Status: Best readers in the world. Thank you guys. 7/2/11

I Love Him..and He Doesn't Even Notice Me

Football Fools

*Ivy's POV*

It took all of my strength to walk away from Evan. I wanted to talk to him so much, but that would just hurt. I walked up to Justin and tapped on his shoulder.

"Ivy, what a pleasant surprise." He said sarcastically.

"Yeah, such a joy!" We had this little thing that we did where we both sarcastically hated each other. "So, what's up with you and Christy? Huh, Justin? Wanna tell all your friends what you did to her?"

"Shut the fuck up Ivy, you don't know what you are talking about!"

"Oh, I think I do. I think you and you're little girlfriend, Casey, fucked up Christy's life! How could you? What happened to friends before stupid skanky hoebags?! Christy is a hot mess right now!"

"Ivy, calm down. Look, it was just a joke, okay? It was no big deal." People were gathering around. I always seem to attract an audience.

"No big deal? Maybe not to you, but Christy's life is ruined! How the hell do you think this is a joke?" Fuck this asshole, I may be friends with him, but Christy was like my sister.

"Look, if I had know that she had feelings for me I never would have gone along with it. Casey didn't tell me that she knew Christy liked me, so I didn't know that if I started flirting with her and kissing her she would actually let me!"

"Well, she does! She likes you so much, and now you destroyed her. Everyone in the school is calling her a hoe, tramp, slut, prostitute, or any other name you can think of. Some guys are even asking her how much she works for, and it's all your fault. Even after the fact that you didn't know that she liked you, you knew after wards, you could have stopped Casey from sending that video to the entire student body!"

"You know what, fine, I admit it! I'm not sorry for what Casey did to Christy. Yeah Christy is a close friend of mine, but it's her own fault for being a whore and almost having sex with me when I have a girlfriend."

"You little, and by little I mean your dick, bastard. She is not a whore!" I stepped forward to punch him in the face. Right as my fist came in contact with his face and I heard him wince, I felt an arm go around my waist and drag me away.

"You stupid bitch!" I heard Justin yell through his hands that were holding his bleeding face.

He was so lucky that someone was dragging me away, or I would have gone and finished him off. What an ass! I can't believe Christy would like a guy like that. I guess it true; love blinds us all. I groaned when the person that was carrying me dropped me on the floor, hard.

"What the hell?!" I looked up and saw that it was Evan. "Evan, you freaking, ugh!" I stood up and wiped all the dirt off of myself.

"Sorry, Ivy, I didn't mean to drop you on your ass."

"Whatever, Evan, ha that rhymed!" Okay, I'm losing sight in what's really important. I turned around ad started walking away.

"Ivy wait," I turned back around to face Evan, "About what you saw earlier, with me and Bailey-"

I held up my hand, "It's okay, I'm glad you two are back together. I mean, I never really thought you two were over for good. I'm happy for you."

"Ivy, we aren't-"

"Evan, I don't really feel like talking right now. I mean, I just almost beat the stuffing out of Justin, and really I just want to go home. I'm sorry, we can talk tomorrow or..something." I turned around to leave. When I was a couple feet away I could have sworn that I heard him say 'I love you Ivy.' It was probably my imagination though, cause that seemed to happen a lot.

*Evan's POV*

"Evan," Ethan called to me as I was about to leave the locker room. "Bro, Beckford is having a party. You down?"

I thought about it for a little, "I'm down."


The party was just starting and already the room was full of people. I felt sorry for the suckers that were claustrophobic, but I guess it was there own fault for even coming to a party like this. Beckford's parties were legends, something crazy always happened at them. I looked around and found Ivy standing with Christy and some guy, I think it was Caleb, but I was too drunk to figure it out. I grabbed my..fourth drink and chugged it.

"Whoa, Evan, I knew you know how to have fun, but man that's your fourth drink and the party just started! What's up?" Ethan yelled over the music.

I pointed to where Ivy was standing, and then I pointed towards the dance floor where Bailey was humping some guy in something that she liked to call dancing.

"Dang man that's rough, but I don't see why you care about Bailey."

I had no idea either, but I just did. I grabbed another drink, chugged it, then walked to the area where everyone was dancing. I grabbed a random girl and started grinding with her. The rest of the night was just a blur of dancing, drinking, and really other things that I don't remember.
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i love everyone who takes there time to read this(: