Snakes of Sorrow


Heriot closed her eyes. Sleep would soon claim her. She didn’t know, mind you, that her dreams would be the death of her. She had no idea that the boy she saw just weeks ago had been taken by this horrid death. Heriot had merely thought the boy was another victim of the not so merciful drug found in the city just a mile from the school. He had moved away, but he was found later in a hotel room with a rope around his neck. No one spoke of it. No one ever speaks of loners.

Heriot pulled bed blankets up to her chin. The darkness seemed to get deeper and the large window in her room cast shadows upon the ceiling. Secretly the girl was a scared little thing; it never creased for the night. If anything it grew. Her breath was slow and growing heavy with sleep. Finally she gave in to the overwhelming thief that stole her wake.

Instantly, uncalled for, and as if someone had floored a car, Heriot was pulled in to a dark hole. She emerged from the dark just a moment later into a blank emptiness. Heriot stumbled in shock and attempted to settle her footing.

“Hello?” she yelled. Heriot’s voice muffled as it left her mouth. It almost seemed as if she were in water without the struggled noise of gurgling.

Two figures came then, far away at first. Heriot’s voice had summoned them. If only she could go back now, never talk again until the very next day. She wouldn’t still be doomed maybe.

The sound of whispering hit Heriot’s ears. The figures were close enough to distinguish their features: pale shimmering skin focusing in and out, light dragging the figure of the two into an odd shape as it reached from the body. A man and a woman now, Heriot could see. Perhaps their hair was a pale blond, but their eyes were too distracting with their blind like blue eyes. The man was muscled with short styled hair as the girl was lean, petite with full wavy hair silky with perfection. No flaws were in sight, like a Hitler’s creation of man and woman.

“What is this?” Heriot murmured to herself. The whispering that echoed throughout the blankness stopped abruptly. The two were so close, only ten feet away. They stood unblinking at Heriot.

“What do you want?” Heriot asked louder and demanding.

The woman was holding a jar suddenly. She opened the lid and the man next to her evaporated to fill the jar with a fainted blue color. A sound like air leaving a balloon came from the woman’s throat and she neared Heriot. The woman leaped forward at the last moment and Heriot was frozen where she stood. Her eyes met Heriot’s golden ones. The woman pulled Heriot’s arm forward with clawed hands. Up close the woman was way too inhuman to be real. Perfect and flawless, sharp features and colorless skin. Then her face twisted in an ugly animal snarl that gathered at her nose as she curled her lip back. Fangs sank into Heriot’s skin and Heriot screamed for what seemed to be centuries until she woke with a start.