him to tell Evan."

Justin ran out of the room, leaving me and Christy alone. I started to panic.

"Ivy? Ivy, hon, calm down!" She moved my hair out of my face, and I flinched away from her touch.

I started screaming. The doctor came in with a needle.

"What are you doing to her?!" Christy screamed.

"I need to sedate her." Was all the doctor mumbled.

A pinch on my arm started, and I slowly relaxed. The next time that I looked up, more faces were surrounding me.

"Ivy, babe." A guy stepped forward and reached for me.

"What am I doing here? What happened?!" I pushed myself against my bed to get away, my body was relaxed, but my eyes told a different story. I shed a single tear. "Who are you people?!"

*Evan's POV*

I stood on top of the hospital roof. I've been thinking about jumping for the last hour or so. The doctors said that they were positive that Ivy wouldn't make it. If Ivy wasn't on this Earth, then I wouldn't be on it either.

"Evan!" Ethan came crashing through the door.

I turned around, my face blank.

"Ivy," He panted, "She's awake."


I ran into Ivy's hospital room. Her eyes were in a panic mode, but her body was still. I looked at the doctor, he had a needle in his left hand. They sedated her.

I steeped forward slowly, "Ivy, babe."

"What am I doing here? What happened?!" She looked at me then at everyone else.

I was about to answer her questions, when she started crying.

"Who are you people?!"

My heart shattered.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, how I've built this story up just to tear it down. (: Only two chapters left!
Tell me what you think about this chapter guys. I mean, a lot is going on! You must be dying to say something?!
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