Status: Best readers in the world. Thank you guys. 7/2/11

I Love Him..and He Doesn't Even Notice Me

Getting To Six Flags

*Evan's POV*

The whole fucking bus ride I had to listen to Ivy and Cole be all mushy and lovey-dovey and just bleck! It wasn't fair that Cole got Ivy. He doesn't even deserve her. But then again, neither do I.

Maria, the girl from last night who's name I finally learned, slipped her arm around my waist. "What ride do you want to go on first, babe?"

Ugh, why is she calling me babe? I'm not dating her. "For the last time, stop calling me babe! We are not, or ever will be, going out!"

She had this hurt look on her face, and I felt like the biggest ever. I couldn't help it though. It was better than leading her on. My mood got even worse when we entered the park. We all had to gather around in front of the gate for check in. I saw Ivy getting a piggy back ride from Cole. Also the song that was playing in the park didn't help either. Kelsey by Metro Station. I listened to the lyrics. They were the exact way I felt for Ivy.

So take one word you said
You put it in your bed
You rest you tiny head on your pillow
You wonder where you're going next
You got your head pushed into my chest
And now you're hoping that someone lets you in
Well I'll sure let you in
You know I'll let you it
Oh Kelsey, you
So don't let anyone scare you
You know that I'll protect you
Always now, through thick and thin,
Until the end
You better watch it
You know you don't cross it because
I'm always here for you,
And I'll be here for you
(i know x3) I know how it feels, believe me,
I've been there, and
(i know x3) I know what it feels like
Tell me, Kelsey
And I'd swim the ocean for you
The ocean for you,
Whoa oh, Kelsey
And I'd swim the ocean for you
The ocean for you
Whoa oh, Kelsey
Oh you, darling
Now it's gonna get harder
And it's gonna burn brighter
And it's gonna feel tougher, each and every day,
So let me say that I love you,
You're all I've ever wanted,
All I've ever dreamed of to come
And yes you did come
I want you so bad (so bad)
Can you feel it too? (it too)
You know I'm so, I'm so in love with you
I want you so much
I need you so much
I need your, I need your, your touch
And I'd swim the ocean for you
The ocean for you
Whoa oh, Kelsey (x4)
And you never, ever let me in (let me in) (x3)
And you never, ever let me in.

When the last few words were sung I looked at Ivy. She had her eyes closed and was softly singing along. Fuck this was depressing. She opened her eyes as the song faded out, and looked right at me. I felt this electric bolt go through my body. Then the principal started talking and she looked away.

I looked at the principal, "Okay guys, I'm sorry I have to do this, but the board has ordered me to put you in groups." Everyone groaned. "I know, I'm sorry, but groups can hang out with other groups. You just aren't allowed to leave your assigned groups. Please come up here when your name is called. Okay, group one.."

I tuned her out a little, just slightly listening for my name. I guess it wouldn't be that bad, groups. I will probably get rid of Maria. Hopefully I'll be in a group with Ivy.

"Evan O'Brian."

I walked to the front and noticed the people already in my group. "Ethan! At least I know some one in this group." I looked at the other people: Julie, Calvin, Kent, and..IVY!!

"Oh, great. Hey guys, guess what! We have the world's biggest jack knocker in our group! What. A. Joy." Ivy said sarcastically.

"I guess I kinda deserve that."

Ivy stepped toward me, getting all up in my face. Might I add that it turned me on! "You don't kinda deserve it, you do deserve it. You almost ruined things with me and Cole this morning. You have no right, O'Brian."

"So that's how it's gonna be now, Ivy? Calling me by my last name? Ha, and here I was, thinking you were different."

"Don't blame this on me. Feel lucky that I'm calling you by your last name instead of what I really want to call you. Unlike you, I know how to keep my mouth shut!" She spat in my face.

"Ivy, it doesn't have to be this way." I grabbed her hand.

She pulled her hand away, "Yes, it really does. I liked you so much, Evan. Every since we did Romeo and Juliet. That's how long I've liked you, and in one night you completely ruined it. You broke me, and if you hadn't of done that, then maybe things would be different. But then again, maybe things wouldn't be."

"You like me?" I was shocked. I never thought that Ivy ever liked me back.

She scoffed, "Out of all of that, that's the only part you got? Unbelievable! Fine Evan, yes i liked you! I liked you, patience, not anymore. That's over."

"It doesn't have to be."

"Oh it really does. It has to be like this. If it isn't than you will just hurt me even more than the first time, and I can't handle that again. I barely put myself together then, and I know I won't be able to again."


"Just don't, Evan, don't."

I was beyond my breaking point. She said that this whole thing hurt her? Well, it hurt me too. I was broken up inside, she wasn't the only person in this. I got hurt too, it's not all about her. But I guess every actor only thinks about themselves. Narsistic bastards.

Just as Ivy was about to turn away I grabbed her arm, "Don't think that you were the only one that got hurt in this, because you weren't. Think about that, Ivy."

I walked back to Ethan. "Bro, what happened there? You two looked beyond livid!"

"You don't even know the half of it."
♠ ♠ ♠
suck butt chapter, i know :l
dont hate me!