Status: Best readers in the world. Thank you guys. 7/2/11

I Love Him..and He Doesn't Even Notice Me


*Evan's POV*

I sat outside of Ivy's hospital room. My arms were in my lap, my head drooped down, the classic 'waiting outside of a hospital room' position. I didn't even lift up my head when all my friends walked out.

"The doctor is in there asking her questions..He said that he'll talk to us after.." Christy gave me a small, sad, smile.

When I didn't respond she came and sat down next to me. Christy put her arm on my shoulder. I slowly dragged my head up to stare at Christy. Her eyes were brimmed with red, the tip of her nose was red, all the symptoms of crying.

"Christy..." That started the water works. I enveloped her in my arms, cradling her. She sobbed and sobbed and sobbed.


I looked up at the doctor. He smiled wearily at all of us.

"Are any of you by chance related to Miss Cape?"

None of us.

"I am."

My head whipped around. A girl with light blond hair, and chocolate brown eyes that matched Ivy's was walking towards us. She strutted her stuff in her platinum gold high heels like she owned the place.

Beside me, Christy gave a gasp. "Oh my god, it's.."

The girl turned her sharp gaze on Christy. A small smile spread across her facial structure. "Hello, Christy, it's been a long time."

"A very long time." Christy slowly stood up. Ever so slowly, step by step, Christy walked to the mystery girl. Finally, they stood face to face. "Ivy, she.."

The girl nodded, "I know, that's why I'm here."

"It's a shame that this is the reason you have to come back, after all this time." Christy hugged herself tight. "Ivy, she's missed you."

"I've missed her too. You as well Christy."

Christy smiled. "I hope you're back for good."

"I am." The girl smiled.

Christy squealed and threw her arms around the other girl. "Welcome home, Maybelle."

"I hate to interrupt, but ma'am may I ask just how you are related to Miss Cape?" The doc asked.

You go doc, I thought, I wanna know to.

"I'm Ivy's sister, twin sister to be exact."


*Ivy's POV*

I heard the door open, but I didn't bother to look up.

"Hey, Ivy."

I looked up to a find a girl with blond hair and brown eyes. She was a natural blond though, not some fake wanna be. Something about her, it was familiar, I wish I could place my finger on it..


I looked in her chocolate brown eyes. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"

The girl put her hand to her mouth and a high-pitched choking sound came from her. She spun around to the doctor behind her. "What's wrong with my sister? Why doesn't she remember me?!"

He spoke quietly to her, calming her down. All the while I was processing the girls words.

"Sister?" My voice was dry and horse.

The girl spun around, tears in her eyes. The doctor spoke again, "Try telling her things, she might remember."

She nodded while walking towards my bed. "Yes, sister, twins actually." She smoothed her hair out. "I know it's hard to believe, since we don't look alike in the slightest, but our eyes are the same."

They were.

"I remember, Ivy, when we were younger, we were inseparable. We never fought, ever..We would wear matching dresses, just because mother made us. We didn't complain though, we loved dressing alike. Do you remember, Ivy?"

I shook my head, "I'm sorry I don't."

"Right." She looked down at her hands, "I don't blame you though. It's been a while since we've seen each other."

"Why?" I looked at all the other people, "They all claimed to be with me just days ago. If you're my sister, why haven't you been around?"

The girl looked up from her hands, her eyes were nearing black. "There was this..incident a few years back."


"Yes, incident." She didn't even blink as she continued, "A few years back, there was this man..Honestly he's not even a man, no man does such things to a woman..Anyways, this man was our teacher, he was always very nice to us but rude to all the other kids. I never thought...One day, he asked me to stay after. You told me that you would wait with me, but I was naive and told you to go ahead home.

"I remember walking into his classroom. It was dark in his classroom, but I heard his voice so I went in. That's when the door slammed shut behind me, I wanted to scream but his hand was covering my mouth. He talked to me, his eyes were hard and cold the whole time, then he started to take my clothes off, and then he-he.."

The girl Christy steeped forward and put her arm around the girl. "You don't need to talk about this."

The girl violently wiped away her tears, "No, no, if this helps my sister, then I'm gonna do whatever it takes." She took a minute before continuing. "He raped me Ivy, right there, in his classroom.

"I came home a full out mess. Mother and father asked what was wrong, but I wouldn't say. I thought, if they found out, they would never love me anymore. I mean, who would love a girl that was so..dirty.

"I went kind of..insane after that. Apparently, I showed all the symptoms of a rape case, and soon enough everyone found out what happened. Mom and dad sent me away, away from all the memories. This is the firsts time I've been back since then. I came back for you, Ivy."

Silence filled the room. No one moved, no one uttered a word. Silence.


I looked up at all the faces, and it hit me. "I remember," I looked at the girl, "Maybelle."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm, so a twin? I never even hinted about that..(: I'm so surprising!
ONE chapter left you guys!! Isn't that crazy?! Evan and Ivy are gonna have a lot to talk about(:
So comment and tell me if you think they should stay together or cut their loses and break up!
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