Status: Best readers in the world. Thank you guys. 7/2/11

I Love Him..and He Doesn't Even Notice Me

The Morning After

*Ivy's POV*

I woke up with the worst headache in the history of headaches! I felt like someone was repeatedly banging my head against a wall. This is why I never drink!

I stretched my whole body until my hand hit something hard, something that wasn't my bed. Speaking of my bed, I looked down at the sheets, this wasn't my bed! I looked to where my hand was and saw tan skin. My eyes traveled up, searching for the face, and I screamed when I found it.

Evan O'Brain jumped up, holding his head, when he heard my scream. "Would you not. I have the worst hangover ever!"

"Wha-w-huh? Evan? What are you do-" That's when I really noticed our surroundings. We were in a pale blue room, it had a queen sized bed that held me, and a dresser. It was so plain, I knew it had to be a guest room. Then I noticed Evan, standing in front of me. Butt naked. My eyes traveled down his body, his blonde hair, blue eyes, crazy sexy 8 pack, and his huge di-I stopped there.

I looked up at Evan and noticed he was starring at me, but not at my eyes. I looked down, slightly surprised to find myself naked as well. "What happened?"

"Well," Evan said sarcastically, "I'm pretty positive that we had sex. You know that thing two people so when they-"

"I know what sex is you Neanderthal! Unlike you though, I was planning on keeping mine for that one special person." I felt like for a split second that my feelings for Evan did a complete 360, but then I saw the look on his face and I was sure that my feelings were the same.

"What makes you think that this wasn't my first time either?"

"Well, one you are the quarterback of varsity, two you had this amazing, beautiful, loving girlfriend for the longest time ever, and three you're a boy."

"You shouldn't judge people by their covers." He looked at me with a pained expression. "I just learned that."

Fuck him..oh wait, I already did. "You're such an ass, Evan. You only know how to act nice." I started putting my cloths back on.

"At least one of us does." That was like a slap in my face. "Stop being such a bitch, Ivy. No wonder Smith only went out with you for a dare."


"Oh, I'm pretty sure you heard me."

"Go to hell Evan!"

"I am in hell since I had sex with you!"

I grabbed the lamp next to me and threw it at him. At the last second Evan moved his head slightly to the side of the lamp missed him by a few inches. "You stupid little whore!"

"I wouldn't be calling anyone 'little', Evan." He glared at me. I smirked as I walked out of the door.

All the events of last night started coming back to me as I walked home. The drinks, the dancing, and I hate to say it, but the sex. I couldn't believe that my first time was with Evan O'Brain. Especially since I learned how much of a jack knocker he was. The thing was, I'm still in love with him, even after all the hurtful words that were said and not said.

As I walked into my house I found Christy sitting on the couch. "Oh my gawd, where have you been?! I came here this morning to find your house empty! I was worried sick!" Yeah, she sometimes played my missing mother role.


"Whatever, that isn't important now! We are going to six flags, baby! Woot woot!"

I completely forgot about that. Thank the Lord though, I really needed some fun time. "Haha! WOOT WOOT!"

"Well, go change. By the way, later you are gonna have to tell me why you're still wearing the same clothes as last night. Anyways, go change so we can get to school!!"


When we got to the school most of the Juniors were already waiting in the parking lot. We went and checked in with the teachers than wandered off to find our friends. We passed Justin, and him and Christy shared a look before they both blushed and turned away.

"Um..what was that about?"


"Ohkay, then..Oh look, there's Cole! Cole!" I yelled and then ran into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist so it would be easier for him to hold me up.

"Ivy! Yay, we have six flags today!! I'm gonna drag you onto all the big ass roller coasters!" Cole yelled as he twirled us in circles.

I know that I said roller coasters were bad ass, they are, but that just makes me more afraid of them. "Coleee, you know I'm scared."

"I know that, babe, but I'm gonna be there the whole time. I'll even hold your hand if you want."

"Awww, thanks!"

"Only for you, cause I love you!" He blushed. That was weird, we were like this all the time, but he's never blushed before.

"I love you too, Cole." I kissed his cheek. I looked around the parking lot and saw Evan glaring at me and Cole. I glared right back at him.

"Attention, Juniors," The principal said into a mega-phone. "The buses are starting to load-" She was interrupted by screams. "I know you guys are excited. Have fun, you guys really do deserve this!"

"Come on, Ivy, let's get to the bus!" Christy yelled, jumping up and down.

I looked down at Cole, "Well, Cole, the lady said to the bus!"

"As you wish, your majesty."

I laughed as Cole moved me onto his back and carried me to the buses. I kissed his neck and felt him shiver. I shivered as well. Well, this was something new!

Cole walked up the steps of the bus and sat me down, taking the seat next to me. Christy behind us with Kyle, Judy and Jullie sat across from me and Cole, Big Mikey and Little Mikey sat behind them and across from Christy and Kyle. I looked in the seat in front of mine.

"Fuck," I mumbled. Of course, of all the buses, of all the seats, Evan had to sit right in front of me with that whore he was dancing with at the party.

"Everyone get comfortable. This is a few hour drive." Well, this should be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
hmmm, it truely shall be interesting!(:
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