‹ Prequel: A Simple
Status: (:

A Simple


It was like a drug that i have not yet explored.. and for some reason i craved for it. Now that i have explored it... i crave for more. And what is this that i'm talking about? None other then.... a... kiss. Not just a bland normal one, but one that knocks the breath out of me, the one that is given to me from the person i like... or even love...

I honestly don't believe i will ever find "the one" but it's worth a try, right? I've only "loved" two people in my short 14 years of life.. so far. I have regretted both, or should i say regret?.... Yeah, i still do wish i could take back those five years of being head over heels for Nick. Now i'm crazy -in "love" with- Josh for a year and a half now, i'm not really sure how long he'll last... My reasoning for the quotation marks around "love" is because.. i don't really know what "love" is exactly.
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This is a redo Lizzy(: