We've Got It All Figured Out... For Now

What About Daddy?


Those big bold letters never seemed so big and bold before. Today, two days after I talked to Josh and Kirstie about this little situation, I took my third pregnancy test… and it said I was pregnant. I wanted to cry, but I knew crying wouldn’t change anything. I just wanted Todd to come home and hold me. I was home with Mason today while Todd did his thing.

“Mommy, when’s Woddie coming?” Mason asked as he pranced into the bathroom.

“I don’t know, sweetheart,” I told while hurrying to wipe my tears away.

“What’s wrong?” he questioned, wrinkling his little face up exactly like Tanner does.

“Nothing, honey,” I went on while bending down to pick him up.

“You cwying,” he said with concern in his soft voice.

“Mommy’s ok, sweetheart,” I tried to assure him, adding a soft kiss to the top of his head before I took him downstairs and sat on the couch with him.

I put a movie on for him, but he wanted down to play with his little dirt bike and car toys. This put a smile on my face. He’s way too cute… and he has a sibling on the way. I shook that thought aside once I heard the front door open. Mason’s head snapped in that direction, causing his features to light up.

“WODD!” he grinned before sprinting off towards him.

“Hey, buddy. What have you been up to?” Todd asked as he picked Mason up and lifted him into the air before bringing him to his side.

“Mommy’s sad today,” he said, causing me to hold in a cringe.

“She is? What’s wrong with mommy?” Todd went on to reply, waling closer.

“She was cwying.” Way to keep secrets, Mason.

Todd didn’t reply with anything. He walked over and placed Mason on the floor in front of his toys before he sat on the couch with me. He looked at me with a huge grin as he coiled his arms around my waist, kissing my lips lovingly.

“What’s wrong with mommy?” he asked cutely while nuzzling his way into the crook of my neck. It was so hard to hold in a smile.

All I could do was shrug. I didn’t want to just lay it out on him. Memories of how Tanner reacted when I told him I was pregnant came flooding back to me. I don’t want a repeat of this.

“Baby,” he said softly while cupping my cheek with his smooth hand.

I took in a heavy breath before I stood up and composed myself. I held my hand out for Todd. He looked at me oddly, but he grasped it and stood with me.

“Mase, I need to show Todd something upstairs. We’ll be right back,” I told my son.

He replied by making dirt bike noises at me. I smiled and went on to lead Todd up stairs and into the bathroom. Another sigh came out of me. He gave my hand a squeeze as I turned and looked at him, trying so hard to keep my eyes on those gorgeous, dark brown eyes of his.

“Whatever happens… please don’t leave me,” I told him, fighting to hold in tears.

“Why would I leave you?” he asked, hooking his arms around me.

“Because Tanner did,” I mumbled against his chest.

“Baby, I’m not Tanner,” he chuckled while rubbing my back.

“But… he left when he found out I was… pregnant,” I told him, having a hard time with that last word.

An eerie silence fell over us. I wasn’t sure what to make of it. I drew my head back just a little to see his reaction. What I saw was something that I totally wasn’t expecting… Todd was… smiling.

“You’re pregnant?” he asked with his smile still there.

“It’s not official, but two out three home pregnancy tests say so,” I sighed.

“I’m not going to leave you because you’re pregnant. Are you crazy?” he chuckled while holding onto me tighter.

“Well, we’re… not married,” I started, shrugging again.

“Yet,” he told me with another smile, making me look at him oddly. “Your Toddie Bear wants to settle down,” he went on, smiling just as much.

“I love you,” I couldn’t hold in my smile this time.

“I love you too… and I have so much love for you that I couldn’t be anymore happier to take all of this love that I have for you and make it into a little baby,” he said, making my eyes gloss over.

“Todd, you’re going to make me cry,” I pouted, nuzzling my way into his chest.

“No, don’t cry. This is happy now,” he smiled, holding me tightly again.

“Is mommy bewwer?” I hear Mason’s voice ask from just outside the bathroom door.

“I think so. Toddie Bear made it better,” Todd smiled while bending down to pick up my son.

“Luv you, mommy,” Mason smiled over at me cutely.

“I love you too, sweetie,” I grinned, adding a kiss to his cheek.

“What about daddy?” he asked… pointing to Todd.

Both Todd and I looked at him oddly. Neither of us really knew what to do. He’s never done this before. But Todd smiled at me. Darn it, Todd! For now, we didn’t address this. It was cute and I didn’t want him to feel bad for just having a little word slip.

“Yes, I love daddy too,” I smiled at Todd.

That huge, bright, white smile of his came back over his scruffy face before he leaned in to give me a loving kiss… that was quick since Mason was around. But it made me feel happy. That’s the biggest thing. Todd has seemed to always have that power. I love this man and hope to spend the rest of my life with him.
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I have something to say, but... I'm not too sure it's the right time to be telling everyone... right Kirstie? lol


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