Status: Best readers in the world. Thank you guys. 7/2/11

I Love Him..and He Doesn't Even Notice Me

Long Bus Rides

*Ivy's POV*

"Ivy, what do you want to do for the some hours we are gonna be on this god awful yellow bus?" Christy joked.

"Hmm..we could play dare or something. Honestly I don't really care."

"Okay, Cole first." Cole gulped. Christy liked torturing people with her dares. "I dare you to make out with..Ivy!"

"Whoa whoa, how did I get dragged into this?" This was supposed to be Cole's dare.

"Oh, come one, Ivy. You've never cared before!" She's right. Why does it matter this time?

Cause you like Cole.

Whoa, who the heck are you?

I'm you dumbass.

Okay, well if you are me, then you would know that I like Evan not Cole.

You can like them both...

"Fine, fine! Cole can do his dare even though it involves kissing me. Unless he's chicken?"

Cole glared at me. All our friends started making chicken noises. "Fine, just so they will shut the fuck up!" His lips crashed down on mine.

Almost immediately the noises around us stopped. There was no one else there, just me and Cole, kissing. His tongue brushed against my bottom lip and I allowed him entrance.

It was different, kissing Cole. I liked it. We made out for a little bit longer and his hands moved the the hem of my shirt. Just as he was about the lift it up a little some one cleared their throat. We jumped apart, our perfect moment ruined.

Our friends were staring at us laughing. "I guess that wasn't really a good dare!" Christy laughed.

I blushed and Cole put my head on his shoulder. Our friends continued to play, but me and Cole just sat there and talked, kissed, and just stared into each others eyes.

I looked in front of us to see Evan turned around fully, glaring at us. "I told you you're a whore," he spat.

"Ivy, is not a whore, O'Brian! If you wanna find a whore look besides you, or better yet look in the mirror." I laughed at what Cole said and got all jittery in my stomach. He was defending me!

"Stay out of this, Cole. You don't know anything." My eyes widened, begging Evan not to say anything to Cole. "Oh, so your girlfriend didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

" know.."

"Whatever I don't care. Fuck you, O'Brian." Justin put his arm around me.

"Somebody," he looked at me, "already did." He laughed once more than turned back around.

"Cole, I was going to tell you, but I-"

Cole put his hand up to my lips, shushing me. "I don't care, Ivy. I mean it's none of my business really, I'm not your boyfriend."

"Oh, right." But I want you to be.

"I want to be though." Cole whispered in my ear.

Did I call that or what? "I want you to be, too."

Cole smiled than pulled me into a fierce kiss. We were interrupted by our friends cheers. "Finally!" They all yelled. Cole and I laughed. I turned forward, and, again, Evan was glaring at us.

It could have been you, but you blew it. I will always on some level love you, Evan, but my heart is broken. Cole was there to help me put it back together. You missed your chance.

Evan looked sad, like he had just read all those words I said in my head. I turned away from him to find Cole staring at me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I put my head on his shoulder just at the teacher stood up to speak.

"Attention," Obviously none of us were paying attention. "We will be arriving at Six Flags in a few minutes.."

He was drowned out by cheering. I cheered along with everyone else. I felt something hit the side of my head then land on my lap. I looked down and saw a piece of paper. I unfled it and it read: I still want you, Juliet. <3 - Romeo

I looked up and my eyes met Evan's. Could this note really be from him? There was no possible way, bu just in case I put the note in my bag. Memorabilia, I'm weird like that.

"Ready to ride the biggest rides here, babe?" Cole asked.

"No." I squeaked. He laughed at me then kissed me again. I could get used to this, kissing him.

"Whoooo, SIX FLAGS!!" We were here.
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